Although Supali had never seen Frieza, she had heard a lot of rumors about him.

Frieza's strength was beyond doubt, otherwise he would not have been able to rule the Saiyans.

In her mind, only the legendary Super Saiyan Reg could defeat Frieza.

Unexpectedly, Roger in front of her actually defeated Frieza.

"You defeated Frieza?"

Reg asked Roger with great interest.

"Yeah, isn't it?" Roger laughed.

"Roger, you said before that you wanted me to fight with someone. Could that person be you?"

"No, with your current strength, you are not my opponent!"

After hearing this, Reg clenched his hands.

It was the first time since he was born that someone said such arrogant words to him.

"Roger, are you too confident in your abilities?"

"If you don't believe me, you can fight me!"

"Good! If you can defeat me, I will agree to the conditions you mentioned before!"

""Okay, then it's a deal!"

After saying that, Roger immediately flew to the grass in front.

Reg followed him.

"So Roger, shall we get started?"


Roger nodded.

Seeing this, Reg clenched his hands and rushed towards Roger like the wind.

Soon, Reg rushed in front of Roger, and his fists were as fast as lightning, attacking Roger.

"call out……"


Roger moved his body slightly and dodged easily.


Reg was shocked.

At this moment, Roger swung his right fist forward and hit Reg's face hard.


Reg screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like a thread, crashing into a mountain behind him.

The mountain was immediately covered with a large cloud of dust.


Supali was shocked.

""But... Damn it!"

At this moment, Reg shouted angrily, and a golden flame rose from his body, blowing away the dust around him.

When the dust dispersed, Reg's hair and eyebrows turned golden, and his pupils turned light green.

This is the Super Saiyan

"Super Saiyan?"

Roger laughed


Reg shouted, and rushed to Roger as fast as lightning, punching forward with both fists.

Roger raised his hands upward, resisting Reg's attack while retreating.

The two of them were immediately surrounded by dust.

At this time, three figures flew over from a distance.

These three people were Reg's three sons, Oren, Coolen, and Tomaran.

The oldest of the three was Oren, who was now 18 years old.

"call out……"


The three of them landed next to Supali.


Supali nodded.

"Mom, who is Dad fighting now?"

"He is now fighting a Saiyan named Roger!"

"Roger? Is he from another planet?"


Supali nodded.

Just as the two were chatting, Roger used his flash time skill and hit Reg's abdomen with his right fist.

Reg screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.


Oren and the others were shocked.

They didn't expect that there was someone in the world who could hurt their dad.

"Damn it!"

Reg yelled angrily, holding his abdomen with his right hand, and stepped back.


Roger snorted coldly.

"Reg, I advise you to show your true strength and fight me, otherwise you will never be able to defeat me!"

"Okay, I will show you my true strength and let you know how powerful I am!"

Reg said, clenching his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, rising rapidly upwards.


With a huge roar, Reg's entire body, except for his chest, was covered with red hair. His hair turned black, a little messy and longer, draped over his shoulders. His eyes turned golden, and his whole body exuded a lot of golden aura.

This is exactly what Super Saiyan 4 does.

""Dad, he's transformed into Super Saiyan 4!"

Oren said excitedly.

This was the second time he saw Reg transform into Super Saiyan 4.

Coolen nodded.

Seeing this, Roger clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his whole body, quickly rising up.


With a huge roar, Roger transformed into Super Saiyan Red.

Oren was shocked when he saw Roger's transformation.

"Mom, why is his transformation so similar to Dad's Super Saiyan 4 transformation?"

Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan Red are very similar in appearance, the only difference is that Super Saiyan Red has a red head.

"I don't know that either!"

Supali shook his head after hearing this.

When Reg saw Roger's transformation, he also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"What is your transformation? Why is it so similar to my Super Saiyan 4?"

"My transformation is called Super Saiyan Red, which is a stronger transformation than Super Saiyan Four!"

Reg snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Roger, stop talking nonsense. I will never lose to you in Super Saiyan 4!"

"Well, in that case, let’s see who’s the winner!"


Reg shouted, his body turned into a golden light and rushed towards Roger.

Roger clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, and their fists were like light, hitting each other hard.

A large cloud of dust was immediately raised around the two.


After the two fought for a while, Roger clenched his right fist and hit Reg's face hard.

Reg screamed loudly, and his body was like a thread, slamming into a mountain behind him.

The mountain was immediately raised by a large cloud of dust


Olen yelled to Reg.

"Now you know, you can’t win!"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, Reg immediately climbed out of the mountain, clapped his hands forward, and fired a large amount of energy waves from his hands, attacking Roger.

Just when those energy waves were about to hit Roger, Roger suddenly used the power of time to stop all the attacking energy waves in the sky.

"Dad… Dad’s attack energy all stopped in mid-air!"

Oren was shocked.

Reg saw this and also showed a trace of shock on his face.

At this moment, Roger’s figure flashed and came to Reg in the blink of an eye.

Reg was startled, and before his body could react, Roger’s right fist hit his abdomen.


Reg screamed loudly with an extremely violent sound, spitting out a large mouthful of bitter water, and his body returned to normal.



Supali and the others were shocked.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

At this moment, the energy wave that Reg attacked exploded in the sky and on the ground.

Immediately, a large amount of fire and thick smoke appeared in the sky and on the ground.

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