Seeing this, Supali immediately flew over with Oren and the others.

Soon, they arrived in front of Reg.



After hearing this, Reg looked at Roger with great reluctance.

He, a Super Saiyan that only appears once every thousand years, actually lost to a Saiyan who was not of royal blood.

Seeing this, Roger immediately changed his body back to normal and said

"Reg, you lost. You should agree to my conditions, right?"

Reg hesitated for a while and nodded.

""Mom, what did Dad agree to?"

Oren asked Supali.

"Roger, let your dad fight a Saiyan!"



At this time, Roger took out a magic bean from his clothes and gave it to Reg.

"This is the magic bean. As long as you take it, your injuries and physical strength will be restored!"

After hesitating for a while, Reg took the magic bean from Roger with his right hand and swallowed it.


After taking the magic bean, Reg's injuries and physical strength were restored.

Reg looked incredible, looking at the recovered injuries and physical strength.

"Then I will bring the Saiyan who wants to fight you here now!"

Roger said, and disappeared to the planet Benbi in an instant.


Reg said as he watched Roger disappear.


Ever since Roger left, Paragus has been afraid that Roger would not come back.

"If I had known, I would have let Broly catch him just now!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared.

This person was Roger


Broly shouted to Roger

""Roger, you're back!"

Paragas was startled when he saw Roger suddenly appear.

He thought to himself that Roger probably didn't hear what he just said.

"Yes, I have already talked to Reg. Shall I take you to Reg now?"

"Okay, so how are you going to get us there?"

"Just put your hands on my shoulders!"



Roger nodded.

After hearing this, Paragas put his hand on Roger's shoulder.

"Broly, put your hand on Roger's shoulder too!"

"Oh, OK!"

Broly said, and put his hand on Roger's shoulder.

Seeing this, Roger put his right hand on his forehead, and in an instant, he brought the two to the planet Benbi.


Supali said to Roger who came back.

Roger nodded and took a few steps forward.

"Vegeta... King Vegeta!"

Paragas immediately said King Vegeta's name after seeing Reg.

Reg snorted coldly.

"I'm not King Vegeta, my name is Reg!"

"Lei...Reg, I'm so sorry that you look so much like my father, so I subconsciously said his name when I saw you for the first time!"

"He is not my father, who are you two?"

"My name is Paragus, and I used to be a subordinate of King Vegeta. This is my son Broly!"


After hearing this, Reg immediately looked towards Broly.

Roger had just said that he wanted a Saiyan to fight him.

Judging from the physique and age of the two men, the man Roger was talking about was most likely Broly.


Paragas nodded.

"Roger, the person you said I would fight with should be this Broly, right?"

"Yes, Broly is just like you, a genius with a combat power of over ten thousand at birth!"

"The fighting power is over 10,000 at birth!"

Supali was shocked.


Reg laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Well, let me see how talented he is!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately looked at Broly.

"Broly, are you ready to fight him?"

Broly immediately looked at Paragus.

Paragus nodded to him.


Broly nodded.

"Really? In that case, you guys start fighting!"

Roger said, stepping back.

Supali and the others followed suit.


Reg screamed loudly and transformed into a Super Saiyan

"Is this... a Super Saiyan?"

Paragas was shocked.

He didn't expect that Reg could control a Super Saiyan.

However, the Super Saiyan controlled by Reg seemed different from the Super Saiyan controlled by Broly.

Just as Paragas was thinking, Reg roared loudly, rushed in front of Broly, and attacked with both fists.

Broly raised his hand to dodge Reg's attack and retreated.

Under Reg's fierce attack, Broly kept retreating.

"What's wrong Broly? Is this all you have?"

Reg said, and hit Broly's abdomen with his right fist, knocking him out.

Broly stepped hard on the ground with both feet, and soon stopped on the ground.


Broly roared loudly, and rushed towards Reg like a wild beast.

Soon, Broly came in front of Reg, and punched Reg with his fists as fast as the wind.

Reg clenched his fists and fought with Broly.


After the two fought for a while, Broly was beaten back again.

But soon he rushed towards Reg again like a ferocious beast.

Broly's aura continued to rise during the fight.


With an extremely violent sound, Broly hit Reg's face with his right fist, and knocked him out with one punch.

Reg clenched his hands and soon stopped on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Reg yelled angrily, and fired a large amount of energy waves from both hands, hitting Broly.

Seeing this, Broly raised his hands up.���, while using his hands to block the energy wave from Reg's attack, he attacked Reg.


With a huge explosion, an energy wave hit Broly's arms.

The thick smoke produced by the explosion soon covered Broly's body.

Broly roared loudly, and rushed out of the smoke, swinging his right fist forward with all his strength.

Reg jumped back with both feet and dodged.

After Broly saw that his attack missed, he rushed forward again.

Seeing this, Reg clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose up.


With a huge roar, Reg transformed into Super Saiyan 4.

An extremely amazing momentum emanated from his body, causing Broly, who was rushing towards him, to stop.

"What is this?

Paragas was shocked.

"This is Dad's Super Saiyan 4 transformation!" said Oren who was standing nearby.

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