Paragus was shocked.

He was a little confused as to why Roger knew so much about Broly's Super Saiyan transformation. At this moment, the smoke around Broly dissipated, and an extremely huge pit appeared. Broly lay in the pit in a very embarrassed state.


Paragas saw this and immediately shouted at Broly


Broly regained some consciousness immediately after hearing Paragas' voice.

Reg:"Is he dead?"

After a while, Broly slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground.


Broly gasped and looked at Reg.

Seeing this, Reg snorted coldly.

"I thought you were dead just now!"

Broly was silent after hearing this.

In fact, he also thought he was going to be killed just now.

However, driven by the instinct for survival, his strong body withstood the blow.

Seeing that Broly didn't speak, Reg immediately turned into a golden light and rushed towards Broly.

Broly roared loudly and rushed forward.

Soon, Reg rushed in front of Broly and attacked forward with both fists.

Broly raised his hands forward, resisting Reg while retreating.

""Why don't you transform into a Super Saiyan!"

Roger said to Paragas who was standing beside him.

"Paragus, how can Broly transform into a Super Saiyan?"

"Well... Broly usually needs to be stimulated to transform into a Super Saiyan!"



"Can you make him transform into a Super Saiyan?"

"I can't do anything about this!"

Paragas shook his head after hearing this.

"In that case, I can only leave you here!"

After hearing this, Paragas said angrily.

"Roger, how could you do this!"

"I said I would take you away from Vampa, but I didn't tell you where to go, and the conditions here are much better than those on Vampa!" After hearing this, Paragus gritted his teeth and shouted to Broly who was fighting.

"Broly, if you can't beat him, I will go back and kill Baya!"


Broly, who was fighting, immediately changed his expression when he heard the name of Baya.

The Baya that Paragas was talking about was a monster on the planet Vampa and Broly's only friend in this world.


Just when Broly was distracted, Reg punched Broly in the face with his right fist, knocking Broly out with one punch.


Broly roared loudly, and his body quickly stopped on the ground.


Broly looked at Reg in front of him, saying Baya's name.

When he thought that Baya would be killed because he lost the battle, he became very upset.

Reg roared loudly, and quickly came in front of Broly, punching forward with his right fist.

Broly raised his left hand and caught Reg's right fist.

Reg was startled and pushed forward with his right fist.


Broly screamed loudly, and suddenly a powerful energy burst out of his body, knocking Reg back.

At this time, Broly covered his head with both hands, and screamed with an extremely painful expression on his face.

Reg was shocked again.


Broly roared loudly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, rising rapidly upwards.

Under the influence of Broly's aura, the ground around him shook violently.

The ground under Broly's feet collapsed, forming a large deep pit.

""What a strong aura!"

Although the planet Benbi is far away from the earth, Sun Wukong, who is far away on the earth, can still feel the strong aura emanating from Broly's body.

Seeing this, Reg gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that in addition to Roger, Broly in front of him also had the same powerful strength as him.

At this moment, Broly's head and eyebrows turned golden and stood up, his eyes disappeared, and a green aura rose from his body.

This is the legendary Super Saiyan.

"Broly lost control!"

Paragas said in horror.

When Broly lost control, he would attack everywhere like a lost beast.

""Finally transformed?"

Reg said, and immediately rushed towards Broly.

Broly clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, and their fists were as fast as light, rushing towards each other.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

With a series of loud noises, the two men punched each other with their fists, and extremely strong winds emanated from their hands, spreading in all directions.

After the two men fought for a while, Broly punched Reg in the face because he was completely insensitive to pain, and he was knocked away.

With a loud bang, Reg's body smashed into a mountain behind him like a meteorite.

Broly roared loudly, and fired a large amount of green energy waves from his hands, hitting Reg.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, Reg was hit by the energy wave from Broly and screamed loudly.

The mountain behind Reg was instantly blown to pieces.



Supali and the others shouted at Reg immediately after seeing it.

After seeing Broly beat Reg violently, Paragus was a little happy, but more worried.

Because Broly was out of control, even he couldn't stop him, unless Broly used up all his strength.

"Damn it!"

After being bombarded for a while, Reg quickly rushed out of the explosion smoke and rushed towards Broly.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Reg dodged Broly's energy wave attack while approaching Broly.

Broly saw this and immediately stopped the energy wave attack and rushed towards Reg.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punching and kicking at the speed of light, hitting each other hard.

"call out……"

Bang bang bang!

After fighting for a while, the two flew into the air at the same time and started fighting.

Because the two were moving so fast, from a distance it looked like there were countless golden and green flashes in the sky.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

After the two fought for a while, Broly punched Reg's chest with his right fist, knocking him out.

Broly's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he was above Reg, and kicked Reg's body with his right foot.

Reg screamed loudly, and his body was kicked down to the ground like light.

A large piece of sand and dust was immediately blown up from the ground.

Broly roared loudly, and fired a large amount of green energy waves from his hands, attacking Reg.

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