"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, a large amount of energy waves hit Reg.

Reg immediately let out loud screams.


Oren shouted to Reg immediately after seeing this.

Under Broly's fierce bombardment, huge smoke and flames immediately appeared on the ground.

Reg's body was quickly covered by the smoke produced by the explosion.

After seeing this, Supali immediately looked at Roger beside him.

"Roger, we lost this battle, can you please stop Broly?"

"Wait a minute, Reg probably still doesn't want to admit defeat!"

"I don't want to!"


As soon as the voice fell, a golden flame rushed out from the explosion smoke.

And this person was Reg.




Reg roared loudly, his body turned into a golden light and rushed towards Broly.

In the blink of an eye, Reg rushed in front of Broly and punched forward with both fists.

Broly clenched his hands and also hit Reg.

"call out……"

Bang bang bang!!

With a series of extremely violent noises, the two men fought each other in the sky, fist to fist and foot to foot.

A series of extremely strong winds came out from their hands and feet, falling in all directions.


Broly roared loudly and hit Reg's chest hard with his right fist.

Reg screamed loudly and flew backwards like light.

Broly's figure flashed and he came to Reg's side in the blink of an eye, and hit Reg's chest hard with both hands.

Reg screamed loudly and fell to the ground like light.

A large amount of dust was immediately raised on the ground.

Broly roared loudly and fired a green finger bullet from all ten fingers of both hands at the same time, hitting Reg.

At this moment, a silver light suddenly appeared on Broly's left.

Broly was startled and was about to raise his left hand to hit the silver light.

But just as he raised his hand In an instant, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Then, he lost consciousness and fell from the sky.

At this time, the silver light in the sky dissipated, and a familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

This person was Roger.

Supali and the others looked at Roger who appeared in the sky, and their eyes widened immediately.

Although they knew that Roger was strong, they did not expect him to be so strong.

At this moment, Roger standing in the sky was like a god, out of reach.

Roger looked at everyone's gazes and immediately changed his body back.

Then, when Broly's body was about to fall to the ground, he hugged him with both hands.




Upon seeing this, Supali and the others immediately flew towards the three people.

Soon, Supali and Paragas arrived in front of Broly and Reg who were seriously injured.

Roger used healing magic to heal their injuries.

After the two men recovered from their injuries, they quickly stood up from the ground.

However, both of them looked at each other with hostility, especially Reg.

Before this, he never thought that he would lose to two Saiyans in a row today.

This also dealt a great blow to him.

Roger smiled and looked at Supali and the others and said

"Well, the battle is over, and the next thing to discuss is taking you away from the planet Bumbi!"

Paragus:"Leave the planet Bumbi?"

"Yes, you have two choices. The first choice is that I take you to Earth, but you must abide by the laws of Earth when you arrive. You cannot kill people or break the law.

The second choice is that I send you to a planet in the universe, but you also cannot kill people or break the law! You should start thinking about it now!"

After hearing this, Supali immediately looked at Reg.


Reg is the head of their family, and only he can decide where they will go next.

"Roger, do you live on Earth?"

Reg asked Roger.

Today's battle was too humiliating for him, so he had sworn in his heart that he would come back for revenge in the future.


Roger nodded.

"In that case, I'll go to Earth!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately looked towards Paragus.

""Paragas, which planet do you want to go to?"

After hearing this, Paragas immediately thought about it in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to take revenge on King Vegeta after leaving Planet Vampa.

But King Vegeta is dead now, so he can only take revenge on Vegeta.

He thought so before, but now after seeing Roger's strength, he no longer has any idea of revenge in his heart.

Even Broly who lost control was killed by Roger in one blow, why would he still take revenge?

"Since Reg is going to Earth, let's go to Earth too!"

Paragas thought for a while and said

"In that case, Reg, you guys hurry up and pack your things. I will send them to Earth later!"

Reg nodded.

After a long time, Supali and his friends packed their things on Wanpa Star and brought two children, a boy and a girl.

They are called Ma Fangran and Selali, and they are also Reg's children.

Both of them look about four or five years old.

"Have you got everything?"

Roger asked Supali.

"Here you go!"

"Really? Then you guys line up, and everyone put your hands on each other's shoulders, and the two people standing in the front put their hands on my shoulders!"


After hearing this, Supali and the others lined up obediently.

"Is everything ok?"

Roger looked back and said


After hearing this, Roger placed two fingers of his right hand on his forehead and instantly moved Broly and his group of nine to a forest on Earth.

"here it is?���

Paragas looked around and asked

"This is a forest on Earth!"


"Yes, from today on you can live on Earth, but you must remember what I said, if you dare to kill someone, I will send you to Wanpa Star!

Don't be lucky, because I may be watching you at any time!"

After hearing this, Paragas immediately swallowed his saliva.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"


Reg suddenly shouted

"What else?"

"Can you tell me how strong Vegeta is now?"

"Can transform into a Super Saiyan, but is weaker than you!"

"What? Vegeta can also transform into a Super Saiyan?"

Reg was shocked.

He thought his brother was just average, but he didn't expect that he could also transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Not only Vegeta, but all Saiyans on Earth can transform into Super Saiyans!"

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