"All of them!"

Supali and Paragas were shocked.

You know, more than 30 years ago, there was not even a Super Saiyan on Planet Vegeta.

But now there are Saiyans everywhere.

"Yes, after rigorous training, all Saiyans can become Super Saiyans!"



Roger nodded.

"If you practice, you can also transform into a Super Saiyan, but you should be able to transform into a normal Super Saiyan like us!"

"A regular Super Saiyan?"

"Yes, back then I was just a low-level soldier with a combat power of only a few hundred!"

"Fighting hundreds!"

Paragas was shocked.

He thought he was a fighting genius like Broly.

Reg, who was standing by, was also shocked.

He couldn't believe that he, a genius warrior with a combat power of 50,000 at birth, actually lost to a low-level warrior.

"Impossible, even if a lower-level soldier practices a lot, he can't become as strong as you!"

Reg said loudly.

Roger smiled.

"Although I know you don’t believe it, the facts are right in front of you!"

"Okay, even if what you said is true, then tell me, how did you cultivate to become so strong?"

"My cultivation journey is very long, and my main practice is gravity practice!"

"Gravity training?"

"Yes, at the beginning I asked my wife to invent a 100 times gravity chamber for me!"

Reg:"100 times gravity chamber! Wait, we Saiyans are weak in technology, isn't your wife a Saiyan?"


After hearing this, Roger was speechless.

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, where can I find a Saiyan wife?"

"That’s true!"

"By the way, Vegeta is still single!"

"Is Vegeta still single?"

"Yes, maybe he is not interested in women!"

Reg snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Whether he is interested in women is his business, but even if the gravity is a hundred times stronger, you probably can't train to be that strong, right?"

"The one hundred times gravity I mentioned was only at the beginning. Now the maximum gravity in the gravity room can reach one thousand times!"

"one thousand!"

"Yes, if you wear weight-bearing gear during practice, the effect can be far more than a thousand times!"

"So that's why even Vegeta can transform into a Super Saiyan!"

Roger:"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first?"


"what happened again?"

"Can you... sell me a gravity chamber!"

Paragas' expression changed after hearing this.

He also wanted to practice to become stronger.

"You can, but do you have the money?"


"Yes, do you want me to give you a gravity room for free?"

"But I... I don’t have any money on me now!"

"It’s okay, you can write me an IOU and pay me back later!"


"Don't worry, I won't charge you interest!"

"Um...Roger, can you sell me a gravity chamber as well?"

Paragus said.



"Forget it, you are already so old, it is almost time to spend your old age.

As for Broly, his strength is already strong enough, he does not need to improve his strength, he just needs to control his power!"

After hearing this, Paragus clenched his fists tightly.

Roger is clearly treating him differently.

"In that case, Roger, I'm leaving the Earth!"

""Okay, but you are not allowed to do anything wrong after you go to space. Otherwise, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will never let you go!"

Paragus was shocked.

He didn't expect Roger to agree so generously.

"So have you decided which planet you want to go to?"


After hearing this, Paragas didn't know which planet to go to.

"How about I send you to Benbi Planet? It's actually quite suitable for retirement!"

"No, I want you to send me to the gravity planet!"

"Gravity planet?"


Paragas nodded.

"In that case, you and Broly put your hands on my shoulders together!"

After hearing this, Paragus immediately signaled Broly to put his hands on Roger's shoulders.

Seeing this, Roger teleported and brought the two to the gravity planet.

Then, he teleported back to his home on Earth.

""Roger, you're back!"

When Sun Wukong saw Roger coming back, he was very happy and ran to Roger.

Roger nodded.

"Roger, where are Reg and the others now?"

"Reg is on Earth now, and as for Broly, I took him to the Gravity Planet!"

"Gravity planet?"

"Yes, Broly’s father Paragus is a very ambitious man, he doesn’t want to stay on Earth and be monitored by us!"

"I see. I was originally thinking of fighting Broly!"

"Broly? Aren't you afraid he'll lose control?"

"Don't you have it?"

Sun Wukong said with a smile

"I haven't always been on Earth!"

"That's true. Reg is also very strong. I must practice hard to catch up with him!"


Vegeta, who was standing aside, gritted his teeth after hearing this.

Then, he took Raditz and the others away.

After the three of them left, Roger went to find Pilaf and the others and asked them to help build the gravity room.

Time passed in a flash, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Supali took Oren and the others to visit the prosperous cities on Earth.

And Reg stayed in the forest to practice.

Gravity Planet.

Broly and his son have been on the gravity planet for three days. During these three days, Paragus took Broly around the gravity planet.

���He found some scientists on the planet and wanted them to help him build a gravity chamber.

However, they had never heard of the gravity chamber Paragus mentioned, and the technology level of the gravity planet was average, so they had no way to build a gravity chamber.

After Paragus felt that he could not conquer this planet, he stole a spaceship from this planet and left this planet.


Time flies, and a planet's time has passed in the blink of an eye.

Although the spaceship Paragus robbed was flying very fast in the universe, the universe was vast. They flew for a week but still did not find a planet with life.

However, although they did not find a planet with life, they encountered the army of Frieza's army in the universe.

After encountering the army of Frieza's army, Paragus originally thought that they would attack their spaceship.

But unexpectedly, they flew directly over Broly's spaceship.


Paragas was also relieved by this.

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