"Found it!"

Roger said, and instantly moved to the city of Xidu.


Android 18 was surprised when he saw Roger suddenly appear.

Roger smiled and said

"Long time no see, No. 18!"

After hearing this, Android No. 18 snorted coldly.

"Don't tell me you showed up here suddenly."

"Of course not, I just came here to thank you for doing something for the earth!"

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

Android 18 was unconvinced after hearing this.

At this time, Roger used the time pause to stop the four weeks. He pressed the thumb of his right hand to the middle finger and flicked it forward. A golden light came out from the middle finger and fell on the forehead of Android 18.

Then, everything around him returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Android 18 looked around and suddenly felt a little dazed.

"By the way, No. 18, do you have any friends in Xidu now?"


Roger nodded.

"I have no friends, and I don't need any friends!"

Android 18 said coldly.

Because of what happened in the past, her personality has become more withdrawn.

"Then can you be friends with me?"

"No way!"

Android 18 said, and immediately turned around and walked forward.

Roger shook his head when he saw this.

Then, he moved back home in an instant. After

Roger left, Android 18 looked at the prosperous city in front of her and immediately fell into memories.

When she was a child, she had a warm family, and she lived happily every day at that time.

But since Dr. Gro appeared, everything changed.

Her parents died, and she and her brother were captured by Dr. Gro and transformed into androids...

Time passed in a flash, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

After having breakfast, Roger was about to go to the sixth universe to practice.

A figure suddenly appeared from a distance and flew to his house.

This person was Android 18

"Android 18!"

Roger was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

Android 18 nodded and said

"Roger, didn't you say you wanted to be my friend? I'll let you be my friend if you're willing to do me a favor!"

"What help?"

""I want to go back in time and see my parents!"

Roger was shocked.

Although he could travel back in time, how did she know?

"Could it be that...she knew this through foresight?"

Roger thought to himself.

Roger had used the Future Cognition Fist on Android 18 before, but even if Roger used the Future Cognition Fist on her, she could only see the future.

"return to the past?"

"Yeah, I think you can do it, right?"

"You can, but which year do you want to go back to?"

"Twelve years ago!"

"Yes, I was captured by Dr. Gero twelve years ago. I want to go back and change history. At least I was happy living in that time and space!"


Roger said, raising his right hand forward, condensing a large amount of time power in his hand.

At this time, a huge black vortex appeared in front of Roger.

This vortex is the gate of time and space.

"Android 18, this vortex is the door to time and space. Just come in with me and you can go back to the past!

Android 18 nodded.

Seeing this, Roger immediately took Android 18 into the black vortex.

After the two entered the vortex, Roger immediately closed it.

The two passed through the black vortex and appeared in the backyard of Bulma's house twelve years ago.

Android 18 looked around. Although the Bulma's house twelve years ago and twelve years later did not change much, there were still some changes.

"Roger, is this the same place as twelve years ago?"

"Yeah, where is your home?"

"My home is in Orange Star City!"

"Really? Then take me to your home now!"

Android 18 nodded.

After a while, Android 18 took Roger to a luxurious villa in Orange Star City.

This villa is the home of Android 18.

"No. 18, this is your home, it looks quite luxurious!"

"That's OK, no matter how rich they are, they are not as rich as yours!"

Roger smiled and said nothing after hearing this.

Bulma's family is now the richest in the world, it would be strange if they could compare.

At this moment, Roger saw a woman who looked very similar to Android 18.

This person was Android 18 of this time and space. To be precise, her name was Lazli.

Android 18 was the name given to her by Dr. Gero.

Lazli was stunned when she saw Android 18.

Because Android 18 looked so much like her.

She even suspected that her parents secretly gave her a sister or younger sister.

"Hello, my name is Lazili, who are you?"

"Hello, my name is...No. 18!"

"Number 18, what a strange name!"

Lazli said, looking at Roger next to Android 18.

"No. 18, is she your boyfriend?"

"No, he is just my ordinary friend!"

"normal friend?"

"Yes, his name is Roger!"

"Really? By the way, No. 18, why do you look so much like me?"

"This... I don't know either!"

Lazili was half-believing and half-doubting after hearing this.

At this time, a blond and blue-eyed couple came out of the villa.

These two people were the parents of Android No. 18.

"Dad... Mom!"

Android 18 said in his heart after seeing the two.

At this time, Lazili's parents were immediately shocked after seeing the appearance of Android 18.

Android 18 looked exactly like their daughter.

"Number 18, who are they?" asked Lazili's mother

"She said her name was No. 18 and that was her friend Roger!!"

"Number 18? What a strange name!"

Lazili's father said


At this time, a very handsome man���He walked out of the villa.

This person was the Android 17 twelve years ago. His human was called Lapis.

"Who are these parents? Why do they look so much like my sister?"

"I don't know, you have to ask your sister!" said Lazili's father.

Lapis looked at Lazili.

"I just ran into them too. She said her name was No. 18 and that was her friend Roger!"

"Number 18?"

Lazili nodded.

"Hello, my name is Lapis, may I ask why you two are here?"

Lapis smiled and greeted the two of them.

"We just happened to pass by here and ran into your sister!"

Roger said with a smile

"I see. In that case, why don’t you come inside and sit down? Your friend looks so much like my sister, maybe they are related!"

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