After hearing this, Roger immediately looked at Android 18.

"No, we have things to do!"

After hearing this, Android 18 shook her head.

Although she was very happy to see her parents again, the longer she stayed with her parents, the sadder she would feel.

"So, come back next time when you have a chance!"

Android 18 nodded and turned to walk forward.

After Android 18 walked away, Roger immediately used the power of the Dragon God to clear the memories of the four people.

Then, he followed.

"Roger, what did you do to them?"

Android 18 asked Roger

"I erased their memory of what just happened!"


"Yes, you don't want them to know about the future, right?"

Android 18 was silent for a while and nodded.

"So are we going to Dr. Gro's institute next?"

Android 18 nodded again.

A few minutes later, Android 18 brought Roger to Dr. Gro's institute.

As the two arrived, Dr. Gro, who was at the institute, discovered the two through the surveillance outside the institute.

When Dr. Gro saw Roger, he was shocked and said

"How did Roger find this? Who is the woman with him?"

Just as Dr. Gero was thinking, Android 18 had already punched open the door of the institute.

"Who are you? What do you want to do here?"

Dr. Gro pretended not to know Roger.

Roger smiled.

"Dr. Gro, you are such a great actor! I want to give you an Oscar for Best Actor!"

Dr. Gro was shocked.

"How do you know me?"

"If you don't want others to know, then don't do it yourself!"

Just as the two were talking nonsense, Android 18 rushed to Dr. Gero and grabbed Dr. Gero's neck with his right hand.


With the sound of bones breaking, Dr. Gero's head tilted to the right, and his body suddenly lost its breath.

Seeing this, Roger walked to the right side of the institute and pressed a red button on it.

As the button was pressed, the entire wall of the institute shook, and a small door appeared.

"Dark room!"

Android 18 looked at it and immediately walked over.

"Roger, how did you know there was a dark room here?"

"I know everything!"

Roger said as he walked into the darkroom.

After entering the darkroom, Roger immediately saw a supercomputer and several culture chambers.

"Roger, what is his darkroom used for?"

"I think it should also be used to study artificial humans!"

"Researching artificial humans?"

Roger said, and immediately came to the supercomputer to check the data in the supercomputer.

Roger soon saw the data about Cell.

"call out……"


At this moment, Android 18's right hand suddenly fired a golden energy wave, attacking the incubator in the dark room.

Roger, who was checking Cell's information, was immediately startled.

"No. 18, what are you doing?"

"Needless to say, of course we will destroy this place. Do you still want to keep these?"

"No, even if you want to destroy it, at least tell me first!"

""Oh, then I'm going to start destroying now!"

After saying that, Android 18 immediately attacked the other culture chambers.

After a while, Android 18 destroyed the entire darkroom.

The two retreated to Dr. Gro's laboratory and destroyed the entire laboratory.

Then, the two left Dr. Gro's laboratory and came to another laboratory of Dr. Gro.

This laboratory was the one that created Androids 13, 14, and 15.

There was no darkroom in this laboratory, and the two quickly destroyed the entire laboratory.

""Okay, No. 18, we have destroyed both Dr. Gero and Dr. Gero, shall we go back?"

After hearing this, Android No. 18 glanced at Roger and said

"From today on, my name is no longer No. 18, my name is Lazili!"



Lazili nodded.

"Narazili, shall we go back?"


Roger said, and immediately opened a space-time door, taking Lazili back to the main space-time.

"Roger, thank you so much this time. If it weren’t for you, I would never have seen my parents again!"

"It’s nothing, that’s what should happen between friends!"


Lazili immediately looked up at Roger.

"Roger, why do you want to be friends with me?"

"Maybe... it's because of fate!"


"Isn’t it fate that we met in such a vast sea of people?"

"Since we are friends, if I ask you to borrow money, will you lend it to me?"

"Borrow, of course. How much do you want to borrow?"

"No, I'm just talking!"

"If you have nothing else to do, I will leave first. If you need any help in the future, you can come to my house to find me!"


Lazili nodded.

Seeing this, Roger moved instantly and disappeared from the spot.


Time flies, and a week has passed in a blink of an eye.

Roger saw that Bulma was a little bored at home alone, so he introduced Lazlie to her.

Bulma was not very happy when she heard Roger introduce Lazlie to her at first.

But when she learned about Lazlie's tragic fate, she immediately felt sympathy for her and became good friends with her.

At this time, the two were sitting in the backyard of Bulma's house and chatting.

Lazlie learned from Bulma that after Roger married her, he basically practiced cultivation, and he was simply a crazy practitioner.

"Cultivation maniac?"

"Yes, the same goes for Sun Wukong from Qiqi’s family!"

"By the way, Lazli, now that you are free from Dr. Gro’s control, have you ever thought about finding a boyfriend or something?"



"Those people are so ordinary!"

"Oh, what kind of person are you looking for?"



Sun Wutian and Luo Chen were walking down the street with a bored look on their faces.

Suddenly, they felt a strong aura approaching Xidu.

"Luo Chen, do you feel it?"

"I feel a very evil aura, and it is now approaching to the west!"

"Who do you think it could be?"

After a while, a man with red skin and a black diamond pattern on his head appeared.

He wore a black vest, white trousers and a golden M-shaped belt around his waist.

His name was Araki, the previous king of the demon world and Dapura's master.

Because of Dapura's betrayal, he was imprisoned by Dapura with powerful spells and sacrifices, and was only released recently.

This time he came to the earth from the demon world, mainly to rule the entire earth.

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