"call out……"


Araki flew down from the sky to the ground.

Seeing this, Sun Wutian and Luo Chen immediately flew to Araki.

"Who are you? What do you want to do here?"

Sun Wutian asked.

After hearing this, Araki looked at the two with a wicked smile.

"My name is Araki, and I am the demon king who will soon rule your world!"


"Demon King?"

Sun Wutian and Luo Chen looked at each other in bewilderment.

There is actually a demon king called garbage in this world.

"That... Garbage Demon King, do you rule the world for garbage?"

Sun Wutian asked

"My name is Araki, not garbage!"

Araki said angrily

"Ah garbage?"

"Yes, who are you two little devils?"

"My name is Sun Wutian and his name is Luo Chen!"

"Sun Wutian, Luo Chen?"


Sun Wutian nodded heavily.

"Oh, since you can find me, you have some skills. Are you two willing to be my subordinates? If you two are willing to be my subordinates, I can spare your lives!"

"Who wants to be a subordinate of a bad guy like you?"

After hearing this, Sun Wutian immediately replied

"Really? In that case, I can only kill you two little devils!"

Araki said, and a dark purple energy wave condensed in the palm of his right hand and attacked Sun Wutian.

""Goten, be careful!"

Luo Chen warned, pulling Sun Wutian's right hand with his left hand and backing away.

With a loud bang, the energy wave exploded on the ground.

A huge dust and smoke appeared on the ground.

The people standing around were frightened and backed away immediately.

""Damn it!"

Sun Wutian shouted angrily, and said to the humans who were still standing around.

"It's dangerous here, leave here quickly!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately fled outside.

Araki smiled

"Useless Sun Wutian, your Earth will eventually be ruled by our Demon Realm!"

After hearing this, Sun Wutian clenched his hands, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, rapidly rising upwards.


With a huge roar, Goten's hair and eyebrows turned golden and stood up, his pupils turned light green, and a golden aura rose from his body.

This is the Super Saiyan


Araki was shocked.

He didn't expect that Sun Wutian, whom he looked down upon just now, could raise his Qi to such a strong level in an instant.

At this moment, Sun Wutian roared loudly, and rushed to Araki's front. His fists were as fast as lightning, hitting Araki's body.

Araki screamed loudly and was beaten back.

Sun Wutian shouted loudly, and hit Araki's chin with a rising dragon punch with his right fist.

Araki tilted his head upward and stepped back a few steps.

""Damn it!"

Araki lowered his head and looked at Sun Wutian.

However, Sun Wutian's figure had already disappeared from the spot.

Araki glanced to the left with his left eye and saw a blurry figure.

This figure was Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian jumped with both feet, jumped on Araki's head, and kicked at Araki.

Araki raised his left hand and blocked Sun Wutian's right kick.

Sun Wutian was startled and quickly retracted his right foot and fell to the ground.

Araki roared loudly, and his hands were as fast as lightning, grabbing Sun Wutian's body.

Sun Wutian was startled, dodging to both sides and retreating.

However, Araki's hands were very fast, and his right hand still grabbed Sun Wutian's left shoulder and tore off some of his clothes.

A trace of blood immediately flowed from Sun Wutian's body.


Luo Chen saw this, clenched his hands, and transformed into a Super Saiyan and rushed towards Araki.

Araki saw Luo Chen rushing up, raised his right foot and kicked forward, like kicking a ball, kicking Sun Goten away.

Seeing this, Luo Chen immediately stopped and caught Sun Goten with both hands.

However, his body also retreated a distance.

"Are you okay Goten?"

"It's okay!"

Sun Wutian shook his head after hearing this.

"Really? Then let’s deal with him together next time!"


Sun Wutian nodded.


After saying that, the two men immediately rushed towards Araki together.

Seeing this, Araki clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, Sun Wutian and Luo Chen rushed in front of Araki, punching Araki with their fists as fast as lightning.

Araki raised his fists and fought with the two men.

A lot of dust immediately appeared on the ground around the three of them.

After the three of them fought for a while, Araki's body suddenly disappeared from the spot, making the two attacks miss.


Sun Wutian was shocked.

After hearing this, Luo Chen immediately turned around and saw a huge fist coming towards him.

Because the distance was too close, Luo Chen was too late to dodge.

With an extremely loud sound, Luo Chen's body was like a thread, and he crashed into a building behind him.

"Luo Chen!"

Sun Wutian saw this, and raised his right fist in anger, and hit Araki.

Araki dodged to the side, and hit Sun Wutian's abdomen with his right fist.

Sun Wutian screamed loudly, and his body was like a thread, and he crashed into a building behind him.

The glass on the building was knocked down.


Luo Chen shouted to Sun Wutian immediately after seeing it.

Because of the serious injuries, Sun Wutian did not reply to him immediately.

After seeing it, Araki immediately laughed.

"This is what happens when you go against me!"

"You bastard!"

After hearing this, Luo Chen clenched his fists tightly, and his body suddenly exuded a stronger aura than before.

Under the influence of Luo Chen's aura, the large pieces of stone and glass around him were blown into the air.

Araki saw���The sand and stones floating around Roger were startled.


At this moment, Luo Chen roared loudly, and his hair stood up even more. When his body was emitting energy, lightning was swirling around him, and his flame-like aura turned into a flame-spraying aura.

This was the Super Saiyan 2.

Araki saw this and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Luo Chen's appearance did not change much, Araki could still feel that Luo Chen's aura had increased more than before.

"This... what is going on? Just a little ghost has such a strong strength. If they have companions, wouldn't they be even more powerful? When did such a powerful guy come to the earth!"

Araki thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Luo Chen roared loudly and rushed towards Araki.

Araki clenched his fists and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, and their fists were as fast as lightning, hitting each other hard.

Huge dust was immediately raised around the two.

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