
Big Buu was now flying towards where Reg was.

During the three days that Big Buu returned to the If Time and Space, he first gained immortality through the dragon of Namek.

Then, he went to the planet Bumbi to fight Reg.

Although Big Buu was not as strong as Reg, he eventually defeated and absorbed Reg through the continuous consumption of his immortality.

After absorbing Reg, Big Buu's strength was greatly improved.

And the first thing he did after getting Reg's power was to seek revenge on Reg.

As for Son Goku and the others, he no longer took them seriously.

After flying for a while, Big Buu came to a white building outside the West Capital.

And this house was Reg's house.

Big Buu looked down and saw Reg, Supali, and Reg's five children, who were standing on the grass in front of the house looking at him.

"It's you!"

Reg recognized Big Buu at a glance

"That's right, it's me!"

Big Buu said with a smile

"Then why are you here today? Are you here to die?"

After hearing this, Big Buu clenched his fists tightly.

"I'm here to kill you today!"

"Kill me, you dare?"

Reg looked disdainful after hearing this.

"Damn it!"

Big Buu looked at the expression on Reg's face and was immediately furious.

But he quickly calmed down and said

"Reg, although you are very strong, I am no longer the same person I was before!"

"Oh, so how are you different now than before?"

"To tell you the truth, after I went back to my time and space, I absorbed you from another time and space!"

"Absorbing the me from another time and space?"

"That’s right!"

"Impossible, with your strength, how could you possibly defeat me in another time and space?"

After hearing this, Big Buu immediately laughed.

"That’s right, I’m no match for you with my strength, but what if I’m immortal?"


"Yes, I gained immortality through the dragon balls from Namek!"

"Dragon Ball?"

"Yeah, didn’t Sun Wukong and the others tell you about Dragon Ball?"


Reg snorted coldly after hearing this.

"I have no connection with them!"

"So that's how it is. No wonder you said that about your brother that day. In this respect, you are the same as the other you!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Since you said you can defeat me, let me see your strength!"


Seeing this, Reg clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, and he quickly rose up.


The ground around him shook violently under the influence of Reg's aura.


Reg roared loudly. Except for his chest, palms and soles, his whole body grew a lot of red hair. His hair was a little messy and longer. His long black hair was draped over his shoulders. His pupils turned golden, and his whole body exuded a lot of golden energy.

This was Super Saiyan 4.

Big Buu smiled.

King God Realm.

East King God at this time, also felt the powerful energy of Big Buu.

However, his strength was too weak, so he could only watch the battle in King God Realm, waiting for Jepiter to bring Roger back.

On Earth.

After Reg transformed, his body immediately turned into a golden light and rushed towards Big Buu.

But in the blink of an eye, Reg came in front of Big Buu and attacked forward with both fists.

Big Buu moved his body to both sides and dodged.

"Damn it!

Reg yelled angrily and kicked forward with his right foot.

"call out……"

Big Buu stepped back and dodged.

"call out……"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared. This person was Son Goku.

After Son Goku appeared, several figures quickly flew behind him. They were Son Gohan and Majin Buu.

Big Buu glanced at Son Gohan and the others flying from a distance, and a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

Just when Big Buu was distracted, Reg swung his right fist forward and hit Big Buu's face hard.


With an extremely loud sound, Big Buu's body flew backwards like a thread.

Reg shouted, and fired a large amount of energy waves from both hands, hitting forward.

"Damn it!"

Big Buu yelled angrily, and his body quickly stopped in the air, raised his arms and blocked forward.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With a series of huge explosions, a large amount of energy waves hit Big Buu's arm and exploded in the sky.

Under the explosion of a large amount of energy waves, a large amount of smoke soon appeared around Big Buu's body, covering it.

At this time, two figures appeared.

These two people are Jepitel and Roger


Luo Chen shouted to Roger


Roger nodded.


Reg stopped the energy wave attack immediately. After a while, when the smoke in the sky cleared, Big Buu slowly appeared in everyone's sight with his hands in a defensive posture.

Big Buu slowly put his hands down and saw Roger standing next to Son Goku. He thought to himself.

"Who is that person? Could it be that... that person is the Roger that Son Gohan mentioned?"

"Damn it!"

Reg saw that Big Buu was not injured, and rushed towards Big Buu as fast as light.

In the blink of an eye, Reg rushed in front of Big Buu and punched forward with his right fist.

Big Buu flashed and disappeared in front of Reg, causing Reg's right fist to miss.


Reg was startled and turned around quickly, seeing a long leg kicking towards him.


Big Buu kicked Reg's chin hard with his right foot, and Reg's body immediately stepped back a few steps.

Big Buu shouted, and his fists were as fast as light, hitting Reg's face and body.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

Under the fierce attack of Big Buu, Reg screamed loudly and his body kept retreating backwards.



Seeing this, Supali and the others immediately became worried about Reg.

At this moment, Big Buu circled around Reg and hit Reg's back with both hands.

Reg screamed loudly, and his body was knocked to the ground like light.

A lot of sand and dust were immediately smashed on the ground.

After seeing this, Sun Wukong moved forward.

Roger, who was standing next to him, immediately grabbed him and said,

"Goku, now is not the time to take action!"

"Isn’t it time to take action?"

"Like Vegeta, Reg is a Saiyan warrior with a strong sense of self-esteem. He certainly doesn't want anyone to help him before he is completely defeated!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded.


At this moment, Big Buu shouted, and fired a large amount of pink energy waves from his hands, hitting the ground.

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