"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With huge explosions, energy waves rained down on the ground.

The ground was immediately covered with thick smoke and flames.

Reg's body was hit by many energy waves, and he screamed loudly.



After seeing this, Supali and the others immediately became worried.

However, they also knew that with their current strength, they could not help at all.

"Damn it!"

After holding back for a while, Oren couldn't hold back any longer and raised his right hand to send an energy wave towards Big Buu in the sky.

Big Buu moved to the left and dodged.

At this moment, Reg roared loudly, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body, spreading to the surroundings.

The whole earth shook, and the dust and smoke around him were blown away in an instant.

Seeing this, Big Buu sneered, his face full of disdain.


Reg shouted, and his body instantly turned into a golden light, rushing towards Big Buu in the sky.

Big Buu clenched his hands and his body instantly disappeared from the spot.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of extremely violent sounds, the two of them fought in the sky like light.

Because they moved so fast, from a distance, it looked like the golden and pink lights in the sky were constantly interweaving in the sky.

"Luo Chen, can you see their fight clearly?"

Sun Wutian asked Luo Chen who was standing beside him.

"Can't see clearly!"

Luo Chen shook his head after hearing this.

At this moment, Reg swung his right fist forward with all his strength and hit Big Buu's face hard.

Big Buu screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like light.

Reg raised his hands forward, and a large amount of golden energy waves were emitted from his hands, hitting Big Buu.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the energy waves fired by Reg hit Big Buu and exploded in the sky.

Big Buu screamed loudly under the attack of a large number of energy waves, and his body was blown to pieces.

After attacking for a while, Reg immediately stopped the energy wave attack. After a while

, when the smoke in the sky dissipated, Reg immediately saw many pieces of Big Buu's body wriggling in the sky.

Soon, those pieces of Big Buu's body gathered together and turned into Big Buu.

Seeing this, Reg gritted his teeth.

At this time, Big Buu looked at Reg with a serious expression on his face.

He has now absorbed Reg from the If Time and Space. Logically speaking, his strength should be far above Reg.

But just now, Reg suddenly burst out with a power far beyond Reg from the If Time and Space.

"Could it be... because of Son Goku and the others?"

Just as Big Buu was thinking, Reg's figure flashed and came behind Big Buu in the blink of an eye, swinging his right fist forward with all his strength.

Big Buu moved forward and dodged.

"Damn it!"

Reg yelled angrily and rushed forward quickly.

Big Buu turned around and raised his hand to block Reg's attack.

"call out……"

Bang Bang Bang!!

Under Reg's attack, Big Buu's body immediately retreated backwards

""Dad, what's going on? Why has Majin Buu's strength increased so much?"

Luo Feng, who was standing by, asked Roger.

"I think it might be that Majin Buu absorbed the others after returning to his own time and space!"

"Yes, only in this way could he improve so much in such a short time!"

"Who would he absorb? Didn't he say he would destroy the entire Earth?"

"I think...it might be Reg!"

"Uncle Reg?"

"Yes, he was not originally on Earth, I brought him to Earth!"

Roger said

"So that's it!"

Just as the two were chatting, Big Buu swung his right fist and hit Reg's abdomen.

Reg screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

Big Buu put his hands together and hit Reg's body hard.


With an extremely violent sound, Reg's body was hit hard to the ground like light.

The ground was immediately stirred up by a large piece of sand and dust.



Oren and the others shouted at Reg immediately after seeing this.

After a while, when the smoke on the ground cleared, a deep pit several dozen meters deep appeared on the ground.

Reg's body had returned to normal, and he was lying in the deep pit.

""But... Damn it!"

Reg gritted his teeth and slowly stood up from the ground.

Big Buu smiled and looked at Reg on the ground.

"What's wrong, Reg, is this all you have?"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, Reg clenched his hands and transformed into Super Saiyan 4 again.

Sun Wutian:"Uncle Reg...transformed into Super Saiyan 4 again!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded.

"I think he may have transformed back because he was too badly injured.

But even if he could barely transform into Super Saiyan 4 now, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to fight for long!"


Son Goten nodded.

At this moment, Reg rushed to Big Buu and punched forward with his right fist.

Big Buu dodged by moving sideways.

Reg roared loudly and attacked forward with both fists.

Big Buu raised his fists and hit Reg.

Astonishing gusts of wind immediately came out of their hands and spread out in all directions.


After the two fought for a while, Big Buu kicked Reg with his right foot and kicked him away.

Reg clenched his hands and soon stopped in the sky.

At this time, Big Buu disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Reg.

Before Reg could react, Big Buu clasped his hands together and hit Reg's back hard.

Reg screamed loudly, and his body was knocked down to the ground like light.

A large piece of sand and dust was immediately raised on the ground.



Oren and Supali were shocked.

Big Buu chuckled and fired a large amount of energy waves at the ground with both hands.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong and the others gritted their teeth.

"Looks like it should be about the same!"

Roger raised his head and looked at the energy wave that attacked like a heavy snow.

After saying that, Roger's figure flashed and came to Reg's side in the blink of an eye. He moved instantly and brought him to Sun Wukong's side.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With a series of huge explosions, the pink energy waves sent by Big Buu exploded on the ground.

A large number of explosions and thick smoke and flames immediately appeared on the ground.

Big Buu glanced to the left and saw Reg who was brought to Son Goku by Roger.

Big Buu's face was shocked.

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