"And Frieza always looks so arrogant. If he wasn't so far away, I would have destroyed him long ago!

Next time I see him, I will destroy him too!"

Whis laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Lord Beerus, Frieza has been destroyed, so there is no need for you to take any action!"

"Frieza was destroyed!"

After hearing this, Beerus stood up from the pool with an excited look.

Whis blushed immediately after seeing this.

"Lord Beerus, down below!"


Beerus looked down and immediately sat back in the pool.

"Then, Whis, who killed Frieza?"

After hearing this, Whis pointed his staff at the ground with his right hand, and a projection immediately appeared on the crystal ball of the staff.

The projection showed the scene of Roger's battle with Frieza.

"The one who defeated Frieza was a Saiyan named Roger!"


Beerus was shocked.

In his impression, Saiyans were very weak.


Weiss nodded.

"During the years you were asleep, the Saiyans learned to practice and mastered a transformation called Super Saiyan!"

"Super Saiyan?"

"Yes, the Saiyans became increasingly powerful by transforming!"

"So where is that Saiyan called Roger now?"

"He is now on a planet called Earth!"



Weiss nodded.

"And... this Saiyan named Roger is now stronger than you!"


Beerus was shocked.

He didn't expect that he, the God of Destruction, would be surpassed by a Saiyan whom he looked down upon.

"Yes, this Roger is not an ordinary Saiyan. During the years when you were asleep, Roger went to Lord Xiangpa to practice!"

"Champa? How could a Saiyan like him know Champa?"

"This is a long story, and I don't know the details!"

After hearing this, Beerus narrowed his eyes.

"Then what about what you just said about Roger not being an ordinary Saiyan?"

"He has some connection with my father!"

"Your father, isn’t that the high priest?"


"So what is his relationship with the High Priest?"

"They seem to be brothers!"



"That would be terrible. If he knew that it was me who asked Frieza to destroy the Saiyans, I wonder if he would come after me!"

"Maybe, but I think it's over now. He'll just pick a fight with you at most!"

Beerus gritted his teeth after hearing this.

"What do you mean you'll just pick a fight with me at most? You're not the one fighting, so of course you say that!"


Weiss laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Then Lord Beerus, are you scared?"

"Who...who's scared...I just don't want to fight!"

"Don't want to fight? But you always seem to be the one who likes fighting the most!"

"Stop talking nonsense. It’s my business whether I want to fight or not!"

"It's Lord Beerus!"

"By the way, Lord Beerus, the God you just mentioned in your dream could be Roger?"

"God? Isn't he a mortal?"

"No, Roger has become a god through training, and he is the next King of the Gods!"

"The next King of the Kai?"

Whis nodded.

"But isn't he the junior fellow of the High Priest? Why is he just a Kaioshin?"

"He said he didn't want to be a destroyer!"

"I see. Then is that old guy still sealed now?"



After a long time, Beerus finished his bath and came to the palace dining room. He saw a large table of food prepared by Whis for him.

Beerus looked at the many foods on the table that he had never seen before and said:

"Weiss, what are these foods? I have never seen them before!

Weiss smiled and said

"Lord Beerus, these are the foods I brought back from Earth!"


"Yes, the Earth is a gourmet planet, and all the food on this planet is delicious!"

After hearing this, Beerus narrowed his eyes.

"Weiss, how do you know this? Do you often go to Earth when I sleep?"

"How...how is this possible? I only go to Earth occasionally!"


After hearing this, Beerus looked unconvinced.

"It's really just occasionally, Lord Beerus!"

After hearing this, Beerus snorted coldly.

"By the way, why isn’t that guy from the prophecy fish in the palace?"

"I don’t know. Let me call him."

""Prophecy fish! Prophecy fish!"

After Whis shouted twice, a fish tank-shaped staff jumped out of the palace.

In the fish tank, there was a fat blue fish.

This fish was the prophecy fish.

Originally, the prophecy fish was not so fat, but during the years when Beerus was asleep, Whis often brought back delicious food from Earth and fed him so fat.

"Lord Beerus, you are awake!"

After hearing this, Beerus narrowed his eyes.

"Prophecy fish, why have you grown so fat?"

""No, I just ate a lot recently!"

The prophecy fish laughed.

Beerus immediately looked at Whis after hearing this.


After hearing this, Weiss immediately said with a guilty conscience.

"Lord Beerus, please taste the food quickly. It won't taste good if it gets cold!"

After hearing this, Beerus picked up the chopsticks on the table and tasted the food.

Although he was very angry with Whis now

, he had to be full before he could have the energy to teach Whis a lesson.

Beerus picked up a piece of grilled fish from the table, took a bite, and a hint of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that this ordinary-looking fish would be so delicious.

Then, he tasted the other foods on the table, and every food made him feel very delicious.

The more delicious Beerus felt the food was, the angrier he was at Whis.

There was such delicious food, but he didn't wake him up earlier.

After a long time, Beerus swept away all the delicacies on the table.

"Lord Beerus, how about this food?"

"It's delicious, but the food you brought back from Earth is too little!"

After hearing this, Weiss immediately laughed.

"Lord Beerus, today is Mrs. Roger's birthday, and he invited me to her birthday party today!"

"Mrs. Roger?"

"Yes, her name is Bulma. Lord Beerus, do you want to join us?"

"Me? But she didn’t invite me!"

He wanted to go, but... he was afraid that Roger would come after him.

"It's okay, I told Bulma that you will wake up today, and she also invited you to go with her!"

After hearing this, Beerus was still hesitant.

"How about it, Lord Beerus, do you want to go with us?"

"No need, just go!"

"Really? I heard that a lot of delicious food was prepared for Bulma’s birthday party!"

"a lot of!"

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