"Yeah, Lord Beerus, you don't dare to go, do you?"

Beerus snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Even you dare to go, why shouldn't I dare?"

Anyway, with Weiss here, no matter how strong Roger is, he can't be stronger than Weiss.

"So you agree?"


Beerus nodded.

"By the way, is that old guy still sealed in the sword?"

"Yes, but the sword has now been pulled out by Roger!"

"Pulled it out?"


Weiss nodded.

"So, Weiss, how long will it take us to get to Earth?"

"35 minutes!"

Berus was shocked.

"That's enough time to watch an episode of a cartoon!"

Weiss nodded again.

"Forget it, for the sake of the earth’s delicious food, 35 minutes is just 35 minutes!"

"Lord Beerus, shall we set off now?"


Beerus nodded.

After that, the two of them immediately flew to the grass outside the palace. Beerus walked behind Whis and put his right hand on Whis's shoulder.

Seeing this, Whis pointed his right hand at the ground, and a colorful light immediately appeared under their feet, taking them away from the Destroyer God Realm.



On a huge cruise ship, Roger and Champa were enjoying a variety of delicacies.

Chi-Chi, Bulma, Lazili, and Videl were sitting around a table, chatting.

Chi-Chi:"Happy birthday, Bulma!"


Bulma nodded.

"Bardos, is Beerus still awake?"

Changpa, who was eating pudding, asked Bardos

"Already awake, he is on his way now!"

"Really? That guy can really sleep!"

"Lord Xiangpa, it seems that you slept as much as Lord Beerus before!"

"Cough cough!"

After hearing this, Xiangpa immediately coughed.

"That was before. Now I don’t want to sleep that long!"

Xiangpa said, putting a piece of pudding into his mouth.


At this time, the East Kaioshin had already felt that many planets in the universe disappeared in an instant.

""What's wrong, Lord Kaio-shin?"

Jebit asked, looking at the horrified expression on East Kaio-shin's face.

"Broken...Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, has awakened!"

"Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction!"

"Yes, although I had heard from Roger that the God of Destruction was terrifying, I never expected that... the God of Destruction Beerus-sama could destroy planets so quickly!"


Jabeet nodded.


More than ten minutes later, Whis brought Beerus to the Kaioshin Realm.

""Lord Beerus!"

East Kai was shocked.

He didn't expect Beerus to come to his planet.

Beerus nodded.

"Lord Beerus, where are you coming from?"

"I am here to unlock the Kaioshin Sword!"

"Unlock the Kaioshin Sword?"

"Lord Beerus, you once sealed one of your King Kais into the Sword of King Kai!"

"Sword of the King?"

East Kaioshin was shocked.

He had not expected that there was a King of the Kings sealed inside the Sword of the Kings. Really... Sword of the Kings?

"Yes, do you know where the sword is now?"

Weiss asked

"We can't use that sword, so we gave it to Roger!"



East Kai nods.

"In that case, let's go to Earth, shall we?"

"It's Lord Beerus!"

"Then, Lord Kai, we will take our leave now!"

East Kai nodded after hearing this.

Whis saw this and immediately took Beerus away from the Kai realm.

East Kai was relieved when he saw the two leave.



Roger was eating barbecue with Majin Buu when Bulma suddenly came over from a distance.


Roger smiled and Bulma said hello.

Bulma nodded.

"Roger, it's your wife's birthday, don't you have anything to express your gratitude?"



Bulma nodded.

Roger smiled after hearing this.

"So what do you want?"

"I want you to stay with me for a week!"

"Stay with you for a week?"

"Yes, we have been married for so long, and you haven’t taken me anywhere to play!"

""Okay then!"

Roger thought for a moment and nodded after hearing this.

At this moment, a colorful light descended from the sky and landed on the deck of the cruise ship.

When the light faded, two figures immediately appeared inside.

These two people were Beerus and Whis.


Bardos:"Lord Beerus!"

"Is he the God of Destruction Beerus-sama?"

Sun Wukong asked Bardos


Beerus nodded and looked towards Roger.

"Weiss, you are here!"

Bulma smiled and greeted Weiss.

"Yes, Bulma, let me introduce you, this is Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction of our Seventh Universe!"

""Hello, Lord Beerus!"

Bulma smiled and greeted Beerus.

Beerus nodded.

"I heard from Weiss that today is your birthday, happy birthday to you!"

"Thank you!"

Bulma smiled.

"Weiss, give him the gift!"

"It's Lord Beerus!"

Whis said, handing her a gift box.

"Bulma, this is a gift from Lord Beerus!"

"Come on, why are you so polite!"

Bulma said, accepting the gift

"Then Whis, Lord Beerus, you can eat whatever you want on this cruise ship!"

After hearing this, Whis nodded.

At this time, Champa brought Bardos to Beerus.

"Beerus, the sun rose from the west today? You even brought a gift."

After hearing this, Beerus snorted coldly.


I received an invitation from Mrs. Roger to attend the birthday party. Isn't it normal to bring a gift?���No gift for someone’s birthday party?"

"No, I have a good relationship with Roger, and he said there is no need to bring any gifts!"

"Really? Then Weiss, let’s go taste the delicious food from Earth!"

""It's Lord Beerus!"

After saying that, the two immediately went to taste the food.

Whis took Beerus to a small stall and ordered two squid grilled

""Master Beerus, this food is called squid-yaki. You can try it. It's very delicious!"

Beerus nodded after hearing this.

After tasting the squid-yaki, Beerus immediately showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Then, Whis took Beerus to taste the various delicacies at the banquet.

Just like that, after the two tasted for a long time, Sun Wukong suddenly found Whis and greeted Whis.


"What's up Goku?"

Whis asked

"Whis, since Lord Beerus has awakened, can I go to Lord Beerus' planet to train?"

"You'll have to ask Lord Beerus about this!"

"Lord Beerus, his name is Son Goku, and he has a very good relationship with Roger!"

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