"Sun Wukong?"


Whis nodded.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked at Beerus.

"Lord Beerus, can you let me train on your planet?"

"Come to my planet to practice? Sun Wukong, why did you think of my planet to practice?"

Beerus said, looking at Whis.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said

"I want Weiss to guide me in my training!"


"Then Lord Beerus, can I come to train with you?"



Sun Wukong said happily


"But what is Lord Beerus?"

"But if you want to practice with me, you must become the next God of Destruction!"

"God of Destruction?"

"Yeah, what do you think, Sun Wukong?"

"But I don't want to be the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus!"

"If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do!"


After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately looked towards Whis.

"Goku, although I really want to guide you in training, Lord Beerus won't agree, so I have no choice!"

""Okay then!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong felt a little disappointed.

After watching this, Beerus continued to take Whis to taste other delicacies.

After a while of being disappointed, Sun Wukong found Roger and wanted Roger to help him see if he could convince Beerus to let him practice with Beerus.

"Lord Beerus disagrees!"

"Yes, Roger, can you talk to Lord Beerus and let me train with him?"

"Let me try!"

Roger said, and immediately took Sun Wukong to find Beerus.

""Lord Beerus!"

Soon, Roger brought Son Goku to find Beerus.

Beerus nodded after hearing this.

"May I ask what may I do for you?"

"It’s like this, Wukong really wants to practice with you, I hope you can reconsider it!"

"No, unless he is willing to become the God of Destruction, I will not let him come to my planet to train!"

Although Beerus was afraid of Roger, he did not want his sleep to be disturbed in the future.

"Goku, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s that Lord Beerus doesn’t agree!"


Sun Wukong nodded.

"By the way, Weiss, I haven’t seen my senior brother for a long time. How about you come with me to meet him tomorrow?"

"Big...Big Brother?"

Beerus immediately looked towards Whis.

"Weiss, the senior brother he mentioned...could it be……"

Weiss smiled and nodded.

"That's right, he's talking about my father!"

Beerus immediately broke out in cold sweat after hearing this.

"That... Roger, I just thought about it carefully. Actually, it's okay to let Sun Wukong come to my planet, as long as he doesn't disturb my sleep!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately looked at Sun Wukong beside him.

"Lord Beerus, don't worry, I will never disturb your training!"


Beerus nodded.

"By the way, Roger, I heard from King Kai that the Sword of King Kai is with you, can you please give the sword to me?"

"King of Swords?"


"I left the Kaioshin Sword at home, why don't you come and get it another day?"


After a long time, Beerus and Whis left the earth after they had eaten and drunk their fill. (In the original novel, Bulma's birthday was disrupted, but with the current strength and background of the protagonist, there is definitely no way to change it.)


The next morning,

Beerus brought Whis to Earth again, and this time, they came to Roger's house.

Bulma:"Berus-sama, Whis!"

Whis nodded after hearing this.

"Weiss, why are you here today?"

"It's like this, Bulma, Lord Beerus told Roger yesterday that he wanted to get a sword back from him, and he asked us to come and get it today!"


"That sword is called Kaioshin Sword!"

"Okay, then I'll go ask Roger!"

""Thank you for your help!"

After a while, Roger took out the Kaiojin Sword from the gravity room.

""Lord Beerus, this is the Kaioshin Sword you asked for!"

After hearing this, Beerus took the Kaioshin Sword with his left hand and pointed his right index finger at it.

A powerful destructive force came out from Beerus' fingertips, and the Kaioshin Sword immediately broke into two pieces.

At this time, an old man wearing a Kaioshin uniform appeared.

He was the old Kaioshin who was sealed in the Kaioshin Sword by Beerus.

""Lord Beerus!"

The old Kai, who had just come out of the seal, was immediately shocked when he saw Beerus.

He had never expected that the person who let him out of the sword was actually Beerus.

"You are...Kaiohshin?"

Roger pretended not to know Old Kaiohshin.


After hearing this, the Old Kai straightened his chest.

Although he was afraid of Beerus, he couldn't lose his face as a god in front of the human.

Beerus:"Well, now that you are out, why don't you go back? If you don't want to be sealed anymore."

After hearing this, the Old Kai clenched his fists.

Although he hated Beerus, he had no choice, because he couldn't beat Beerus.

Thinking of this, the Old Kai turned around, moved instantly, and left the earth.

"Weiss, who is he?"

"He is the Kaioshin from fifteen years ago!"

Whis said

"Fifteenth term?"


"Then how come he is in Kaioshinken?"

"His words offended Lord Beerus, so he was sealed here by Lord Beerus!"

"So that’s it!"

"Wes, let's go!"

"It's Master Beerus!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure flew down from the sky.

This person was Sun Wukong

"Beerus-sama, Whis, you are here!"

Sun Wukong said to the two of them, carrying a huge bag on his back.

"Son Goku!"

Beerus said to Son Goku

"Lord Beerus, have you forgotten that you agreed to let me go to your place yesterday?���Practice!"

"We agree, but... we don’t plan to go back!"

"Not planning to go back yet?"

"Yes, there are so many delicious foods on Earth. I have finally come to Earth, so I must taste the delicious foods on Earth!"

"I see. Then Lord Beerus, when will you go back?"

"I don’t know, maybe noon!"



"Roger, can I leave my luggage at your house?"

Sun Wukong asked Roger.

"This... I think you should put it with King Kai of the North!"

Roger said, glancing at Bulma behind him.

"I understand!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately understood what Roger meant. He placed two fingers of his right hand on his forehead and moved instantly to the North Kai King Planet.

""Northern King!"

Beerus heard the conversation between the two and immediately looked at Whis.

"What is the relationship between Whis, King Kai of the North and this Son Goku?"

"I think they should be considered master and apprentice!"

"Master and apprentice?"

"Yes, Wukong often goes to him to practice!"

"Really? After hearing what you said, I suddenly became interested in this Sun Wukong!"

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