
"Ten times Kaio-ken!"

Sun Wukong roared loudly, and his body turned into a red flash, rushing towards Beerus in the sky.

""So fast!"

Beerus was startled and quickly raised his hands to block the right fist from Sun Wukong.


With an extremely loud sound, Sun Wukong's right fist hit Beerus' hands.

Beerus immediately stepped back.

At this time, Sun Wukong clenched his fists and his whole body's aura surged upwards.

""Twenty times Kaio-ken!!"

Sun Wukong roared loudly, and rushed towards Beerus at a faster speed than before.

Beerus's expression became serious, and he swung his right fist forward.


With a shocking sound, the two men's right fists hit each other hard, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from their hands, spreading to the surroundings. The surrounding space immediately vibrated violently under the collision of the two men's powerful forces.

Invisible ripples emanated from the hands of the two men and spread to the entire universe.

Some uninhabited planets around the Destroyed God Realm were immediately turned into planetary dust after being touched by the spreading ripples.


After a stalemate for a while, Beerus pushed his right fist forward and pushed Sun Wukong away.


Son Goku gasped for air, and the Kaio-ken aura on his body gradually disappeared, leaving only the Super Blue aura.

Beerus smiled and looked at Son Goku and said

"Kaio-ken, was this move taught to you by King Kai of the North?"

"Yes, this move was indeed taught to me by Lord Kai!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his body returned to normal due to lack of strength.

"I lost, Lord Beerus!"

Beerus nodded and slowly fell to the ground.

After seeing this, Sun Wukong also fell to the ground.

Whis:"Is the battle over, Goku?"

"Yes, Lord Beerus is too strong. I am no match for him at all!"

After hearing this, Beerus snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Then let me heal your wounds?"


Sun Wukong nodded.

After seeing this, Whis immediately used his staff to heal Sun Wukong's injuries first, and then went to help Beerus.

After the injury was healed, Beerus immediately flew back to his palace.

After Sun Wukong rested for a while, he continued to practice.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Beerus was lying on the grass with a bored look on his face, looking at the universe.

Suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something, he said to Whis:

"By the way, Weiss, does Xiangpa often come to our universe while I’m sleeping?"

"No, just occasionally!"


After hearing this, Beerus immediately got up from the grass and looked at Whis.

"Well... at the beginning, there were indeed more Lord Xiangpas coming to our universe, but later on, there were fewer!"

"At the beginning?"


"Then why did he come to our universe in the first place?"

"I’m not quite sure about this!"



"Okay, then I'll believe you for now!"

"Then Whis, how about we go to Universe 6?"

"The sixth universe?"

"Yes, I want to find him and ask him clearly what he is doing in our universe!"

"Then do you want to take Wukong with you?"

"No need, he is not interested in this anyway!"

"That's true. Should I tell him about it?"


Beerus nodded.


Universe 6, Earth.

At this time, Xiangpa and Bardos were enjoying a meal on Earth in Universe 6.

Suddenly, the staff in Bardos's hand lit up.

Bardos picked up the staff and saw that it was a call from Whis, so he picked up the call.

"Weiss, what's up?"

"Sister, Lord Beerus and I have come to the sixth universe. Where are you?"


"Is it the Earth in the sixth universe?"

"OK, I understand!"

Weiss said, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Bardos, what's wrong?"

"Lord Changpa is fine, it’s just that Lord Beerus and the others are coming!"


After hearing this, Xiangpa immediately felt guilty.


"What are they coming here for?"

"It seems like it is coming to find us!"

"Looking for us?"


Bardos nodded.

After a while, Whis brought Beerus to the Earth of the sixth universe.


Whis:"Lord Champa!"


Bardos:"Lord Beerus, you are here!"

After hearing this, Beerus snorted coldly.

"Xiangpa, I want to ask you, why do you keep coming to my seventh universe while I am sleeping? Is there any conspiracy?"

"Who... who keeps going to your seventh universe? I just go there occasionally!"


"Yes, isn't it okay to be bored? And didn't you also come to my universe?"

"I seldom come to your universe!"

Beerus said, looking around.

"By the way, Xiangpa, why is the Earth in your universe so similar to the Earth in our universe?"

"The two of us are twin universes, doesn't that seem normal?"


Xiangpa snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Beerus, you came to our universe, didn't you, just to ask me these boring questions?"

"Silly question? Universe 7 is my territory, so of course I have to ask you what you are doing in my universe? Right, Weiss?"


Weiss nodded.

At this moment, Bardos, who was standing next to Xiangpa, suddenly laughed.

"Lord Beerus, Lord Champa didn't actually do anything when he came to your universe. He just went to the Earth in your seventh universe to taste the delicious food!"


After hearing this, Beerus thought to himself.

"But don’t we have the Earth in our sixth universe?"

"Yes, but we didn’t know that Earth’s food was so delicious!" said Bardos

"So that's how it is. But that's not right. Since you already know that the food on Earth is delicious, why do you come to our Seventh Universe so frequently?"

"That's because of Roger!"


"Lord Xiangpa and Roger got to know each other through fighting and became good friends!"

"Good... good friends!"

Beerus was surprised.

He didn't expect that Roger could become friends with Champa.

"Yes, and Roger often comes here to practice. The reason he didn’t come today was that he wanted to take Bulma out to play!"

"Really? Well, since we're here, why don't we taste the Earth delicacies from the Sixth Universe?"

""Okay, Master Beerus!"

After hearing this, Xiangpa immediately laughed.

"Beerus, since you are here today, as the God of Destruction of Universe 6, I am also the host here, so today I will treat you to a taste of the Earth delicacies of our Universe 6!"

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