"Well, since you said so, I'll give you a favor!"

"Beerus, what do you mean by giving me a favor?"

Xiangpa said angrily

"If you hadn't come to our seventh universe, would you have discovered Earth, the planet of delicious food?"

"Humph, even if that’s the case, I discovered it myself!"

"Okay, Lord Beerus, let’s taste the delicious food here, shall we?"


Beerus thought about it and nodded.

"Then Weiss, what do you want to eat?"

Bardos asked

"You have to ask Lord Beerus about this!"

Whis looked at Beerus and said

"I'm fine with anything, as long as it's delicious, bring it all to me!"

"Okay, I understand. Then I will take you to the restaurant we usually like to go to for dinner? There, all kinds of Earth delicacies are available."

After hearing this, Beerus nodded.

Seeing this, Bardos immediately took the three of them to a restaurant.

A waiter who was responsible for taking orders came up to greet them.

"Hello, welcome. How many people are there?"


Bardos replied.

"Really? In that case, you guys can sit here. There’s just enough space for everyone!"

"Lord Changpa!"

Bardos looked towards Changpa.

"We wanted somewhere a little quieter!"

""It's quieter. OK, I understand. Then come with me to the second floor, okay?" the waiter said.

Xiangpa nodded after hearing this.

Soon, the four of them came to the second floor.

Bados ordered a large table of Xiangpa's favorite dishes.

After the dishes were ordered, the waiter immediately brought them up one by one.

"What do you think, Beerus? The food from our sixth universe is not worse than the food from your seventh universe, right?"

Changpa smiled and looked at Beerus.

"It looks good, but you have to try it to know!"

"Really? Well, in that case, I will convince you. Let's eat now, shall we?"

Bados:"Okay, Lord Champa!"

After saying that, the three of them immediately picked up the chopsticks on the table and tasted the food.

After Beerus tasted the steamed sea bass, a hint of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

Then, he used chopsticks to taste other dishes.

Champa saw Beerus eating with relish and immediately laughed.

After a long time, Beerus was full and burped loudly.

"How about Beerus?"

"It’s...it’s okay!"

"So which Earth in our two universes do you think has better food?"

Xiangpa asked.

"Of course it's our seventh universe, don't you think? Whis?"


Weiss nodded.

"Bardos, which universe do you think has the most delicious Earth food?"

"I think they should be similar, right?"

"Almost there!"

Xiangpa gritted his teeth and said

"Bardos, where are you from?"

Bardos smiled and said

"Lord Xiangpa, of course I am on your side, but I am just telling the truth!"

Beerus smiled.

"I see. No wonder you were so generous to invite us to taste the delicacies from the Earth of the Sixth Universe today. It turns out you had another purpose!"

"In that case, Beerus, how about we have a competition?"


"Yes, why don’t we hold a food competition to see which universe has the best food?"

"Food first?"

After hearing this, Beerus touched his chin with his right hand.

"Why don't you dare?"

"Whoever doesn’t dare, let’s compete!"

"But who are you going to ask to be the referee?"

The referee determines the fairness of the game. If the referee is unfair, then the game is meaningless.


After hearing this, Xiangpa immediately looked at Bados who was standing beside him.

""Master Xiangpa, I think we can invite five judges from each universe to rate the food made by the two universes. Wouldn't that be fair?" said Bardos

"What do you think Beerus?"

"It's just a name, it doesn't mean much!"

"But...if that's the case, we got to taste a lot of top-notch food!"

"top notch?"

"Yes, don't you want to try it?"

Beerus swallowed his saliva and said

"Since you said so, there’s nothing wrong with a competition between our two universes!"

"But since you proposed the competition, shouldn't you be responsible for the venue?"



Beerus nodded.

"I am responsible for it, it’s just a competition venue anyway!"

"So is this a deal?"


After that, the four of them left the restaurant and returned to their respective planets.


Time flies, and three days have passed.

Roger has returned to the sixth universe to practice, and learned about the food competition from Bardos.

"Food contest?"

"Yes, Lord Champa is determined to compete with Lord Beerus, which makes me so worried. I have to find a chef for the competition and a judge to taste the food!

It's a pity that you are not familiar with the Earth in our sixth universe, otherwise, I can ask you for help!"

"Without further ado, we are now heading to Earth to find a chef who can cook top-notch food!"


Roger nodded.


Universe 7, Earth.

Beerus and Whis have come to Bulma's house and asked Bulma to recommend a chef who can make top-notch food.

"Food contest?"

"Yes, Bulma, you have been on Earth, so you must know how delicious the food on Earth is!"

"I know it, but things like food depend on personal taste, so there is no absolute!"

"Of course I know that...but Lord Beerus has already agreed!"

"Well then, I will recommend some masters that I know to you. As for whether they are willing to participate in the competition, I can’t do anything about it!"


Weiss nodded.

"Thank you, it's nothing!"

After that, Bulma immediately took Beerus and the others to the restaurant she thought was the best, looking for their boss and chef.


Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day of the food competition between the two universes.

Beerus and Champa have invited their respective chefs and referees.

The venue for this food competition is a planet called Blue Star, which is very similar to the Earth.

Because of curiosity, Goten and his friends took the Whis shuttle cube to the competition venue of the sixth universe Blue Star.

There are stoves, kitchen utensils, prepared ingredients, etc. on the competition field.

In this competition, each universe sent ten chefs to compete.

Each chef made a dish that he was good at to compete.

Then, the referees of both universes scored their dishes.

The highest score that each referee can give is ten points, and the highest score of all referees added up is one hundred points.

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