Hitt clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two men came in front of each other, and punched each other with their fists as fast as lightning. The ground under their feet broke, and huge clouds of dust were raised.


After the two men fought for a while, Hitt suddenly used the flash time skill and hit Sun Wukong's abdomen with his right fist.

Sun Wukong screamed loudly and spit out a mouthful of bitter water.

Hitt took this opportunity and punched Sun Wukong's face and body with his fists like a storm.

Sun Wukong immediately let out loud screams.



After seeing this, Son Gohan and the others immediately showed a trace of worry on their faces.


At this moment, Hit kicked forward with his right foot, kicking Son Goku to the edge of the competition stage.

"Sun Wukong player falls to the ground. Now the countdown starts from 10, 9, 8……"

Just as the referee was about to count to seven, Sun Wukong gasped for air and stood up from the ground with great difficulty.

"Sun... Sun Wukong has stood up, the game continues!"

Seeing this, Hitt looked at Sun Wukong with a cold face.

"Sun Wukong, you are no match for me. I advise you to admit defeat!"

Sun Wukong smiled after hearing this.

"Hitt, you may be strong, but I won't give up so easily!"

Sun Wukong said, clenching his hands, and exuding an amazing aura from his whole body, quickly rising up.


With a huge roar, Sun Wukong's hair and eyebrows turned sky blue, his eyes turned dark blue, and his body was surrounded by blue aura and star-shaped particles unique to the breath of God. Water droplets flowed in his aura from time to time. The speed of the aura flow was much slower than that of humans and Super Saiyans, and it carried very slight electric sparks. The aura was divided into two layers, sky blue and white from the outside to the inside.

And this is Super Saiyan Blue.

Son Gohan:"Super Saiyan Blue, Dad is finally serious!"

Sun Wutian nodded.

Hit saw this and looked disdainful.

In his opinion, even if Sun Wukong's strength improved, it would not improve much.


Just at this moment, Sun Wukong shouted loudly, and rushed towards Hitt at the speed of light.

Hitt clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punching and kicking at the speed of light.

After the two fought for a while, Hitt used the flash time skill again, and his right fist was as fast as light, hitting Sun Wukong's abdomen.

Just when Hitt's right fist was about to hit Sun Wukong's abdomen, Hitt suddenly found that Sun Wukong's left hand was raised at some point, blocking his right fist.

After seeing this, Xiangpa and the others immediately showed a trace of surprise on their faces

"What's going on? Is this a coincidence?"

"I don't know!"

After hearing this, Bardos shook his head.

In their opinion, once Hit launched the Flash Time Power, Sun Wukong would definitely not be able to block his attack, but Sun Wukong blocked it.

"Whis, what's going on?"

Beers asked Whis.

After hearing this, Whis also shook his head.

On the competition stage.

Although Hit was surprised that Sun Wukong could block his attack, he quickly retracted his right fist from Sun Wukong's left hand and quickly retreated.

He also thought that the reason why Sun Wukong was able to block his attack this time was just a coincidence.

Sun Wukong smiled and rushed towards Hit again.

Soon, Sun Wukong came in front of Hit and was about to raise his right fist to attack Hit.

Hit suddenly launched the Flash Time Power, and his right fist attacked Sun Wukong's abdomen again.

Sun Wukong raised his left hand at some point and blocked Hit's right fist again.

"Xi... Xit's attack was blocked again?"

Xiangpa was shocked after seeing this.

If it was a coincidence once, then the second time must not be a coincidence.


Bardos nodded.

Beerus:"This...what's going on? How did Goku break Hit's Flash Time Skill?"

"I don't know!"

Weiss shook his head again after hearing this.

He had originally looked down on Sun Wukong, but after seeing his Flash Time Skill was broken, he immediately looked down on Sun Wukong less.

Although Hit was a cold-blooded killer, he would have a kind of heartfelt appreciation for an opponent who could fight against him.

Hit had lived for thousands of years, but there were only a few opponents who could fight him.

"call out……"

Hitt took his right fist back from Sun Wukong again.

Just as Hitt was about to attack Sun Wukong again, Sun Wukong smiled and said to Hitt:

"Hitt, were you surprised that I broke your Flash Time Skill just now? Do you want to know how I broke your Flash Time Skill?"

"How did it break?"

Hitt, who rarely spoke, asked

"This is actually very simple, just predict your next move in advance!"

"Predict my...movements?"

"Yes, although everyone’s moves are different, everyone has his or her own habits. For example, if you want to use the Flash Time Skill, there will be some habitual movements!"

"So that's it!"

After hearing this, Hitt immediately understood.

"Predict the opponent's moves in advance!"

Vegeta was shocked after hearing this.

Although he always thought he was a genius of the Saiyan race, it was difficult for him to predict the opponent's next move in advance.

Sun Wukong actually told Hit that it was easy?

Beerus, who was sitting next to Whis, immediately became angry after hearing this.

"Why did Goku tell the other party the solution? In this way, couldn't Hit change his way of attacking?"

"Useless Beerus-sama, the habit of attacking is not formed in a day or two, it is very difficult to change it all at once.���"Yes!"

Weiss said

"Really? So that means Goku has a chance of winning?"

"This...it's hard to say now. After all, no one knows whether Hitt has shown his true strength!"

"That's true!"

On the competition stage.

After Hitt knew the weakness of his flashing time skill, he rushed towards Sun Wukong as fast as light.

Soon, Hitt came in front of Sun Wukong, punched forward with his fists and feet as fast as light.

Sun Wukong raised his fists and fought with Hitt.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

Under Hit's attack, Sun Wukong's body immediately retreated.

At this moment, Hit clenched his right fist and pretended to use the Flash Time Technique.

After watching, Sun Wukong immediately put his left hand in front of his abdomen.

However, this time, Hit did not use the Flash Time Technique, but raised his clenched right fist and hit Sun Wukong in the face.


With an extremely shocking sound, Hit's right fist hit Sun Wukong's face hard, knocking him out with one punch.

Sun Wukong stepped hard on the ground with both feet and soon stopped on the ground.

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