"Wis, what's going on? Goku, didn't he break Hit's Flash Time?"

Beerus asked Whis.

"I don't know!"

Weiss shook his head after hearing this.

On the competition stage

, Sun Wukong was looking at Hitt with a smile.

"Change your attack method!"

After saying that, Sun Wukong rushed towards Hitt as fast as light.

Soon, Sun Wukong arrived in front of Hitt, punching and kicking at Hitt as fast as light.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

Under the attack of Sun Wukong, Hitt's body immediately retreated.

After Hitt retreated for a while, he immediately used the flash time skill to attack Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong moved his body to the right, raised his left foot and kicked forward, hitting Hitt's abdomen hard. Hitt screamed loudly, and his body retreated backwards like the wind.

Hitt stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.


Xiangpa was shocked.

Hit was actually beaten back by Sun Wukong.


After seeing this, Beerus was immediately very happy.

Sun Wukong:"It's useless, Hitt, even though you just changed your attack habits, your body will still subconsciously react naturally when you fight with me!"

Hitt smiled after hearing this.

"Sun Wukong, you really have your own way. In that case, I won’t change my attack habits!"

"Don’t change your attack habits?"


Hitt said, clenching his hands tightly, and a purple flame rose from his body.

"Bardos, what is Hit doing?"

"I don't know!"

After hearing this, Bardos shook his head.

At this moment, Hitt released the energy gathered outside his body.

Suddenly, an extremely huge purple aura appeared and swept around.

Sun Wukong smiled, put his hands in a fighting gesture, and rushed towards Hitt.

Soon, Sun Wukong came in front of Hitt, punched and kicked as fast as light, and hit Hitt.

Hitt resisted Sun Wukong's attack while retreating.


After retreating for a while, Hitt used the flash time skill and hit Sun Wukong's abdomen with his right fist.

A purple light shot out from Sun Wukong's body.

Sun Wukong screamed loudly, covered his abdomen with both hands, and his face showed an extremely painful expression.




After seeing this, Son Gohan and the others were shocked.

They didn't understand why Hit's Flash Time Power could hit Son Goku again.

""Sun Wukong, are you okay?" the referee asked.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and said

"It's okay!"

At this time, Hitt clenched his hands and said

"Thank you, Sun Wukong, thanks to you, my Flash Time duration can be increased to 0.3 seconds!"


"Yes, I have grown up because of the battle just now. I never thought about growing up before because there was no need. But after fighting with you, I think growing up is not a bad thing!"


After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately laughed.

"Then, let’s continue to fight it out!"

""Let's fight to the death!"

Hitt immediately showed an unprecedented fighting spirit on his face after hearing this.

This was the first time he met someone as interesting as Sun Wukong.

Thinking of this, Hitt immediately showed a smile on his face.


"Hit, he actually smiled!"

Bados was shocked when she saw this.

As far as she knew, Hit would never smile at anyone.

But this Sun Wukong was just like an ordinary person.

Just as Bardos was thinking, Hit's body had turned into a purple light and rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's figure flashed and he also rushed towards Hit.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punching and kicking as fast as light, and hit each other hard.

After the two fought for a while, Hit immediately launched the flash time skill and attacked Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong raised his left hand and blocked Hit's right fist again.

Hit was shocked.

The next second, Sun Wukong pushed forward with his right foot and hit Hit's chin hard.

Hit tilted his head back and his body quickly stepped back a few steps.

Xiangpa was shocked

"Hitt's flash time skill was broken again!"

"Yes, this Sun Wukong is really a genius!"


Sun Wukong shouted and punched forward with his right fist.

Hit raised his left hand to block Sun Wukong's right fist.

Sun Wukong swung his left fist forward and hit Hit again.

Hit raised his right hand and grabbed Sun Wukong's right fist.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and pushed forward with both fists.

Hit pushed forward with both hands and fought with Sun Wukong on the competition stage.


The ground of the entire competition stage shook violently under the powerful force of the two.

The ground under their feet was like a spider web, shattering in all directions.


After a stalemate, Hit pushed forward with both hands and pushed Sun Wukong's body back a few steps.

The two of them gasped and looked at each other.

After their breathing became more stable, they quickly rushed towards each other again.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

With the sound of fierce fighting, the two men moved as fast as light and fought in the sky.

Because the two men moved so fast, from a distance, it looked like a lot of blue and purple light converged in the sky.


After the two men fought for a while, Sun Wukong's body was like a thread, and he was hit hard on the stage.

A large cloud of dust immediately rose on the stage.

After a while, when the dust on the ground dissipated, a large deep pit immediately appeared on the stage.

Sun Wukong lay in the deep pit in an extremely embarrassed state.





"Sun Wukong player falls to the ground. Now the countdown starts from 10, 9, 8、……"

Seeing this, Beerus gritted his teeth.

Although they still had one player left, the difference between Luo Feng's strength and Sun Wukong's was too great.

When the referee counted to 3, Sun Wukong gasped for air and stood up from the stage with difficulty.

"Sun...Sun Wukong contestant stood up and the game continues!"

"Are you still not going to admit defeat, Sun Wukong? To tell you the truth, Sun Wukong, my Flash Time Skill has just increased by 0.2 seconds, and now it has reached 0.5 seconds!"

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong clenched his hands tightly, and a blue aura emanated from his body. In this blue aura, there was also a layer of fiery red aura.

This was exactly the aura of the King Fist.

Seeing this, Beerus immediately laughed and said

"It looks like Goku is finally going to show his trump card!"

"Yes, Lord Beerus!"

""Hand card?"

Xiangpa seemed to recall something immediately after hearing this.

At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly roared loudly.

"Ten times Kaio-ken!"

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