Then, more and more cracks appeared on the ice.

With a loud bang, all the ice that was frozen on Aize broke apart and scattered all over the ground.

Aize slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

At this time, the soldiers outside the cold storage room heard the movement in the cold storage room, and immediately opened the door of the cold storage room and saw Aize who had woken up.

""Ai... King Aize!"

The soldier was shocked.

He didn't expect that Aize, who had been frozen for thirty years, would suddenly wake up today.

Aize nodded.

"Where is my father?"

"Frieza...King Frieza!"

"What happened to my father?"

Aize said coldly, looking at the soldier.

"King Frieza was defeated by a Saiyan named Roger!"

"Defeated? Does that mean my father is dead?"

"Yes, King Aize!"

The soldier nodded.

"So where is the Saiyan named Roger now?"

"Back to King Aize, he is now on a planet called Earth!"


"Yes, King Azer!"


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Since Oren lost to Hitt in the last game, he has been trained by Reg every day.

At this time, Oren and Reg were training in the gravity room.

Suddenly, Oren felt an extremely powerful aura approaching the earth.

And this aura was Aize's aura.

"Dad, it seems like there is a strong force approaching the earth?"

Reg nodded.

"How about we go and have a look?"

After hearing this, Reg thought about it and nodded.

After that, the two of them immediately left the gravity room.

In Xidu,

Son Gohan and the others also felt Aize's aura at this time.

Luo Feng:"What a strong aura, and this aura is very similar to Frieza's!"

After hearing this, Son Gohan nodded.

"Then let’s go and take a look?"



On a mountain outside Xidu, a huge round spaceship was landing on the ground.

This spaceship was Aize's spaceship.

Soon, Aize's spaceship landed on the ground.

With a slight sound, the door of the spaceship opened.

A large number of soldiers wearing Saiyan combat uniforms walked out of the spaceship and lined up in two neat rows.

With a heavy footstep, a man walked out of the spaceship.

This man was Aize.

"Greetings, King Aize!"

The soldiers standing on both sides saluted Aize and said,

"This... guy looks like Frieza!"

Son Gohan said after seeing Aize's appearance.

Luo Feng nodded.

At this time, seven figures flew down from the sky.

These seven people were the Reg family.

When the seven people landed on the ground, Aize immediately looked at Reg and said

"Who among you is Roger?"

"Luo Jie is my father!"

After hearing this, Luo Feng immediately stood up.


After hearing this, Aize immediately looked towards Luo Feng.

"Your father, where is he now?"

"He is not on Earth now!"

"Not on Earth?"


Luo Feng nodded.

"Really? In that case, I will kill you first, and then wait for him to come back!"

Aize said, and said to the soldiers around him.

"Kill them for me!"

"It's King Aize!"

After hearing this, Aize's soldiers immediately rushed towards Son Gohan and his men.

Son Gohan clenched his hands and rushed forward.

"call out……"


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With huge explosions, the soldiers that Aize rushed to were quickly wiped out by Son Gohan and his men.

Seeing this, Aize snorted coldly.

"What a bunch of useless trash!"

Aize said, and walked forward to Luo Feng.

"You said you are Roger's son, right? In that case, I will kill you first!"

After hearing this, Luo Feng clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, Oren flew in front of Luo Feng and said

"Luo Feng, leave this guy to me!"

"This guy Oren is very powerful, you must be careful!"

"Don't worry, my current strength has improved a lot compared to before!"

Luo Feng nodded after hearing this.

"Who are you?"

Aize asked

"My name is Oren. By the way, who are you? Why do you look so much like Frost?"


After hearing this, Aize looked puzzled.

At this time, Luo Feng asked Aize

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like Frieza?"

"My name is Aize and Frieza is my father!"

"Frieza...'s son!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Okay, I won't waste my time talking to you. I'll get rid of you now!"

After hearing this, Oren smiled.

"If you have the ability, just come over here!"

"Damn it, you dare to look down on me!"

Aize said, raising his right index finger, and a purple light shone from the fingertips, hitting Oren.

Oren moved to the right and dodged.

""Damn it!"

Aize shouted angrily, and fired several death beams from his right index finger at Oren.

Oren dodged them easily by moving left and right.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With huge explosions, the death beams fell on Oren and exploded all around him.

""They were all dodged!"

Aize said, and his figure flashed and rushed towards Oren.

Oren clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, and he quickly rose up.


With a huge roar, Oren transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Aize was startled, but still attacked Oren with his right fist.

Oren dodged to the side, and his right fist hit Aize hard as fast as lightning.

Aize screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like the wind.

Aize stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.


Aize screamed���With a sound, his body rushed towards Oren as fast as lightning.

Oren clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punching and kicking as fast as lightning.

Huge clouds of dust were immediately raised around the two.


After the two fought for a while, they punched together with their right fists, and an extremely amazing strong wind emanated from their hands and spread to the surroundings.

Aize clenched his right fist and shook Oren away.

Oren stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.

Aize smiled and looked at Oren, whose whole body was emitting a lot of golden aura.

"Is this a Super Saiyan? But you can’t defeat me with just this!"


After hearing this, Oren clenched his hands, and his whole body exuded a more powerful aura, which quickly rose.

Soon, Oren transformed into Super Saiyan 2.

However, after he transformed into Super Saiyan 2, he did not stop raising his aura, but continued to raise his aura upwards.

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