
With a huge roar, the golden hair on Oren's head grew to his waist, his eyebrows disappeared and his brow bones were close to his eye sockets, dark green pupils appeared in his originally single light green eyeballs, the golden flames turned into light and fixed, and his body was surrounded by lightning while emitting energy.

This is the third stage of Super Saiyan.

Seeing this, Aize showed a hint of surprise.

Oren smiled, and his body instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Aize.

Before Aize could react, Oren hit Aize's abdomen heavily with his right fist.

Aize screamed loudly and spit out a mouthful of bitter water.

Oren shouted, kicked Aize to the left with a side kick with his right foot.

With a loud bang, Aize's body crashed into the mountain on his right.

Oren took this opportunity to launch a large amount of energy waves with both hands and hit Aize.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With a series of huge explosions, the energy waves that Oren attacked hit Aize and exploded on the mountain.

The mountain was immediately shattered under the attack of a large number of energy waves. For a moment, the ground was full of dust and smoke from the explosion.

After a while, when the smoke on the ground dissipated, a huge deep pit immediately appeared on the ground.

Aize's body was lying in the deep pit in an extremely embarrassed state.

""But... Damn it!"

Aize shouted angrily, and slowly stood up from the ground.

Oren smiled and looked at Aize.

"Aize, is this all you have?"

"Damn it, how dare you look down on me!"

Aize said, clenching his hands, and emitting an extremely powerful aura from his whole body, which quickly rose upwards.

The ground around him shook violently under the influence of Aize's aura.

The ground under Aize's feet collapsed, and a large deep pit appeared.

At this time, Aize's body grew taller and bigger, and a pair of huge horns grew on his head.

This is Aize's second form.


Aize roared loudly and released the energy gathered outside his body.

An extremely huge gust of wind immediately emanated from Aize's body.

After seeing this, Sun Wutian and the others covered their eyes with their hands.

Sun Wutian:"Transform... Transform!"

Sun Wuhan nodded.

Oren smiled, and his body was as fast as lightning, rushing towards Aize.

Soon, Oren rushed in front of Aize and punched forward with his right fist.

Aize raised his fists and fought with Oren.

While fighting, the two quickly moved around.

Because the two moved too fast, their figures were like phantoms, constantly appearing in the sky and on the ground.


With an extremely violent sound, Aize hit Oren in the face with his right fist, and knocked him out with one punch.

Oren clenched his hands hard and soon stopped on the ground.

"elder brother!"


After seeing this, Supali and the others immediately showed a trace of worry on their faces.

""Damn it!"

Oren yelled angrily, and rushed to Aize quickly, punching at Aize with his fists as fast as a storm.

Aize raised his arms forward, resisting Oren's attack while retreating.

Oren roared loudly and punched forward with his right fist.

Aize blocked with his arms forward and retreated a distance.

After seeing this, Oren immediately rushed towards Aize again.

Aize jumped up and flew into the air.

Oren's figure flashed and also flew into the sky.

"call out……"

Bang bang bang!!

With a series of extremely violent noises, the two bodies collided in the sky like a thread.

After a while of collision, the two bodies quickly came in front of each other and fought together.

A lot of injuries appeared on both of them immediately.

Just like this, after the two fought for a while, Aize kicked Oren down from the sky with a heavy kick with his right foot.

With a loud bang, Oren's body was smashed to the ground like a thread.

A large piece of sand and dust was immediately raised on the ground.



After seeing this, Supali and the others immediately showed a trace of worry on their faces.

Aize smiled and fell from mid-air.

After a while, when the dust on the ground dissipated, a large deep pit immediately appeared on the ground.

Oren was lying in the deep pit in an extremely embarrassed manner. His body had long since returned to normal from the third stage of Super Saiyan.

Luo Feng:"Oren... he has changed back!"

Son Gohan:"Yes!"

"It looks like we have to take action!"

Luo Feng said, and immediately took a step forward.

At this moment, Reg, who had been standing still, suddenly flew in front of Oren.


Oren stood up from the ground with difficulty.

Reg nodded.

"Oren, you are no match for him, leave this guy to me!"

""Okay, Dad!"

After hearing this, Aize immediately laughed.

"It doesn't matter who comes today, because you will all die here today!"

Reg laughed immediately after hearing this.

""Only you!"

Seeing this, Aize gritted his teeth.

This Reg clearly looked down on him.

At this moment, Reg clenched his hands, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his body, rapidly rising upwards.


With a huge roar, Reg's entire body, except for his palms, soles of feet, chest and head, grew a lot of red hair, a messy black long hair draped over his shoulders, his eyes turned golden, and there were obvious pupils, and his whole body exuded a lot of golden aura.

This is exactly what Super Saiyan 4 is like.

"What is this?"

When Aize saw Reg's transformation, he was immediately surprised.

"This is called Super Saiyan 4!"

"Super Saiyan 4!"

Reg nodded and rushed towards Aize quickly.

Seeing this, Aize's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, the figure that Reg rushed towards disappeared.

Aize was startled.

The next second, a figure appeared behind him and kicked forward with his right foot.


With an extremely violent sound, Aize's body was kicked out like a thread.

"call out……"

Reg's figure flashed and instantly came in front of Aize


Aize was shocked.

At this time, Reg swung his right fist forward with all his strength and hit Aize's abdomen hard.

Aize screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

Reg snorted coldly, and his fists were as fast as light, hitting Aize's face and body hard.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Under Reg's fierce attack, Aize immediately screamed loudly and his body kept retreating.

At this moment, Reg condensed a huge golden energy wave with his hands and hit Aize.


The huge golden energy wave hit Aize and pushed his body forward.

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