After Roger transformed into a Super Saiyan, he did not stop increasing his aura, but continued to increase his aura upwards.

The surrounding ground was violently shaken by Roger's aura.


With a huge roar, the ground around Roger collapsed, and many large rocks were half exposed and tilted upwards.

At this time, Roger's hair became more upright, and the flaming breath on his body became like a fire-breathing, and lightning was swirling around his body when his body emitted energy.

This is the Super Saiyan 2.

After seeing this, East Kai Kingshin immediately smiled and walked over

"Congratulations, Roger, your strength has improved a lot!"

Roger nodded and changed his body back to normal.

"Roger, do you want to become a King of the Kings?"

"King of the gods?"

"Yes, I think if you become a King of the Worlds, you will definitely become a very good King of the Worlds!"

"But can I become a Kaioshin?"

"Of course, although most of the Kaioshin come from the Core Star, it does not mean that humans cannot become Kaioshin!

It's just that it takes a little longer for humans to become Kaioshin!"

"How long will it take?"

Roger asked

"This varies from person to person, but it won't take more than a hundred years anyway! So, do you want to become a Kaioshin?"

"So what are the benefits of becoming a Kaioshin?"


After hearing this, East Kaioshin thought for a moment and said

"If you become the King of the Worlds, the entire universe will be under your control, and this King of the Worlds will also belong to you in the future!"

"It sounds pretty good!"

After listening to this, Roger touched his chin with his right hand and said

"Then I will just be a Kaioshin with reluctance!"

East Kaioshin twitched his lips after hearing this.

Is being a Kaioshin unfair to you?

"Lord Kaioshin, I haven't been to Earth for a long time. I want to go back to Earth today!"


"Yeah, because some things need to go back!"

""Okay, but you have to come back as soon as possible!"

Roger nodded.

After saying that, Roger moved instantly and left the Kaioshin Realm.


Earth, West City, Bulma's house.

Taisi was in the backyard of her house, thinking hard about how to write her science fiction adventure novel.

A figure suddenly appeared in her backyard. It was Roger.

Taisi was so absorbed that she didn't notice Roger's arrival.

""Sister Taisi!"

Roger said to Taisi.

Taisi heard Roger's voice and immediately looked in the direction of the voice and saw Roger standing not far from her.


Tayis stood up from her chair happily and walked to Roger.

Roger smiled and nodded.

"Roger, you are back. Have you seen God?"


"So what does he look like?"

"Some of them are hard to explain, let me draw them for you!"

"Okay, I'll get the brush and paint now!"

After a while, Taisi brought the brush and paint over.

Roger quickly drew a picture of the Earth God on the drawing board.

"Are you a god?"

"Yes, he is a god on earth!"

"Really? This is a little different from what I imagined!"

Just then, Bulma, who had just returned from playing outside, saw Roger and immediately ran to him.

"Sister, Roger!"

The two nodded.

Seeing this, Bulma immediately looked at Roger's painting.

"Sister, who drew this picture?"

"I didn't draw it, Roger did!"


After hearing this, Bulma immediately looked at Roger.

She had been very talented in technology inventions since she was a child, so she had been praised since she was a child.

But Roger was obviously the same age as her, and he knew more about technology than her, and he was also so good at drawing.

So this made Bulma a little jealous.

"Long time no see, Bulma!"

Roger greeted Bulma with a smile.


Bulma snorted coldly.

"You didn't even come to see me when you came back!"

Roger was stunned after hearing this.

Was he jealous?

"I didn't know you were not at home, and I saw your sister here!"

After hearing this, Bulma immediately looked towards Roger's painting.

"What is this you drew?"

"This is the god of the earth!"

"God of the Earth?"


Roger nodded.

"It turns out that the gods on Earth are so old and ugly!"

"Bulma, how can you say that? Everyone gets old!"

After hearing this, Taisi immediately taught Bulma a lesson.

"Sister, I am just telling the truth!"

"Even so, there are some things that you shouldn't say!"

"I understand, sister!"

After hearing this, Taisi immediately looked at Roger.

"Roger, is there only one god on earth?"

"There's another one, but he's a cat!"


"A fairy cat who knows martial arts and can speak human language!"

"A talking cat?"

Bulma was immediately interested in the fairy cat mentioned by Roger.

"Then Roger, can you draw the fairy cat?"

"Of course you can!"

Roger said, and immediately started drawing the cat fairy on another drawing board.

Before long, the cat fairy was drawn.

"Okay, this is the cat fairy!"

""Sister, this cat looks pretty cute!"

Bulma said as she looked at Roger's drawing.


Roger was speechless after hearing this.

The cat fairy is hundreds of years old, and you actually described it as cute.

"That... cat immortal, he is hundreds of years old!"

"Several...hundreds of years old!"

Bulma was shocked when he heard this.

"They are gods, and living for hundreds of years is normal, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Bulma thought about it and nodded.

"Can they fly?"

In mythology, all gods can fly.

"The Earth God can do it, but the Cat God can’t!"


"Roger, where have you been for the past seven months?

Tais asked���

"I went to practice with the immortals!"

"Is it just cultivation?"


Roger said, taking out the five-star dragon ball from his clothes.

"Roger, what is this?"

"This is called a dragon ball. As long as you collect seven dragon balls, you can make any wish come true!"

Taisi:"You mean there are seven beads?"

"Dragon Ball!"

After hearing this, Bulma immediately took the five-star dragon ball from Roger and looked at it.

"Roger, where did you get this dragon ball?"

"The gods gave it to me!"

"Is it a god?"

"Yes, the Dragon Balls were created by gods, but they are now scattered across the earth, and you have to find them yourself to collect all seven Dragon Balls!"

"But the earth is so big, how can we find this bead?"

"We can create a Dragon Ball Radar to find Dragon Balls!"

"Dragon Ball Radar?"

"Yes, your family is a technology company, so you should have all kinds of materials, right?"

"Yes, there is, but I'm afraid I have to ask my dad to make the Dragon Ball Radar!"

Roger nodded.

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