
Bulma snorted coldly after hearing this.

"It’s just a Dragon Ball Radar. Even without asking my dad, I can make it!"

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true!"

"How long will that take?"

"Three...three days, at most three days!"

Bulma stretched out three fingers and said

"Sister Taisi, has your father offended Bulma recently?"

Roger asked Taisi in a low voice.

"I don’t know, but I think not!"

"Oh, in that case, I will give you the Dragon Ball Radar!"

Bulma nodded after hearing this.

"Then Roger, if I make the Dragon Ball Radar, can you take me to find the Dragon Balls?"

"Bulma, you are too young. When you grow up, I will take you to find the Dragon Balls, okay?"

Roger said to Bulma like an older brother.

"Aren't you as young as me? And if you collect all the dragon balls and make a wish, won't there be no dragon balls left?"

Bulma looked at Roger's little adult look and said with a little displeasure.

After hearing this, Roger immediately laughed.

Although he is about the same age as Bulma now, the age of his two lives combined is older than her sister.

"Dragon Ball allows you to make a wish once a year!"

"Can you make a wish once a year?"

After hearing this, the two of them looked puzzled.

"Yes, after making a wish, the Dragon Ball will turn into stone and will not recover until a year later!"

Bulma:"Is that so!"

Roger nodded

"By the way, Sister Taisi, you must not write about Dragon Ball in your novel, otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble to the earth!"


Although she wanted to become a famous writer, she would not put the earth in danger for the sake of fame.

"Then Roger, we have a deal. When I grow up, you will take me to find the Dragon Balls!"

Roger nodded.

"Then I will go and see how to make this Dragon Ball Radar!"

Bulma said, holding the five-star dragon ball and walking towards home.

"Then sister Taisi, if there is nothing else, I will leave first?"

"Are you leaving now?"

"Yeah, I’ll come over after Bulma makes the Dragon Ball Radar in a few days!"

"Okay! But do you really believe that Bulma can make a Dragon Ball Radar?"

"I don't know, but I believe Dr. Brief!"

Roger laughed.

"I'm leaving?"


After saying that, Roger moved instantly and came to the heaven.


The Earth Immortal was surprised to see Roger suddenly appear.

Roger nodded.

"Long time no see, God, Mr. Bobo!"

"Long time no see!"

After hearing this, the Earth Immortal replied

"Roger, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I'm here to fulfill my promise!"

"Fulfill your promise? You mean?……"

"Yes, I'm here to take you to Namek!"


Roger nodded.

"Then Bobo, do you want to go with me?"

"No God, I'd better stay on Earth!"

"All right then!"

After hearing this, the Earth Immortal immediately looked towards Roger.

"God, put your hands on my back!"


The Earth Immortal followed Roger's instructions and placed his hand on Roger's back.

Seeing this, Roger placed his right index finger on his forehead and instantly moved the Earth Immortal to a village on Namek.

Namek is located on the fourth planet of the 27th main system of the Vega constellation. The atmospheric composition and surface gravity are about the same as those of the Earth. There are three stars around it, the sky is green, and there is no night. There are only 130 days in a year on Namek.

The Earth Immortal looked up at the green sky and the white houses in the Namek style around him.

"Is this Namekxingma?"


As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged Namek appeared. He looked at the Earth fairy and Roger who were leaning on crutches, and immediately walked over with a curious look on his face.

"You are?"

"Hello, I am the God from Earth, and this Roger next to me is a Saiyan!"


The middle-aged Namekian's face changed immediately after hearing this.

Although Planet Vegeta had been destroyed by Frieza, the reputation of the Saiyans was still very great in the universe.

"What happened?"

The Earth Immortal saw this and asked with a puzzled look

"Maybe it’s because…we Saiyans don’t have a very good reputation in the universe!"

"Have a bad reputation?"

"Yes, because in the past we Saiyans always invaded other people's planets!"


After hearing this, the Earth Immortal was speechless.

""Saiyans... Saiyans are coming!"

At this moment, the middle-aged Namekian shouted to all around.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of Namekians came out of the house and surrounded the two. When the Earth Immortal saw that he was surrounded, cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

Roger was not taking him back to his hometown, but clearly trying to harm him.

""Why is there another Namekian here?" said a slightly fat Namekian.

"Well... this is all a misunderstanding. Roger just sent me back to Namek to take a look!"


At this moment, a young Namekian flew out from a distance.

This person is Neru who assimilated with Piccolo in the original Dragon Ball.

"Everybody stop, they are our friends who have come from far away on Earth!"


"Yes, this is what the great elder said!"

Neru said, looking towards the Earth Immortal

"Hello, my name is Nelu, and the great elder asked me to invite you to meet him!"


The Earth Immortal nodded.

Then, the two followed Neru to the house of the Great Elder.

Although it was twenty years ago, he was still as fat as in the original book.

"Great Elder, I brought them here!"

The Great Elder nodded.

""Great Elder!"

The Earth Immortal said to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder nodded again.

"Are you Kadaz's daughter?"


"A long, long time ago, a Namekian fled to Earth because of the sudden climate change on Namek. He was your father, Kadaz!"

"So... my father's name is Kadaz!"

The elder said, looking at Roger beside him.

"Hello, I am the great elder of Namek, what should I call you?"


Roger nodded.

"Roger, how do you know the Kadaz kid?"

"After the destruction of Planet Vegeta, I went to Earth, and I met God on Earth!"


"He is the God of the Earth!"

"So that's how it is. Then, Kadaz's child, are you going to come back to Namek?"

The great elder asked the Earth Immortal.


The Earth Immortal shook his head.

"The reason I came back this time is just to take a look!"

"So that's it!"

At this moment, Roger suddenly turned to the elder

"Great Elder, can you please show me your Namek history book?"

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