"Namek history book?"


After hearing this, the elder hesitated for a while and said

"Of course you can, but can you understand Namek?"

""Great Elder!"

Neru, who was standing by, was shocked.

The Great Elder actually wanted to lend the Namek history book to an outsider.

"I don't understand, but I can learn it!"

Roger said with a smile.

He has a supernatural comprehension. If he wants to learn a language, he can learn it quickly.


"Yes, God, you should know Namek, right?"


The Earth Fairy nodded.

"Then you teach me Namek, and when I learn it, I will ask the Great Elder to borrow the Namek history book!"

After hearing this, the Earth Immortal looked at the Great Elder.

The Great Elder was the Great Elder of all Namekians, and he had to get the Great Elder's consent before he could teach Roger Namek.

After seeing this, the Great Elder nodded to him.


The Earth Immortal agreed to Roger.

"Well... Great Elder, if there is nothing else, I would like to take a walk on Namek?"

��The Ball God said to the Great Elder


After hearing this, the Earth Immortal immediately took Roger and left the Great Elder's castle.

""Great Elder, why did you lend the Namek history book to that Saiyan?"

After the two left, Neru immediately asked the Great Elder.

"Those Saiyans are very powerful and may be able to save our Namek in the future!"

"Save our Namek? Could it be that there will be some disaster on Namek in the future?"

"I don’t know, but we on Namek have the Dragon Balls, so the universe is destined to not be peaceful!"

"Dragon Ball?"

"The Kanasa people are heading towards destruction because of the curse!"

"Kanasa Star!"


On the other side, after leaving the castle of the Great Elder, the Earth Immortal walked around the Namek village with his cane.

Many Namekians came forward to talk to the Earth Immortal enthusiastically when they saw him.

After three hours, the Earth Immortal felt that he had stayed there long enough, so he went back to the Great Elder and said goodbye to him.

Then, he said goodbye to the Namekians in the village.

"Then Roger, shall we go back?"

The Earth Immortal said with some reluctance.

Although he wanted to go back to Namek, he had lived on Earth all his life. For him, Earth was his first home.


After saying that, Roger teleported and brought the Earth Immortal back to the Earth Heaven.

"God, why did you come back so soon? Why don't you stay on Namek for a while longer?"

Mr. Bobo said to the returning Earth God.

"No, I just want to see my compatriots living well!"

"Thank you, Roger. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to go back and see my compatriots!"


Roger smiled and shook his head

"God, can you teach me Namek?"


"Roger, do you want to learn Namek?"

Mr. Popo asked


"I also speak Namek, how about I teach you?"


As long as he learns the Namek language, it doesn't matter who teaches him.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Roger has been learning Namek from Mr. Popo.

Because Roger has a photographic memory and a super memory, as long as Mr. Popo speaks Namek once, Roger can learn it immediately.

Now he can completely communicate with Namek people in Namek.

But it is just ordinary communication. There are tens of thousands of Namek characters. If Roger wants to understand the history books of Namek, he must learn all the characters.

West Capital, Bulma's house.

With the guidance of Dr. Brief, Bulma finally drew the manufacturing drawings of Dragon Ball Radar, but it was just a drawing, and she hasn't started manufacturing yet.

At this time, Bulma was sitting in front of the computer with a crazy look on her face, because she told Roger that she would manufacture the Dragon Ball Radar today, but she only drew a drawing.

If she had known, she would not brag in front of Roger a few days ago.

Just when Bulma was going crazy, Bulma's mother, Mrs. Brief, walked in.

"Bulma, Roger is here and he wants to ask you if you have made the Dragon Ball Radar!"



"Just say I'm not here!"

"But...your sister has already told him that you are at home!"


"This sister is such a traitor to her younger sister!"

"Bulma, is your Dragon Ball Radar not yet manufactured?"

Mrs. Brief asked with a smile

"How can I possibly make it so quickly when I just got the blueprint today? Moreover, making Dragon Ball Radar requires a very rare material!"

"Rare materials?"

"Yes, so I have to find this material before I can make it!"

"Doesn’t dad have one in his company?"


Bulma shook her head.

"But my dad said he would let me help find it!"

"So, then if that's the case, just tell Roger directly, I don't think he will say anything!"

Bulma nodded.

She didn't expect that making Dragon Ball Radar would be so difficult at first.

After saying that, Bulma immediately walked out of the house and came to the yard.

At this time, Taisi was showing Roger the novel she had just written.

"Roger, what do you think of my novel?"


"It turns out that the writing is not very good!"

Tayisi saw Roger hesitated to speak, and she knew that the writing was not very good.

"No, I just think it would be better to add some philosophy to your adventure stories!"


"For example, some insights into life or something like that!"

Taisi laughed immediately after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that Roger, at such a young age, actually understands philosophy!"

Just then, Bulma came over.


Roger smiled and greeted Bulma.

Bulma nodded.

"Bulma, has the Dragon Ball Radar been manufactured?"

"……No, because I was missing a material. If I had that material, I would have made it long ago!"

"What material?"

Bulma immediately said what kind of material it was.

After hearing this, Roger immediately used the creation out of thin air to create a kind of ore.

"Is this the material you want?"

Bulma nodded heavily after hearing this.

"Roger, where did you get this material?"

"I made this!"

"You made it? But you have nothing, what did you make it out of?"

"This was created out of thin air by me. From a scientific point of view, it was made from particles in the air!"



"Impossible, you must be bragging, how can anyone create such a large ore using air particles?"

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