"5? Raditz, is your combat power detector broken? Even if a Saiyan has a low combat power, his combat power after adulthood cannot be 5!"

Nappa said

"I don't know, Nabunaba, can you try using your combat power detector?"


Nappa said, and immediately turned on the combat power detector on his left eye.



"This is weird, what's going on? My combat power detector also shows 5!"


Raditz was shocked, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, Vegeta, who was standing beside them, said to the two of them with a serious face.

"It’s not that his fighting ability is damaged, but that he deliberately hides his strength!"

"Deliberately hiding combat effectiveness?"

"Yes, but you don’t have to be afraid, he may just be bluffing. As long as you two attack him, you will know his true strength!"

"Well, in that case, you will deal with him first, Raditz, right?"

Nappa said, folding his arms.


Raditz said, clenched his hands, and rushed towards Roger like the wind.

Roger stood still.

Just when Raditz was about to rush to Roger, he suddenly felt an attack on his neck from behind, and his brain suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


Nappa was shocked when he saw Raditz suddenly fall to the ground.

Although Vegeta did not speak, he was extremely alert to Roger in front of him.

Because just now, even he did not see Roger's move.

"Don't worry, he's fine, I just knocked him out!"

Roger said with a smile.

Nappa:"Knocked out?"

"Yes, actually I have no ill intention in coming to you today. After all, there are only a few of us Saiyans left now!"

"What do you want us to do?"

Vegeta asked

"It’s nothing actually, I just want to ask you, do you want to resist Frieza!"

""Resist King Frieza!"

Nappa was shocked.

Vegeta's face changed when he heard this.

Although he wanted to destroy Frieza, he also knew clearly that with his current strength, it was impossible to defeat Frieza.

""Why don't you dare?"

Roger laughed.

Vegeta snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Nappa, get rid of this guy for me!"

"It's Prince Vegeta!"

After hearing this, Nappa immediately rushed towards Roger.

Roger smiled, and Nappa suddenly felt a huge gravity in his body, and his body instantly fell to the ground.

This is the law of gravity.

Nappa supported himself with his hands and barely stood up from the ground.

After seeing this, Roger immediately increased the gravity multiple.

Nappa fell to the ground again.

"Nappa, what's wrong with you?"

Vegeta asked Nappa

"No... I don't know, I just suddenly felt my body was so heavy, as if something was pressing me down!"

"My body feels so heavy? Could it be... gravity?"

"Yes, it is gravity!"

"Vegeta, since you are willing to serve Frieza for life, I won't force you!

If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Roger said, putting his right index finger on his forehead and preparing to leave.


At this moment, Vegeta suddenly shouted


"You just said you wanted to resist Frieza, right?"

"No, I just asked you if you want to resist Frieza!"

"What do you mean? Do you want us to die?"

"I can help you defeat Frieza!"

"Help us? In that case, why don't you defeat him yourself?"

"Don't you want to defeat him?"

Roger asked him.

Vegeta was speechless after hearing this.

"Actually, it was Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta, right?"

"I don't know!"

After hearing this, Vegeta immediately pretended to be stupid.

"Vegeta, I forgot to tell you just now that all your combat power detectors have been bugged, so Frieza knows everything about our conversation just now!"


Nappa was shocked.

Vegeta snorted coldly after hearing this.

"so what?"

"If you have figured it out, come to Earth!"


"Yes, Kakarot is there too, and his strength now surpasses yours!"

"Surpassed me?"

Vegeta's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, in the near future, he should be able to become a Super Saiyan!"

""Super Saiyan!"

Nappa, who was lying on the ground, was shocked.

Super Saiyan is a super warrior in Saiyan legend, and only one appears once every thousand years.

Kakarot is a Saiyan born with only 2 points of combat power, how could he be a Super Saiyan?

"Impossible, Kakarot, a low-level Saiyan warrior, how could he become a legendary warrior, a Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta shouted at Roger excitedly.

"Since you don't believe it, forget it, I'm leaving now!"

Roger said, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

After Roger left, the gravity on Nappa's body disappeared immediately.

"No... it's gone!"

Vegeta nodded.

"So Prince Vegeta, what should we do next?"

"Heading to Earth!"

"What, Prince Vegeta, are you really going to Earth?……"

"I went to Earth just to confirm if what he said was true!"

"But Prince Vegeta, will King Frieza not agree?"

After hearing this, Vegeta glanced at Namba.

"Don't worry, I will explain this to him!"

"Oh well!"


In the southern Milky Way, there is a huge disk-shaped spaceship sailing in the universe.

This spaceship is Frieza's spaceship.

���At this moment, Frieza was sitting leisurely on a flying chair, holding a glass of red wine that was half full.

Next to him stood Sabo and Dodoria.

Suddenly, a soldier walked in from the cabin door and saluted Frieza.

"Meet King Frieza!"

"What's up?"

"To King Frieza, we just overheard that a Saiyan wants Lord Vegeta and the others to rebel... against you!"

"Resist me?"


The soldier nodded.

"What did Vegeta say?"

Frieza said coldly.

"Lord Vegeta, he said...the Saiyan wanted them to die!"

Frieza laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Vegeta, he still has some self-awareness!"

"But... Vegeta and the others just set off for Earth!"


"That Saiyan said that the Saiyan named Kakarot was stronger than Vegeta, and he also said... he might become a Super Saiyan in the future!"

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