Frieza laughed immediately after hearing this.

"I didn’t expect that the Saiyans still believe in that ridiculous legend!"

""Then King Frieza, should we send people to wipe out these Saiyans?"

Dodoria asked.

After hearing this, Frieza immediately looked at the soldier.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you just now, why did Vegeta let that Saiyan go?"

"Lord Vegeta did not take action, but Lord Nappa and Lord Raditz were both defeated by that Saiyan!"

"Oh, what's this Saiyan's name?"

"They didn't mention the Saiyan's name during their conversation, they just mentioned the lower-level warrior!"

"A low-level warrior? You mean, that Saiyan is a low-level Saiyan warrior!"


The soldier nodded.

"Could King Frieza be the Saiyan who escaped?"

"It's possible!"

Frieza said, turning to the soldier in front of him.

"Contact Vegeta and ask them to come back to me. If they don't want to come back, then they should never come back!"

"Yes, King Frieza!"



Sun Wukong had returned to Kame Island and saw Kame-sennin looking at the photo album with a happy face.

""Grandpa Turtle Master!"

Sun Wukong shouted to Turtle Master with a smile.

After hearing Sun Wukong's voice, Turtle Master, who was watching in fascination, immediately put down the photo album in his hand and saw Sun Wukong.

"Goku, you're back!"


"When did you come back?"



Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz boarded a spaceship and flew in space for a month. Finally, they arrived on Earth today.

At this time, the spaceship of the three people has landed in a deserted mountain.

"Is this the Earth?"

Naba looked around and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure flew down from the sky.

This person was Sun Wukong.


Although Raditz had never seen Son Goku, he still recognized him from his hairstyle.

"My name is not Kakarot, my name is Son Goku!"

Raditz:"Son Goku?"

"I don’t care whether you are Kakarot or Son Goku, I ask you, do you know Roger?"

"Yes, I know him, what's wrong?"

"Did he ask you to come?"

"No, he just told me that you would come over!"

"So where is he now?"

"have no idea!"

"Don't know?"

Sun Wukong nodded.

"In that case, Raditz, you take care of him!"


"Yes, is there any problem?

Vegeta turned his head and said to Raditz

"No... No!"

Raditz shook his head after hearing this.

He swallowed his saliva immediately.

If he hadn't met Roger before, he had absolute confidence that he could defeat Sun Wukong.

But since he was defeated by Roger, he had some shadows in his heart about Roger, so he also believed Roger's words in his heart.

Sun Wukong glanced at Raditz lightly and said

"You are no match for me!"

"Damn it!"

Raditz clenched his fists immediately after hearing this.

"Why don't you do it?"

Vegeta said coldly

"I'll do it right away!"

After Raditz heard Vegeta's words, the fear in his heart was immediately suppressed by his fear of Vegeta.


With a loud shout, Raditz raised his right fist and rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong stood still.


Just as Raditz was about to get close to Sun Wukong, he was suddenly hit hard in the abdomen.

Raditz screamed loudly, fell to the ground and fainted.


Nappa said in horror.

Then he quickly turned on the combat power detector to check Sun Wukong's combat power value.




When Nappa saw the value of Sun Wukong's combat power, he immediately showed a trace of surprise on his face.

At this time, Vegeta, who was standing beside him, reminded Nappa

"Nappa, that is not Kakarot’s true combat power value. He should be hiding his true combat power just like Roger!"


"Yes, then it’s your turn next!"

"I...I'll do it!"

After hearing this, Nappa's body immediately trembled.

At this time, he also believed Roger's words just like Raditz.

"Why, are you scared too?"

""No, no, I'll do it right away!"

Nappa said, roaring loudly, and rushed towards Sun Wukong as fast as lightning.

Sun Wukong stood still.

Soon, Nappa rushed in front of Sun Wukong and punched forward with his right fist with all his strength.

"call out……"

Sun Wukong dodged Nappa's attack by moving sideways.


Nappa was startled and attacked with both fists.

Sun Wukong moved slightly and easily dodged Nappa's attack.

Vegeta saw that Nappa's attack could not hit Sun Wukong, and he clenched his hands tightly.

At this moment, Nappa kicked Sun Wukong with his right foot.


Sun Wukong raised his left hand and blocked Nappa's right kick.


Naba was shocked

"Is this all you have?"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, Nappa immediately retracted his right foot and stepped back.

"Well, in that case, let me let you try my trick!"


Nappa said, and immediately opened his mouth, and a golden energy wave shot out from his mouth, attacking Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong clapped his right hand casually, and the golden energy wave fell behind him like an arc.

With a loud bang, the energy wave exploded on the ground.

An extremely huge storm appeared, sweeping in all directions.

""It was actually bounced back!"

Nappa was shocked.

Then, he clapped his hands forward quickly, and a large amount of energy waves were launched from his hands, attacking Sun Wukong.

This was the famous prince's fighting method in the Dragon Ball world.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the energy waves attacked by Nappa exploded around Sun Wukong.

The thick smoke produced by the large amount of explosions soon covered Sun Wukong's body.


After seeing this, Nappa immediately stopped attacking and burst into laughter.

"Now you know how powerful I am, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure slowly walked out from the thick smoke.

This person was Sun Wukong.

"How could it be?"

Naba saw that Sun Wukong was unharmed, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

At this moment, Sun Wukong flashed in front of Naba, and hit Naba's abdomen with his right fist.

Naba screamed loudly, covered his abdomen with both hands, and fell to the ground.

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