"Raditz, I remember you seem to have a younger brother, right?"

Nappa said

"Yeah, I remember my mom saying, they sent him to Earth a few days ago!"

"Earth, isn’t that an extremely remote planet?"

"That guy was born with only 2 points of combat power, and he can only survive by going to that remote planet!"

"That’s true!"

"By the way, didn’t a Saiyan steal a spaceship and leave Planet Vegeta a month ago? He should still be alive!" said a Saiyan in the team.

"That guy is called Roger, right?"

Another Saiyan said.

When Roger first stole the spaceship, no one knew his true identity, but later on, after investigation, his true identity was known.

"Yes, he seems to be the son of a low-level Saiyan warrior, and his fighting ability is not very high!"

After hearing this, Vegeta ate the fruit in his hand without much concern.

Whether it was Sun Wukong or Roger, he was just the son of a low-level Saiyan warrior, and there was nothing to pay attention to. What he was thinking about now was how to become stronger, take revenge on Frieza, and take his place.



After Roger spent five days on Yadrat, he created a god-level teleportation by observing the Yadrat people's teleportation. The god-level teleportation Roger created is one that teleports through the perception of Qi, and the second is to move through the perception of the planet.

Although it is very close to the teleportation of King Kai, the teleportation he created now cannot move in the universe.

When he meets King Kai in the future, he will further improve the god-level teleportation he created.

In addition, Roger also comprehended the forced separation technique, the clone technique, and the transformation technique by observing the Yadrat people's use of Qi.

The forced separation technique can forcibly separate the energy that does not belong to the opponent from his body.

In the Dragon Ball Super Moro chapter, Vegeta relied on this trick to separate the energy absorbed by Moro.

At this time, Roger was sitting on a large rock with full concentration, meditating and practicing.

A short Yadrat person came over.

His name is Husu, a wise man of the Yadrat family, and he also knows the Saiyan language.

"Hu Su!"

Roger said to Hu Su.

Hu Su nodded.

"Hu Su, why are you here?"

"Roger, I'm here to tell you something!"

"one thing?"

"Your Planet Vegeta... is destroyed!"


After hearing this, Roger felt a little sad, but he didn't say much.


Hu Su nodded.

"It's okay, Roger, you can continue to stay here and practice!"

Roger nodded.

He really didn't have anywhere to go now. As for the Earth, although he now controls instant movement, there are too many planets in the universe, and he can't know the exact location of the Earth at once. He can only move slowly to the Earth.

His combat power is too low now. If he accidentally moves to a planet occupied by Frieza's army, it will be a disaster.

So he should improve his strength first, and then go to the Earth.


Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

After a year of training, Roger has increased his combat power to three million.

Of course, he does not have a combat power detector, so he does not know his current specific combat power.

At this moment, Roger is saying goodbye to Hu Su and preparing to go to Earth.

"Hu Su, thank you so much for your care this year!"

"It’s nothing. If you want to come back in the future, you can come back anytime!"


Roger nodded.

"Then everyone, I will go to Earth?"

Roger said goodbye to all the Yadrat people who came to see him off.

Hu Su translated Roger's meaning, and all the Yadrat people nodded together.

Seeing this, Roger immediately walked into the Saiyan spaceship.

The Saiyan spaceship started and left Yadrat.


Ten days later, the spaceship Roger was on landed in a forest on Earth.

Roger walked out of the Saiyan spaceship and looked at the blue sky.

"I finally arrived on Earth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger felt hungry.

"Let's go find something to eat first!"

After a while, Roger knocked down a big dinosaur, and then used a sharpened tree to pierce its body up and down, and used some wood to build a rack to hold the dinosaur's body up.

Finally, he put some firewood under the dinosaur for barbecue.

Roger looked at the dinosaur in front of him and was very excited.

"I should be the first person on Blue Star to taste the taste of dinosaurs, right?"

The Blue Star that Roger mentioned is the name of the planet where he lived in his previous life.

Because the barbecue takes a long time, Roger picked some wild fruits in the forest to fill his stomach.

After a long time, the dinosaur meat was roasted. Roger immediately put out the fire, used the wind control technique to cool the dinosaur meat, and started to eat.

Although Roger is small, his appetite is extremely amazing.

In less than a few minutes, Roger finished a dinosaur leg.

The size of this dinosaur leg is almost the same as Roger's body.

It is unknown how long it took for the whole dinosaur to be finished. Roger's stomach was bulging with food, and he burped.

Although the dinosaur meat tasted good, it was not as good as it had not been cooked or seasoned.

After resting for a while, Roger stood up and flew towards the nearby city.

Now that he had come to Earth, he naturally had to visit Bulma's house. Although

Bulma is still young, her father, Dr. Brief, is a famous scientist in the Dragon Ball world.

Son Goku's gravity chamber was created by Dr. Brief.

After arriving at the nearby city, Roger first inquired about the location of West City and came to West City.

Afterwards, he found a policeman on the side of the road and asked him about the location of Bulma's house.

"You want to see Dr. Brief?"

"Yes, my friend is at his house and asked me to go find him!"


The policeman was skeptical after hearing this.

However, he saw that Roger was five years old and didn't seem to be lying, so he let Roger sit on his motorcycle and took him to Dr. Brief's house.

Roger saw that the policeman believed him easily, and he sighed in his heart that the identity of a child was good.

This also reminded him of an anime he watched in his previous life,"Detective Conan".

After a long time, the policeman took Roger to the front yard of Bulma's house.

"Kids, this is Dr. Brief's house!"

The policeman said, and suddenly found that Roger, who was sitting on the back of his motorcycle, was gone.

"No... it's gone!"

The police were shocked and started looking around.

"Could he have fallen on the way here?"

The policeman thought of this and immediately drove back on his motorcycle.

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