The police drove back a distance and saw Roger, so they immediately stopped the motorcycle and said

""Little boy, when did you get off my motorcycle just now?"

The policeman asked, while checking Roger to see if he had any injuries.

"Just now, uncle police, I suddenly don’t want to go anymore, I want to go home!"

"go home?"

"Yes, my home is nearby!"

"Really? Do you need me to take you back?"

Although the police knew he might be fooled, he still said kindly.

After all, in his eyes, Roger was just a four or five-year-old child.

"It's okay, I know my home!"

After hearing this, the police wanted to insist on sending Roger back, but the mobile phone on his waist suddenly rang.

The police picked up the phone, and after hanging up the call, he looked at Roger and thought he was quite smart, so he said to Roger

"Then Roger, I won’t send you back. If you have any problems, just find our police officers!"


Roger nodded.

After the police saw it, he immediately got on his motorcycle and drove forward.

Seeing the police leave, Roger immediately returned to the door of Bulma's house.

Originally, he could have ignored the police just now, but in order not to worry the police, he appeared in front of the police again and made up another lie.

However, Xidu is really big. If he hadn't found the police, he really didn't know how long it would take to find Bulma's house.

"Ding Dong!"

Roger pressed the doorbell.

A robot voice came out from the speaker on the electronic doorbell.

"This is Dr. Brief's home. Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

"My name is Roger, and I want to find Boomer!"

Roger wanted to say Dr. Brief, but now he is just a child, and he doesn't know himself, so he can only try his luck and see if Boomer will let him in.

"Okay, I'll go tell the second young lady now, please wait!"


Roger nodded.

After a while, the robot's voice came from the speaker on the electronic doorbell again.

"Roger, the second lady is busy now and said she doesn’t know you, so I’m sorry, we can’t open the door for you!"


Just then, a girl with long blonde hair, a little red hat on her head, black eyes, and a red dress came over from a distance.

This person was Bulma's sister Tais.

Tais walked up to Roger with a smile on her face and said,

"Who are you, kid? Why are you here?"

"My name is Roger, who are you, sister?"

"My name is Taisi. How come you are at my door?

Taisi squatted down and asked Roger with a smile.

"I'm here to see Dr. Briff!"

"Looking for dad?"


Roger nodded.

"What do you want to do with your dad?"

"I heard that he is a famous scientist in Xidu, so I came to visit him!"

"Scientist? Visit? Roger, are you interested in inventions?"


At this time, Taisi suddenly found that Roger had a tail behind him.


"Roger, why is there a tail behind you?"

"Because I'm a Saiyan!"

Roger laughed


"Yes, I come from a planet in the southern Milky Way, but it is destroyed now!"

""Roger, don't lie to me, you don't look like an alien at all!"

Taisi said with a smile.

Saiyans and Earthlings look exactly the same except for their tails.

This is completely different from the aliens Taisi imagined.

Just when Taisi was halfway through laughing, the smile on her face suddenly froze.

Because Roger's body suddenly flew from the ground to the air.

""Fly... fly!"

Roger nodded, and his body fell from mid-air to the ground.

After seeing this, Taisi immediately checked Roger's body to see if he had any flying devices.

"No, really nothing!"

"Sister, do you believe now that I am an alien?"

"I believe it for now. Then why are you looking for my father?"

"Actually, I wanted to sell him something!"



"What is it?"



Taisi was shocked.

"Roger, you have a spaceship?"

"Of course, otherwise how would I come to Earth?"

"But, if you sell the spaceship, how will you leave the earth in the future?"

"My planet has been destroyed, so I plan to stay on Earth for a long time from now on!"

"Where is your spaceship? Can you let me see it first?"

Tayis said with a smile.

Taisi is a science fiction novelist, so she is very interested in the vast universe.

But she doesn't have a spaceship, so she can't leave the earth.

Now Roger said he has a spaceship, so she is naturally very interested.

"Of course you can, but it’s not easy to park the spaceship here. Why don’t we go to your house first?"


Taisi thought for a moment and nodded.

Then, Taisi took Roger into the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Roger saw two or three robots dressed as nannies cleaning the house.

""Miss, you're back!"

A robot that looked like a butler here said to Taisi respectfully.


Taisi nodded lightly and responded.

"Miss, is this person next to you your friend?"

"Yes, his name is Roger!"


Without waiting for the housekeeper robot to ask, Taisi pressed the password of the backyard gate and opened it.

A huge yard like a zoo appeared, and Taisi led Roger in.

Roger walked into the backyard of Bulma's house and saw many stray cats, dogs, lizards, and other animals.

"Sister, you have so many animals at home!"

"Yes, these are the animals my dad adopted from outside!"

"Really? Your father is really kind-hearted!"

Just as the two were chatting, a blond, blue-eyed, and graceful woman walked in.

This person was Tais's mother, Mrs. Brief.

"Taisi, you are back. Is this your friend? He looks so small, but so cute!"

"No, he came to find his father!"

"Looking for your dad?"


Taisi nodded.

"Your father, he is repairing a machine in the front now, and Boomer is there too!"

Mrs. Brief said, smiling at Roger.

"What's your name, kid? Would you like a drink?"

"My name is Roger, no thanks!"

""Roger, you are really polite, unlike my Bulma!"

After hearing this, Taisi ignored Mrs. Brief and continued to walk forward with Roger.

After walking for a while, Roger saw from a distance a middle-aged man in a white coat and a pair of black glasses repairing some machine.

Next to the middle-aged man stood a little girl with blue-green twin ponytails and a chubby face.

They were Dr. Brief and Bulma.

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