"Dad, Bulma!"

Taisi called out to the two of them.

They looked up and saw Taisi and Roger beside her.

"elder sister!"


After a while, Tais brought Roger to the two of them.

"Taisi, who is he?"

Dr. Brief asked Taisi

"His name is Roger, and he is a Saiyan!"



When Bulma heard Roger's name, she immediately remembered that the butler robot had just told her that someone named Roger was looking for her.

"Were you looking for me just now?"

Bulma asked Roger

"Yes, actually I want to meet your father, so I wanted to borrow your name to come in!"

"Meet my dad?"

"Yeah, I want to sell a spaceship to Dr. Brief!"


Dr. Brief was very interested and said

""Dad, don't be fooled by him. How could he have a spaceship?"

Bulma said in disbelief.

After Bulma finished speaking, Dr. Brief and Tais looked at Roger at the same time.

In fact, they didn't really believe that Roger would have a spaceship.

Roger saw the two of them looking at him, and of course he knew what they were thinking.

So he took out the spaceship remote control from his clothes and pressed it lightly.

More than ten seconds later, a white spaceship appeared over Bulma's house.

"What was that just now? Was it a meteor?"

Because Roger's spaceship was moving too fast, many humans in Xidu didn't see Roger's spaceship clearly. It was not until Roger's spaceship stopped over Bulma's house that some humans living nearby saw Roger's spaceship.

"What is this? Is it an alien spaceship?"

"I don't think so. That's Dr. Brief's house. Maybe Dr. Brief is making a spaceship."


Bulma saw the spaceship appearing at the speed of light and said in disbelief

"Am I dreaming?"

Bulma said, pinching her face with her hands.

"It hurts so much, this is not a dream!"

After seeing this scene, Roger couldn't help laughing immediately.

"You are so cute!"

Bulma blushed after hearing this.

She felt that she was really embarrassed just now.

Seeing this, Roger pressed the spaceship remote control in his hand, and the spaceship landed smoothly on the grass.

"It's really a spaceship!"

Tays said excitedly.

If she had this spaceship, she could leave the earth and go to other planets.

Dr. Brief walked to Roger's spaceship, looked at the outer shell of the spaceship with his hand and said

"Roger, how much do you plan to sell this spaceship for?"

"Several hundred million!"

""A few hundred million? I thought it would be hundreds of billions!"

Roger said with a smile.

"If I sell it to you for hundreds of billions, will you buy it?"


Dr. Brief shook his head.

Although he was rich, he would not spend a lot of money to study something like a spaceship, which was expensive and could not be mass-produced.

"What about the hundreds of millions?"

Roger continued to ask

"Worth considering!"

"So, Dad, are you going to buy this spaceship?"

Taisi asked Dr. Brief.

"think about it!"

""Dad, what are you still thinking about? This is a spaceship! If you can also build such a spaceship, our company will definitely become the world's number one company!"

After hearing this, Dr. Brief glanced at Tais and said

"Then Taisi, if I buy this spaceship, would you be willing to work in your family's company?"

"This... I'll think about it!"

After hearing this, Dr. Brief turned and looked at Roger.

"Roger, open this spaceship and let me see it!"


Roger said, and immediately pressed the remote control in his hand to open the door of the spacecraft.

"Roger, can this spaceship only seat one person?"

"Yes, but this spaceship is very fast and can go to any place in the universe without any problem!"

"Does this spacecraft have an instruction manual?"


"Yes, and maintenance and stuff!"

"Well...if you need it, I can write you an instruction manual, and I can also solve it after sales!"

"Can you repair this spaceship?"

"Of course!"

Roger said with a smile.

When he was on Yadrat, Roger not only practiced, but also learned about the technology of Yadrat and other planets.

Roger's comprehension was extraordinary, and he easily mastered the technology of Yadrat and other planets.

Although the technology of Yadrat was not very advanced, the Yadrat people could teleport. They would use teleportation to go to some highly civilized planets and trade with them.

So Roger was far superior to Dr. Brief in terms of spacecraft.

But in terms of universal capsules, Dr. Brief was unmatched.

"Really? Where do you live now?"

"I have no place to live right now, otherwise I wouldn't sell the spaceship to you!"

"I see. Why don't you stay at my house? That way, if I have any questions about the spacecraft, I can come to you!"

"Well, then the money!"

"I spent ten billion to buy this spaceship, and I will ask your wife to give it to you tomorrow!"

"One billion!"

"Yeah, isn’t it too little?"

"No, no, that's enough!"

"By the way, Taisi just said you are a Saiyan? Are you an alien?"


"If you sell the spaceship to me, how are you going to get back?"

"My original planet has been destroyed, so there is no way to go back!"

"So that's it. From now on, this will be your home!"


Does he think of himself as a stray cat?

"Then Roger, can you tell me about the structure of this spaceship?"


Roger nodded and told Dr. Brief.

After a long time, Dr. Brief said as if he had suddenly realized something.

"So that's how it is, alien technological civilization is indeed far ahead of us!"

"Actually, not really, we are just a little ahead in spacecraft!" said Roger

"Roger, how old are you?"

"Five years old!"

"That's the same age as our Bulma. How about you arrange a baby marriage for her?"


Bulma said angrily.

Although Dr. Brief is a famous scientist on Earth, he always has some unruly moments.

"Bulma, I think this is a good idea!"

Tayis, who was standing nearby, immediately teased Bulma.

Bulma immediately looked at Roger. Seeing

Bulma's angry eyes, Roger immediately coughed and said

"Dr. Brief, I think... forget it!"


"Because... I feel like she's hostile toward me!"

"So that’s it, it’s okay, feelings can be cultivated slowly!"


Bulma shouted to Dr. Brief immediately after hearing this.

She had seen people selling their daughters, but she had never seen anyone selling their daughters like this.

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