"Well, if you really don't want to, forget it!"

Taisi immediately asked Roger after seeing this.

"Roger, how long did it take you to come here from the Southern Milky Way?"

"More than a year!"

"More than a year, that’s not long!"

"No, I stayed on Yadrat for a year, otherwise it would only take me more than a month to reach Earth!"

"You mean, this spacecraft can cross a galaxy in a month?"


Roger nodded.

"So Roger, what are you going to do on Yadrat?"

Tays is a science fiction novelist, so she is very interested in the universe.

"Taisi, I have to work. If you want to chat, you can go to the front!"

"Ok dad!"

"Then Roger, come with me to the front and talk?"


Roger nodded.

After that, the two of them immediately walked forward.

Seeing this, Dr. Brief glanced at Bulma beside him.

"Bulma, aren't you going with them?"

"Humph, I won't go!"

At this time, Taisi and Roger had already walked away.

However, Roger had a keen hearing and still heard what Bulma said. He turned around and looked back.

"Did he... just hear what I said?"

Bulma was startled when she saw Roger suddenly turn around.

At this time, Roger turned his head and continued to walk forward with Taisi.

Bulma was relieved after seeing this.

"It seems that he didn't hear me, but why should I be afraid of that guy? This is obviously my home!"

"So Roger, what do the Yadrat people you mentioned look like?

Tais asked Roger

"His skin is red with red spots on it. He is not tall, has pointed ears, no hair on his head, and wears strange clothes!"

"Weird clothes?"

"Just like the clothes I'm wearing!"

Taisi immediately looked at the clothes on Roger and said

"Is this dress you are wearing a gift from them?"

"Yes, they are a very friendly people!"

Unconsciously, the two of them had walked to a white table and chairs.

The door behind the table and chairs led to the hall of Tais's house.

"Roger, sit down!"


Roger said, and he and Taisi found a chair and sat down.

At this time, Mrs. Brief came out of the house and brought them a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

""Little Roger, have some coffee I just made!"

Mrs. Brief said to Roger with a smile.

""Mom, Roger is still so young, how can you let him drink coffee?"

Taisi said speechlessly.

"What does it matter? Maybe Roger likes coffee! Right, Roger?"

After hearing this, Roger laughed dryly.

"Auntie, actually I don’t really like coffee!"

"No? Then what do you like to drink? Coke?"


Roger nodded.

"Well, I'll get you a Coke now!"

Mrs. Brief said, and went back to the house to get Roger a Coke.

"Roger, you said you are a Saiyan. Apart from your tails, are you any different from us Earthlings?"

"We Saiyans are a fighting nation, so our combat power is relatively strong!"

"What is combat effectiveness?"

"To put it simply, it is a person's strength. The stronger the strength, the stronger the combat effectiveness!"

"So Roger, what is your fighting power?"

"have no idea!"

"have no idea?"

"Because my combat power is too high, the combat power detector can no longer detect my combat value!"

"So, do I have the fighting power?"

"Of course!"

"So how much fighting power do I have?"

"Probably… 5!"


Just then, Bulma appeared and walked over from not far away.


"how about you?"

"Didn't I just say that? I don't know either!"


"At least 20,000 combat power!"

Roger said, stroking his cheek with his right index finger.

"The minimum... the lowest is 20,000, so wouldn’t you be very awesome?"

""It's OK!"

Roger said with a smile

"Sister, what do you think is so great about him?"

Bulma asked Taisi.

"Roger's fighting ability?"

"Combat power? What is that?"

"It’s the strength of one person!"


At this moment, Mrs. Brief, who went to the house to get a drink, put a can of Coke in front of Roger.

"Roger, your Coke!"


"Bulma, since you are here too, this cup of coffee is for you!"

"No, that thing is so bitter!"

Bulma said

"In that case, go to the house and get the drink you want. This cup of coffee is for your dad!"

Bulma nodded.

"So sister, how strong is this guy's fighting ability?"

"The minimum is 20,000!"

"Twenty thousand?"

"Yes, he said my combat power is only 5!"


Bulma laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Sister, don't be fooled by him. I don't think he can even beat you!"

After hearing this, Taisi immediately looked at Roger.

In fact, she also had a little doubt about what Roger said.

After hearing this, Roger smiled and said

"Bulma, what did you just call me?"

"This...this guy!"

"Then if I prove to you that what I just said is true, how about you call me brother?"

"elder brother!"


Roger nodded.

"Okay, as long as you can prove it, I will call you brother!"


After hearing this, Roger immediately laughed.

Then, he raised his right hand and fired a golden air wave from his hand towards the sky.


With a huge explosion, the air wave exploded in the sky.

A large amount of thick smoke from the explosion immediately appeared in the sky.

Because the explosion was so loud, the residents living near Dr. Brief's house saw the huge explosion.

Bulma was immediately frightened and trembled when she saw the huge explosion in the sky.

Tais and Mrs. Brief who were sitting next to them were also frightened.

"How about it, do you believe it now?"

Roger smiled and looked at Bulma.

"I...believe it!"

"So what should you call yourself now?"


Bulma said with some difficulty in her heart.

Because of the huge explosion in the sky, Taisi suddenly felt a little afraid of Roger.

Although Mrs. Brief was a little scared just now, she soon regained her composure when the explosion stopped.

"Um...Roger, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Taisi said to Roger


After a while, Taisi came out of the toilet and slowly calmed down. She continued to ask Roger about some things in the universe.

At noon, Mrs. Brief prepared a large table of dishes and asked Roger to eat with them.

"Roger, you are welcome, just eat!"

Taisi smiled and said to Roger


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