Roger said, and then he started eating without hesitation.

"collapse collapse……"

Taisi and the others were surprised to see Roger eating his meal like a whirlwind.

"What's wrong?"

Roger looked at the four people and said

"Nothing... nothing, I'll go cook a few more dishes!"

Mrs. Brief stood up from her chair and said

"Um...Roger, have you not eaten for several days?"

Taisi asked cautiously.

"No, we Saiyans have big appetites!"

"So that's it!"

Roger nodded and continued to eat.

After a long time, Roger put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, burped loudly and said

"I'm stuffed!"

"Is... is that so?"

Tayis said, looking at the clean plates on the table. Roger nodded and walked down the table.

At this time, Mrs. Brief came over with a plate of freshly fried beef.

"Roger, you don't want to eat?"

"No more eating, I’m full!"

"All right then!"

Mrs. Brief said, bringing the fried beef to the table.

"Mom, I'm full!"

"I’m full too!"

"You guys don't eat anymore, then my husband……"

"I’m full too!"


After a while, Taisi found Roger sitting on a piece of grass.

"Roger, do you want to take a nap at noon? If you need a nap, I can take you to your room!"


Roger nodded.

"By the way, Sister Taisi, I want to buy some universal capsules without anything put in them from you!"

"You mean the empty universal capsule?"

Roger nodded again.

"Of course you can, but what do you want to do with the empty universal capsule?"

"After I sell my spaceship, I'm going somewhere else!"

"Where to go?"

"Go where God is!"

"God? Is there really a God in this world?"


"Then can you take me there?"



"You are too weak, you can't go to that place!"

"Then when will you come back?"

"have no idea!"

"Humph, you don’t know again!"

"Sister Taisi, you just said... take me to have lunch!"

"What's the point of taking a lunch break? Just sleep here!"

Taisi said, and left angrily.

"Women are really fickle animals!"

Roger said, and found a cooler place to rest.

In the afternoon, after waking up from his nap, Roger went to wash up.

When he finished washing up, he saw Taisi, who was angry before, walking over with a smile.


"woke up?"

"Wake up, what's the matter with you?"

"You said at noon that you were going to see God. Can you tell me what God looks like?"

"have no idea!"

"have no idea?"

"Because I haven't seen him yet, but I know where he is!"

"Where is he?"

Taisi asked.

Roger pointed to the sky.

"Heaven? You mean the sky?"

Roger nodded.

"Impossible, if there really are gods in the sky, we humans would have discovered them long ago!"

Roger smiled without saying anything.

"So Roger, if you really see the gods, can you come back?"


"Actually, I am a science fiction adventure novelist, and I want to write a story about aliens!"


"So I need a subject for creation. I am very interested in what you said.

If you can help me, I will be very grateful to you!"


"I beg you!"

"Then I'll think about it!"

"Consider? What do you mean?"

"If I'm done, I'll come back to see you guys!"

"Really? That’s great!"

"By the way, do you have a cell phone? It would be easier for me to find you!"

"No, but if you want to give me one, I have no objection!"


Taisi nodded.

"By the way, did I forget what the Yadrat people you mentioned this morning looked like?"

"Do you have a pen? I can draw it for you!"

"Yes, I'll get it for you right away!"

After a while, Taisi brought a pen and a drawing board.

""Here, I'll give you the pen!"

Roger took the pen from Tais and began to draw on the drawing board.

Soon, a sketch of a Yadtra star appeared.

"Roger, is this the Yadrat alien?"

"Yes, but it hasn’t been colored yet. His skin is red, and the color of his clothes is the same color as the clothes I’m wearing!"

"Really? But you draw really well, better than me. Are you really only five years old?"


"So your year is 365 days, right?"

"Three hundred and sixty-four days!"

"……Roger, didn’t you say that you Saiyans are a fighting race? How come you are so smart?"

"Maybe I am special because I am a genius!"

"Roger, you are really not modest!"

Taisi laughed.

"There's no way. If I were modest, it might hit you even harder!"

"It hit me? Why?"

"Because on my planet, being too modest will make people call you Versailles!"

"Versailles, what does this mean?"

"For example, a great writer earns hundreds of thousands a month, and says to a flop who only earns a few thousand a month,"I'm such a flop." This is Versailles!"

"Oh, so that's what you mean!"

Taisi laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Then I must be the failed author!"

Roger smiled and said nothing.

You are a failure, but...if you fail, you can inherit billions of dollars in your family's wealth.

"So what is your planet like?"

"I mean, what did he look like before your planet was destroyed?"

"Red, there isn't so much ocean, it's mostly Gobi Desert!"

"Oh, what about the temperatures?"

"The temperature is relatively dry, and the gravity of our planet is ten times that of your Earth!"

"So that's it!"

In this way, Taisi kept asking Roger


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

After Roger got one billion and helped Dr. Brief answer various questions about the spacecraft, he said goodbye to Dr. Brief and left.

During these three days, Bulma, who was originally hostile to Roger, became friends with Roger under Tais's persuasion.

After three days of getting along, Bulma had a little"good impression" of Roger.

So when she heard that Roger was leaving, she said with some reluctance in her heart

"Roger, when will you come to Xidu to play with me again?"

"I don’t know, but if I have time, I will definitely come and play with you!"

"Okay, then you can’t lie to me!"

"Roger, if you are free in the future, you can come over anytime. You are always welcome to our home!"

Mrs. Brief said


"Sister Taisi, Bulma, uncle, aunt, I'm leaving?"


The four nodded.

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