Seeing this, Roger immediately flew into the sky.

"Fly, sister, can he fly?"

"Yeah, didn't he tell you?"

"No, when he comes over again, I will definitely interrogate him thoroughly!"


"Ask...Ask him!"

Bulma laughed dryly.

After leaving Bulma's house, Roger flew to Baozi Mountain outside Xidu according to what Taisi said.

Baozi Mountain was full of forests and wild animals. After Roger circled Baozi Mountain, he saw a kind old man carrying a bamboo basket on his back, and a baby with a crab-like hairstyle was sitting in the basket.

This old man was Old Son Gohan, and the baby in his basket was Son Goku.

"Are you safe and sound?"

Seeing Sun Wukong arrive safely on Earth, Roger immediately turned around and flew back.

Old Sun Wuhan seemed to sense someone behind him and turned around to look back.

However, Roger's figure had already disappeared.

After flying for an unknown period of time, Roger flew to an uninhabited island.

Roger raised his right hand, condensed a golden energy wave in his hand, and shot it into the sea.

With a loud bang, the golden energy wave exploded in the sea, raising a wave of hundreds of feet.

A large number of fish, shrimps and crabs were blown into the air along with the waves.

Roger waved his right hand forward, and a whirlwind appeared, bringing the fish and shrimps to the shore.

Of course, there were also some fish, shrimps and crabs that were not brought over and fell into the sea.

Roger looked at the fish, shrimps and crabs on the ground and nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he suddenly thought of a question, that is, whether cats eat shrimps and crabs

"Forget it, let's pack it up first!"

Roger said, taking out an empty universal capsule and putting all the fish, shrimp and crabs into the universal capsule.

After packing the fish, shrimp and crabs, Roger felt that there were not enough fish, so he blew up a few more fish before leaving the island and flying into the sky.


The Kalin Tower is the tallest tower on earth.

According to legend, anyone who climbs from the bottom of the tower to the top by his own strength will meet an immortal at the top.

If he drinks the immortal water given by the immortal, his strength will increase several times.

Countless people have challenged this tower, but all of them have failed.

Some climbed for several days, but lost their strength and fell down from the top due to lack of food supplies.

Others took a plane to fly up in one breath, but they also failed.

If you don't want to climb up by your own strength, you will never see the top of the tower.

At this time, there was a cat with white hair all over the body, two linear eyes, three whiskers on each side of the mouth, three eyebrows on the top of the head, and a cane in his right hand. He stood on the Kalin Tower and looked down at the lower world.

He was the god Kalin who lived on this Kalin Tower, also known as the cat immortal.

Suddenly, the cat immortal saw a figure flying towards him at a very fast speed.

This person was Roger

""What a strong aura!"

After feeling the aura emanating from Roger, the Cat Immortal broke out in a cold sweat.

Although Roger had tried his best to restrain his aura, he would still emit it when he used the Air Dance Technique.

Roger's combat power had reached three million, so even if he just emitted some aura, it would be enough to scare the Cat Immortal.

"Is he going to come to me?"

"Found it!"

Roger said, and instantly moved to the Kalin Tower.


The Cat Immortal was frightened and took a few steps back.

"Hello, my name is Roger, and you are the Immortal Karin, right?"

"Yes, I am the Immortal Kalin. May I ask if you came here for the super divine water?"

"No, I came here to exchange some Senzu Beans with you!"

"Senzu beans?"


" do you know that I have Senzu Beans?"

"I have the ability to predict the future!"

"Predict the future? You mean, you knew I had Senzu beans by predicting the future!"


Roger said, took out a universal capsule, pressed the switch of the universal capsule, and threw it on the ground.


With a puff of white smoke, a large number of fish, shrimps and crabs appeared on the ground.


When the Cat Immortal saw the sea fish, his expression immediately became very excited.

Although he has lived for more than 800 years, his favorite food is still fish.

Roger smiled and nodded.

"Master Karin, how about I exchange these fish for some magic beans from you?"

"Okay, how much do you want?"

"Three cans!"

"Three...three cans. Do you know how many years it will take me to save up enough to buy one can?"

"Three years!"

"That’s not a long time!"

"What do you mean it’s not a long time? You use such a small amount of fish and want to exchange it for three cans of Senzu Beans from me. No matter what I say, there’s no way!"

"Oh, so you complained that there were not enough fish. Don’t worry, I still have three universal capsules here. The fish in each of these three universal capsules is no less than that in the one just now!"

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true!"

"Well, give me those three universal capsules. If there are really as many fish in those three universal capsules as you said, I will give you three cans of Senzu Beans!"


The Cat Immortal said, looking around.

"This place is a bit small, would you please come with me to the bottom of the tower?"

"Under the tower?"

The Cat Immortal nodded and pushed open a wooden board.

After the board was pushed open, there was a ladder inside. Under the ladder, there was a place that looked like a cellar.

Of course, this was not a cellar, but inside the Kalin Tower.

"call out……"


Roger flew to the Kalin Tower, and the Cat Fairy was still slowly climbing down the ladder.

But soon, he climbed down the ladder.

After seeing this, Roger immediately took out three universal capsules, turned on the switches of the three universal capsules, and threw them to���Bang!

With three streams of white smoke, three piles of fish, shrimps and crabs appeared on the ground.

The cat fairy licked his lips and said

"Roger, I'll go get you some Senzu beans now!"


Roger nodded.

After a while, the cat fairy brought three cans of magic beans to Roger.

"Roger, these are the Senzu beans you asked for!"


Roger said, taking out an empty universal capsule and putting three cans of Senzu beans into the universal capsule.

Cat Immortal:"This universal capsule is really convenient!"

"Yes, if Master Kalin has nothing else to do, I won’t bother you!"


Seeing this, Roger immediately left Kalin Tower and flew towards the heaven above Kalin Tower.

Just when Roger was not far from the heaven, the sky suddenly became overcast and a large amount of lightning struck from the clouds.


Looking at the lightning, Roger immediately formed a protective shield outside his body.

The lightning landed on the protective shield and moved around it for a while before disappearing.

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