"Yeah, do you want me to give you the gravity room for free?"

"No, no!"

After hearing this, Nappa shook his head repeatedly.

"But now that we have given you our spaceship, how are we supposed to leave the Earth?"

"If you want to leave the Earth, I can take you away from the Earth!"

Roger said.

Vegeta snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Roger, if you want those spaceships, take them! I want to see the gravity chamber you mentioned right away!"

""Okay, but you have to wait a moment!"

Roger said, and immediately came to Vegeta's spaceship and drew a strange circular pattern next to him.

After the pattern was drawn, Roger immediately used the control object to make Vegeta's spaceship fly up from the ground and land on the pattern drawn on the ground.

Then, Roger recited a spell, and the pattern on the ground immediately turned purple and emitted bursts of purple light.

"In this way, the teleportation array is ready!"

"Kakarot, what is he doing?"

Raditz was a little curious about Roger's magic.

"I don't know!"

At this moment, Roger moved instantly and came to the backyard of Bulma's house.


Bulma, who was drinking coffee in the backyard, saw Roger suddenly appear and immediately walked over happily.

After hearing this, Roger nodded, took a branch in his right hand, and drew a circular teleportation array on the ground.

"Roger, what are you doing?"

Bulma asked

"I'm drawing a magic circle!"

"Magic circle?"

"Yes, you will know soon!"


After a while, Roger finished drawing and recited a spell, and a purple magic formation appeared.

"Ok, done!"

"Transmit now!"

As soon as the words fell, a Saiyan spaceship slowly emerged from the ground.

"Is this... a spaceship?"


Roger said, using his control to land the spaceship on the grass in the distance.

"There are four spaceships over there. I will tell you in detail after I teleport all the spaceships over!"

"Oh, good!"

Seeing this, Roger teleported in front of Sun Wukong and the others, and then used his control to move another Saiyan spaceship to the teleportation array.

"Roger, what are you doing?"

Sun Wukong was also a little curious about Roger's magic.

"This is a teleportation array. It can help me teleport the spaceship to Dr. Brief's house!"

"Dr. Brief?"

"Yes, I plan to sell these spaceships!"

Roger said, and immediately recited a magic spell to teleport the spaceship to Bulma's house.

Then, he teleported to Bulma's house.

After five teleportations, Roger finally transported all the spaceships to Bulma's house.

Finally, he brought the hundred-fold gravity room made by Dr. Brief to Son Goku and the others.

Raditz:"What is this?"

"This is the Hundred Times Gravity Room. It can increase gravity to one hundred times. If you practice in it, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"


After hearing this, Nappa still felt that it would be a bit of a disadvantage for them to change the gravity room for three spaceships.

"In addition, you are now on Earth and must abide by the laws of the Earth. You are not allowed to kill or steal!"

"So how do we solve the problem of food?"

Raditz asked

"There are seas and forests on the earth. You can solve the problem of food by just hunting casually!"

Roger said

"Well, none of this matters. Roger, please take me to the gravity room you mentioned! Frieza will probably send out even stronger enemies after him!"


Roger nodded.


On the other side, after the death of Dodoria and Sabo, a soldier from Frieza's army soon reported to Frieza that they could not contact the two.

"Can’t contact Sabo and the others?"

""Yes... yes, King Frieza!"

The soldier in charge of reporting trembled.

When Frieza was angry, he might kill people, so when there was bad intelligence to report, it was usually these low-level soldiers who were responsible for reporting it.

"What about the Ginyu Force, where are they now?"

"It seems to be somewhere close to the Northern Milky Way!"

"Then let them go to Earth and see if Sabo and the others are still alive. If they are dead, let them get rid of those Saiyans!"

"Yes, King Frieza!"


On Earth.

Vegeta and the others had already entered the gravity room with Roger.

"This is the gravity room. This is the switch of the gravity room. The button on the left, just press it once, you can double the gravity. The button on the right, just press it once, you can reduce the gravity by half.

The button in the middle is the button that resets the gravity to zero. Finally, there are the buttons on this machine. These buttons can directly input multiples, and the highest multiple is 100 times!"

After listening, Nappa nodded, not quite understanding.

"Goku, there is still some food in this spaceship, but once it's all eaten, you'll have to go hunting on your own!"


Sun Wukong nodded.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first?"


Sun Wukong nodded.

After seeing this, Roger moved instantly and left the gravity room.

"Prince Vegeta, what should we do next?"

Nappa asked Vegeta

"Needless to say, of course, I am here to practice!"

"Raditz, your fighting ability is relatively low, so you will be responsible for food issues before Frieza arrives!"


Raditz nodded despite some reluctance.

"Wait, Vegeta, why should Raditz be responsible for the food problem when his fighting power is low? Shouldn't we solve it ourselves?"

Son Goku���After hearing this, he immediately stood up and spoke for Raditz.

After hearing this, Vegeta snorted coldly.

"Kakarot, stop being so hypocritical. If you have any objections, you can help him solve the food problem!"


After hearing this, Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

"Help him solve the food problem, then help him solve the food problem!"

Sun Wukong said, and immediately left the gravity room.


Raditz looked at Sun Wukong's figure going away, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

He never thought that one day, the brother he looked down upon would stand up for him.


West City, Bulma's house.

Roger has arrived at Bulma's house.

"Roger, where did you get these spaceships?"

"Some Saiyans and aliens just came to Earth, where did I get it from them!"

"What do aliens look like?"

"They are already dead!"

"……What about the Saiyans?"

"They're in the southern part of the world!"

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