"South? If you take the gravity room away, you're bringing it to them?"

Roger nodded.

"By the way, Roger, you just said that the pattern on the ground is a magic circle, so do you know magic?"

"A little bit, right?"

"Then can you teach me?"

Bulma asked

"Yes, you can, but learning magic is not as easy as you think!"

"It's okay, I'm very patient, I believe I can learn it!"

After hearing this, Bulma patted his chest with his right hand and said

"It’s not patience…it’s talent!"

"When learning magic, the most important thing is whether you have talent!"



"In that case, I will definitely prove to you that I have a talent for learning magic!"

"Okay, then I will recite a magic spell later and you follow me!"



More than ten minutes later, Bulma recited the magic spell that Roger had just taught her, trying to make the tree grow.

But no matter how she recited, she couldn't make the tree grow.

Roger sat at a table in the backyard, drinking the coffee that Mrs. Brief had just made.

"Roger, what is she doing?

Mrs. Brief saw that Boomer had been"talking" to a small tree and thought that she was out of her mind.

"She is learning magic!"


Roger nodded.

At this moment, a figure flew down from the sky.

It was Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong nodded.

"Roger, who is he?"

Bulma looked at Sun Wukong.

"His name is Son Goku, and he's a Saiyan like me!"

"Goku, this is Bulma, she's my friend!"



Roger nodded.

"Wukong, why are you here?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately told Roger about Raditz.

"You want to help Raditz?"

Sun Wukong nodded.

"Well, for your sake, I will help them solve their food problem!

But I can only help them solve their food problem for a few months. After a few months, they still have to solve their food problem by themselves!"

"It's okay, I'll ask them to prepare food in advance!"

Roger nodded.

"Then Goku, after you bring the food back, I will send you to practice with Lord Kai, right?"

"Lord Kai?"

"Yes, the gravity room is so small, it's not suitable for so many people to practice together!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

After a long time, Roger brought Sun Wukong back to the gravity room and gave Raditz the food and water in the universal capsule.

After Sun Wukong briefly introduced the universal capsule to him, he saw that Vegeta and the others had already entered to practice, so he asked Raditz

"Raditz, why don't you go in and practice?"

"The gravity in there is too strong, there is no way I can practice in there!"

"Too heavy?"

"Yes, because Prince Vegeta used fifty times gravity to practice from the beginning!"

"Fifty times the gravity from the beginning!"

Sun Wukong was shocked.


"How about this, Raditz, you and I go to Lord Kai's place to train together?"

"Lord Kai?"

"Yes, Lord Kai is a very good person. I think he will definitely agree to you training with me!"

After listening, Raditz thought for a while and said

"No need. I can’t help you much with my current fighting ability anyway!"


"It’s okay, I can go in and practice while Prince Vegeta is resting!"

"Well, if you want to come and practice, you can come anytime!"

Raditz nodded.


Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In this half month, Vegeta basically practiced in the gravity room except for eating and sleeping.

Although Vegeta was not very nice to Raditz and the others, he was indeed diligent and hardworking in practice.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to greatly improve his combat effectiveness within half a month.

Although Raditz and Nappa also improved a little, the improvement was not much.

"Kakarot, Roger!"

Vegeta was practicing and saying the names of the two.

Suddenly, Vegeta felt five very powerful auras approaching the earth.

"Are they coming?"

After Vegeta felt the five powerful auras, he was not afraid but showed a hint of excitement.

Because these five people were the Ginyu Force. If he had met the Ginyu Force before, he would have been very scared.

But it is different now. His strength has been greatly improved, and he has Roger as a powerful backer. He is not afraid of the Ginyu Force at all.

In addition, the Ginyu Force had mocked him a lot before. Now that they came to his door, it was a good opportunity for revenge.

Don't bully the poor young man.

He wants those who looked down on him to pay the price they deserve.

At this moment, the fire of revenge in Vegeta's heart was burning.

"Wait, Frieza, I will become the legendary Super Saiyan and defeat you!"

Nappa was stunned when he saw Vegeta suddenly talking to himself.

"somebody is coming!"


After hearing this, Nappa said nervously

"Ginyu Force!"

""Ginyu Force!"

Nappa was shocked.

He knew the Ginyu Force, the ace team under Frieza.

Frieza sent them here, which meant he was really angry.


"So Prince Vegeta, what should we do next?"

"Needless to say, of course I would accept the challenge!"

""Yes... accept the challenge?"

Nappa was shocked again.

Because Vegeta never dared to resist the Ginyu Force.


"Are you sure you can beat them?"

Nappa asked in a low voice.

"Why are you scared? If you are scared, you don't have to go!"

""No, no!"

Nappa shook his head after hearing this.

Vegeta snorted coldly after hearing this, wondering if Sun Wukong would participate in this battle.

After thinking about it, Vegeta immediately took Nappa and Raditz to the place where the Ginyu Force was about to land.

At the same time, the North King Kai on the North Kai planet also felt the momentum of the Ginyu Force.

"Oh no, Goku, it seems the Ginyu Force have gone to Earth!"

"Ginyu Force?"

"Yes, they are Frieza’s ace team, and it seems that Frieza is serious this time!"

"So have they reached Earth?"

"not yet!"


In the sky above the Earth, five white spaceships were falling towards a grassland like meteors.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With five loud noises, the five spaceships created five deep pits of the same size and shape on the ground.

Then, the five spaceships opened at the same time, and five people with different appearances walked out.

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