After seeing this, Roger was even more speechless.

Nappa at least had the idea of being the boss, but Raditz just wanted to be Nappa's superior, which was really useless.

Thinking of this, Roger's soul immediately left Raditz's dream and returned to his original body.

The next morning, Roger came to Bulma's house.

Today was the weekend, and Bulma happened to be at home.


Bulma saw Roger and ran over happily.

Roger nodded.

"Roger, why did you come here suddenly today?"

"I have nothing to do today, so I came over for a walk!"

"So that’s it!"

"Bulma, how about you treat me to a movie?"

"I'll treat?"

"Yeah, any questions?"

"No, no!"

Bulma laughed dryly after hearing this.

Generally speaking, it is men who invite women to watch movies.

So this made Bulma feel that she might have picked up the wrong script for the male and female protagonists.

"So Roger, what movie do you want to watch?"

Bulma asked Roger with a smile on her face.

"A martial arts film, right?"

Roger thought for a moment and said


Bulma was stunned for a moment after hearing this, because she didn't really like watching martial arts movies.

"Then we'll go watch whatever you like!"

Bulma laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Then let's go watch the latest love movie"Romeo and Juliet"》"


Roger nodded.

"Then wait for me for a moment, we’ll set off soon!"


After a while, Bulma changed into a nicer outfit, put on some light makeup, and walked to Roger and said,

"Then Roger, shall we go?"

Roger nodded.

Soon after, the two came to the cinema. After Bulma bought the tickets, a large bucket of popcorn and two large cups of Coke, she took Roger into the cinema.

Because they bought the tickets at the last minute, their seats were relatively far back.

Not long after they entered, the movie started.

The movie was very touching, but Roger was not very interested in romantic movies, so he yawned while watching it.

Bulma, who was sitting next to him, was in tears.

Just when the movie was about to end, Bulma suddenly looked at Roger with an extremely nervous expression.

"Well...that Roger, I...I have something I want to tell you!"

"What's the matter?"

Roger looked at Bulma.

"Well...I like you, I want you to be my boyfriend!"

Roger said with a smile

"I will think about it!"


"Yeah, is that not possible?"

"OK, when will you give me your reply?"

"It depends on my mood!"

"You guy……"

Before Bulma could finish, Roger suddenly kissed her on the mouth.

Bulma was stunned.

Because the cinema was dim, no one noticed the two of them.

"This is my answer!"

Bulma immediately blushed after hearing this.

Her face was even redder than when she just confessed her feelings.

At this time, the movie ended.

The audience who watched the movie stood up from their seats.

"Bulma, the movie is over, shall we go?"


After saying that, the two immediately walked out of the cinema.

In this way, the two confirmed their relationship as a couple.

Time flies, and a week has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this week, Roger lived in Bulma's house, and during this week, he realized the Great Dream Three Thousand.

The so-called Great Dream Three Thousand means that you can fight me through other people's dreams.

And Roger's inspiration mainly comes from Beerus.

Beerus is still asleep, and his Great Dream Three Thousand can just be used on him, entering his dream to fight him.

Of course, Roger's current strength has not even reached the strength of the Super Saiyan God. He has to enter Beerus' dream to fight Beerus after his strength is improved.

Otherwise, even if he enters Beerus' dream, he will be knocked down by him in an instant.

"It looks like it's time for me to leave Earth and go back to practice!"

Roger said, and immediately went to find Bulma and told her about leaving Earth.

"You want to leave the Earth?"

The two had just been together for a short time, and Bulma was certainly not willing for Roger to leave the Earth.

"Yes, it’s about time for me to go back and practice!"

"Is it not possible to cultivate on Earth?"

"Yes, it is possible, but the cultivation on Earth is too slow.……"

"However, if you can create an 800-gravity chamber, that’s a different story!"

"Eight... eight hundred times gravity chamber?"

Roger nodded.

"But... can your body really withstand eight hundred times gravity?"

One hundred times gravity is already unimaginable for Bulma.

Eight hundred times gravity, how strong would Roger's body have to be?

"Why don't you believe me?"

"No, it’s just that eight hundred times the gravity is too heavy, and I’m afraid your body can’t withstand it!"

"In that case, I'd better leave the earth!"

"Okay, okay, I'll ask my dad to help you with eight hundred times the gravity!"


Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Because Dr. Brief already had experience in making gravity chambers, he only took half a month to complete the 800-fold gravity chamber this time.

At this time, Roger was holding the King of Swords and practicing in the 800-fold gravity chamber.

The King of Swords became extremely heavy under the gravity of 800 times.

If Roger had not transformed into a Super Saiyan, he would not have been able to lift it.


Roger wielded the Kaio Shinken with both hands quickly, and the Kaio Shinken continuously emitted sword winds.


After a long time, Roger was a little tired of swinging, so he stopped and rested for a while.


Time flies, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

After half a year of training, Roger's strength has improved.

At this time, he is sitting on a chair in the backyard of Bulma's house, drinking the juice that Bulma has just squeezed.

"Roger, you promised me when I was little that you would take me to Longzhu when I grew up. You won't break your promise, will you?"

After hearing this, Roger immediately laughed.

"How come, but what are you going to do with the Dragon Ball?"

"Needless to say, it is the dragon that makes me more beautiful!"

"But you are already very beautiful!"

"I don’t care. Anyway, you promised me that you would take me to find the Dragon Balls!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Roger suddenly felt a very strong air approaching the earth.

This air was the Kurdish air.

"This guy really came to die!"

Roger could kill Kurd or not, but since he came to him, he would definitely let them reunite.

"To die?"

Bulma, who was sitting nearby, looked puzzled after hearing this.


There was a spaceship just like Frieza floating above the Earth. This spaceship was King Kurd's spaceship.

"Is this planet the Earth?"

"Yes, the Kurdish king!"

The soldier standing next to him replied

"So, Kurdish King, are you going to land?"

"Let me land and destroy the Saiyan who killed Frieza with my own hands!"

"Good Kurdish King!"

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