On Earth.

Vegeta and the others have already sensed the aura of King Kurd.

Nappa:"Such... Such a strong aura? Could it be... that Frieza's father has come?"

"I think so!"

Raditz said

"Should we go tell Prince Vegeta?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Vegeta came out of the gravity room.

""Prince Vegeta!"

Raditz and Nappa said to Vegeta.

Vegeta nodded.

"Prince Vegeta, I feel a strong energy approaching the Earth. I think it might be Frieza's father. Should we go over and take a look?"

Nappa asked.

They live on Earth now. If the Earth is destroyed, they will be destroyed along with the Earth.

Vegeta nodded again.

"But you must be careful to hide your energy, don't let their combat power detector detect it!"

Nappa:"Combat power detector?"

"What, you still want to fight him?"

""No, no!"

Naba shook his head after hearing this.

After that, the three of them set off immediately and headed for the place where the Kurdish king was about to land.

On the other side, after the Kurdish king ordered the soldiers to land the spaceship on the earth, the Kurdish king's spaceship quickly landed on a mountain outside the Western Capital.


With a slight sound, the door of the spaceship opened, and a large number of Kurdish soldiers came out of the spaceship, neatly lined up in two rows.

Then, with a heavy sound of footsteps, the Kurdish king walked out of the spaceship.

The soldiers standing on both sides of the spaceship looked at it and immediately saluted the Kurdish king.

"Hello, King Kurd!"

King Kurd nodded and looked forward, and saw a young man wearing a Saiyan combat uniform.

This man was Roger.


King Kurd recognized Roger's identity at a glance after seeing his tail behind him.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Roger!"

"Roger? I ask you, did you kill Frieza?"

"That’s right, he really died at his hands!"

"It's you!"

After hearing this, the Kurdish king clenched his hands and said to the soldier beside him with great anger.

"Kill him for me!"

"It's the Kurdish King!"

After hearing this, the soldiers standing around immediately rushed towards Roger.

After Roger looked at it, he raised his right palm and fired several golden energy waves from his hand, hitting most of the people rushing towards him.


With a huge explosion, a large number of soldiers were killed by Roger's energy wave.

Some of the soldiers who were not killed continued to rush forward, while others retreated in fear.

When the Kurdish King saw the soldier who wanted to retreat, he fired several rays from his right index finger, ending the soldier's life.

"No one is allowed to retreat. I will kill anyone who dares to retreat!"

After hearing this, the soldiers who wanted to retreat immediately rushed towards Roger.

For them, their right to life was no longer in their hands.

Roger saw those soldiers who continued to rush forward. While feeling sad for them, he also felt the cruelty of this world.

Suddenly, Roger chanted a spell.

All the soldiers with evil thoughts were controlled by Roger's magic after hearing Roger's magic spell.

However, this magic is ineffective for those who are too strong.

Almost all the soldiers stopped rushing forward.

Only one soldier continued to charge forward.

The Kurdish king was stunned when he saw his soldiers stop.

""Why are you stopping? Why don't you kill him?"

After hearing this, all the soldiers were indifferent.


At this time, Roger knocked out the only soldier who rushed towards him.

"All of you, kill him!"

"It's Lord Roger!"

After hearing this, the soldiers controlled by magic immediately rushed towards the Kurdish king.

The Kurdish king was shocked.

""What do you think you are going to rebel?"

After hearing this, the soldiers did not reply to the Kurdish king, but all picked up their weapons and attacked the Kurdish king.

After seeing this, the Kurdish king's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

""Okay, okay, since you want to die, then blame me!"

King Kurd said, raising his right hand, and launching a large amount of energy waves from his hand, hitting the soldiers who were attacking him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With a series of huge explosions, King Kurd quickly eliminated the controlled soldiers.

Nappa, who was hiding behind a big rock behind Roger and watching the battle, saw this scene and immediately showed a trace of disbelief on his face.

"What happened to those soldiers? Why did they suddenly seem to be controlled by Roger?"

"I don't know!"

Raditz shook his head.

At this moment, the Kurdish king suddenly smiled at Roger and said

"Roger, if I guess correctly, what you just used was magic, right?"


"Then can you tell me where you learned your magic?"

"There is no point in telling you, you are going to die anyway!"

After hearing this, the Kurdish king immediately became extremely angry.

"Roger, let me ask you, what about the other four Saiyans on Earth?"

"You are about to die, so there is no need to know!"

"Is that so? In that case, I will destroy you and the earth together!"

"Soul exchange technique!"

Roger shouted, and a golden light shot out from both hands at the same time.

One golden light shot towards the Kurdish king, and another golden light shot towards the soldier who had just fainted.

The Kurdish king was startled and quickly raised his hands to block.

At this time, the souls of the two people flew out of their bodies at the same time and flew towards each other's bodies.

After a while, the two entered each other's bodies.

The Kurdish king, who didn't know what happened, suddenly opened his eyes, but found that his body was actually in front of him.

"I…why is my body there?"

"Because I exchanged your body with his!"


The Kurdish king said, looking at himself, and found that his body had turned into an extremely thin soldier.

"Since you love Frieza so much,���Let’s go to the underworld to reunite with him!"


After hearing this, the Kurdish king's face changed drastically.

Before he could finish his words, a golden ray pierced through his chest.

The Kurdish king spat out a mouthful of blood and regretted coming to Earth this time.

"Okay, you can come out now!"

Roger said to the big rock where Naba and the others were hiding.

""Prince Vegeta, are we going out?"

Nappa asked Vegeta.

After hearing this, Vegeta snorted coldly and walked out of the boulder.

Nappa and the others immediately followed him out.

After coming out from behind the boulder, Vegeta quickly flew to Roger and said,

"Roger, who are you?"

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