
"But how can Saiyans use magic? They can also exchange bodies with others!"

Vegeta said

"Am I not good enough at learning?"

"In that case, why didn't you kill Frieza's father?"

"He is dead, and the Kurd now is the soldier who was knocked unconscious just now!"

"I know, I mean, why don't you just eliminate him too?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Vegeta turned around and said to Nappa and Raditz.

"Nappa, Raditz, let's go!"

""It's Prince Vegeta!"

The two said, and immediately followed Vegeta away.

Roger saw the three people leaving, and immediately walked to the front of"Kurd" who was still in a daze.

"Kurd" saw Roger and immediately knelt down in front of him and said

"I...I beg you, please let me go, I promise you, I will never come to Earth again!"

"I ask you, what is your name?"



Locke nodded.

"So why did you join the Kurdish army?"

"My father was a soldier in the Kurdish King, so I followed my father and joined the Kurdish King's legion!"

"The son follows in his father's footsteps?"

Locke nodded.

"So what is your main responsibility when you join the Kurdish legion?"

"I'm mainly a guard!"


"He is responsible for standing outside the palace of the Kurdish King and guarding it!"

"I see. Then why did you come to Earth this time?"

"I don’t know. I also received orders from the captain, so I came to Earth with King Kurd!"

"Captain? Is he coming to Earth again?"


Locke shook his head.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"No...I don't know!"

Locke shook his head.

Roger smiled and said

"Because I want you to be Kurdish!"

"Become...become the Kurdish King!"

"Yes, in the eyes of the Kurds, the lives of you soldiers are not worth mentioning at all. I think you have realized it just now!

The reason why I let you become a Kurd is to let you change the Kurdish army!"

"Change...Change the Kurdish King's army!"

"I want Kurd's army and Frieza's army to stop invading and destroying other people's planets, and become a just army to maintain peace in the universe!"

"The Army of Justice?"

"Why don't you want to?"

"No...it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm afraid I can't do it!"

"If it were your original strength, it would indeed be impossible to do it, but your current body is Kurd's body. As long as you can control his power, I believe Kurd's army and Frieza's army will obey your orders!"

Roger said, suddenly looking at the corpse on the ground.

"This world has always been a world where the strong prey on the weak!"

After hearing this, Locke nodded.

"So, are you willing to do as I say?"


Locke thought about it and agreed.

"Since you have promised, you must do it. If I find out that you have committed evil in the universe after obtaining this body, I will definitely take action myself and destroy you!"


Locke nodded.

"Well...well, I have something I want to ask you!"

"What's up?"

"I want to ask you, why did you choose me to exchange bodies with the Kurdish King?"

"Because of magic!"


"The magic I just used can control the magic of evil people. You were the only one who was not controlled by my magic, which means that you have good intentions!"

"I see!"

Roger nodded.

"By the way, can you fly this spaceship?"

Roger looked at Kurd's spaceship and said

"No, but this spaceship has an automatic driving function. As long as I enter the destination in the automatic driving function, the spaceship will automatically drive back!"

"In that case, you should go back!"


After saying that, Locke immediately returned to Kurd's spaceship and drove the spaceship away from the earth.

After Roger saw it, he immediately returned to Bulma's house.


After the death of King Kurd, he was soon sentenced to hell by King Yama.


"King Kurd!"

Frieza and the Ginyu Force, standing on a small hill, were shocked to see King Kurd being brought to hell.

""Father, how come you died too?"

Frieza asked the Kurdish king.

"It’s all because of you!"


"I went to Earth to avenge you, but ended up being killed by the body-swapped guy named Roger!"

"Swap bodies, but isn't this Ginyu's trick?"


"He is my subordinate, and he has a trick that allows him to swap bodies with other people!

So, Roger is now occupying your body?"

"No, he and one of my soldiers swapped bodies!"

"Soldiers under your command?"


King Kurd told Frieza everything that happened on Earth.


On Earth, Roger's laboratory.

After half a year of testing drugs on Ginyu, Roger finally developed a drug that can treat viral heart disease.

Ginyu has turned into a lizard because of multiple body swaps.

At this moment, he was looking at the bugs that Roger prepared for him.

Outside Kame Island.

At this moment, a small boat was slowly rowing towards Kame Island.

On this boat stood a little bald man wearing a yellow martial arts uniform.

This little bald man was Krillin.

Although much of the history of Dragon Ball has been changed because of Roger, Krillin still chose to leave his original temple when he was 13 years old and come to Kame Island to become a disciple.


After confirming that the small island in front was Kame Island, Krillin suddenly stopped paddling, jumped with both feet, and jumped towards Kame Island.

Krillin misjudged his jumping ability and fell headfirst onto the island in front of the island. Kame, who was lying on a beach chair reading a beauty magazine, saw Krillin and immediately walked over and pulled him out of the beach like pulling a carrot.

"Who are you?"

After hearing this, Klin patted the sand on his head and said

"Hello Teacher Wu Tian, my name is Klin, and I have come here today specifically to become your disciple!"

"Become my disciple? No, no, I don't accept disciples anymore!"

"Not accepting disciples?"

"Yes, accepting disciples is too tiring!"

"Come on, Teacher Wu Tian, can you think about it again?"

"I said I won't accept it, so I won't accept it!"

After hearing this, Krillin's right eye emitted a white"light".

Kame-sennin was startled.

At this time, Krillin opened his bag, which contained a large number of beautiful photo albums.

After seeing them, Kame-sennin immediately squatted down and started to look through them.

Kame-sennin laughed as he looked through them.

"How is it, Teacher Wu Tian?"

"not bad!"

"What about recruiting disciples?"

"no problem!"


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