"Going for a walk in the universe?"

"Yes!" the high priest said with a smile

"Wouldn't that be unsafe?"

"Not so safe?"

"There is a God of Destruction in every universe. What if they accidentally mistake me for a bad guy?"

"It's okay, I will tell your identity to the angels in each universe, so that you can travel around the universe without worry!"

Roger nodded.

"Well... Senior Brother, besides this, do you have anything else to ask me about?"

"No more!"

The high priest shook his head.

"So, if you don't have anything else to say, I'll go back first."

The high priest nodded.

After seeing this, Roger turned around and walked forward with Whis.

After walking for a while, Roger teleported and brought Whis back to Beerus' planet.

The high priest looked at Roger's disappearing figure and suddenly laughed.

"The master's new disciple is really interesting!"

The high priest said, and suddenly looked up at the vast universe.


The Seventh Universe, Destroying the Divine World


Roger heaved a sigh of relief when he saw himself back in Universe 7.

Although he was very happy that the High Priest was his senior brother, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous when facing such a top-level expert like the High Priest.

When Whis, who was standing nearby, saw Roger's expression, he immediately laughed.

"Roger, didn't you just call your father"senior brother"? Why are you so nervous now?

"You don’t understand, I just haven’t adapted to my identity yet!"



At this time, Roger suddenly coughed.

"Weiss, I call your father"Big Brother", what should you call me?"

Weiss smiled and said

"Roger, let’s just keep our separate discussions!"

"Each one has his own opinion?"

"Yeah, do you still want me to call you uncle?"

Weiss said, staring at Roger.

"It's just a joke, I'm just joking, why are you taking it so seriously, Weiss?"

Roger said with a smile

"That’s more like it!"

"Well, Weiss, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first!"


Whis nodded.

Seeing this, Roger teleported back to Earth.

Whis looked at Roger's disappearing figure, turned around, and walked towards Beerus' palace.

Although Beerus was still asleep, he still had to do the cleaning work every day.



After Roger returned to Earth, he immediately pondered the master that the high priest mentioned.

Since he came to this world, he has never worshipped anyone as his master.

As Roger thought about it, he suddenly remembered the voice that gave him extraordinary enlightenment when he first crossed over.

But if the master that the high priest mentioned was him, why did the high priest come to him now?

But if it was not him, who was the high priest's master and what was his purpose?

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

After thinking for a long time, Roger came to his senses and said


The next morning, after having breakfast, Roger was about to go to Universe 6.

Two figures suddenly appeared at Roger's house.

They were East Kai and Jepitel.

"Lord Kaioshin!"

East Kaioshin nodded.

"Lord Kaioshin, why are you here today?"

"Roger, we came to you to ask about Babidi!"


"Didn't you say you could predict the future?"

Roger nodded.

"Babidi appeared seven years later!"

"Seven years later?"


"It won't be long before he shows up. How about Roger, should we deal with the Demon King Dabura before Babidi shows up?"


East Kai nodded.

"I believe that with your current strength, you can definitely defeat him!"

"It's possible, but he is too weak. I think we should let Goku and the others fight him!"

"Wukong? Do you mean Sun Wukong?"

Roger nodded.

"But can he defeat Dapura?"

"Don't worry, as long as he is not careless, he can definitely defeat Dapura!"

"Then will you go with us?"

After listening to this, Roger thought for a moment and nodded.

Then, Roger and the East Kaioshin went to find Son Goku and Vegeta.

When Son Goku heard that there was a powerful enemy, he quickly agreed to go to the Demon Realm with Roger.

Vegeta was in a bad mood because he lost to Guldt half a month ago, so he hesitated for a long time before agreeing to go to the Demon Realm with Son Goku.

Raditz and Nappa also followed Vegeta to the Demon Realm


In the Demon Realm, at the Dapur Palace.

A man with red skin, pointed ears, and wearing a blue suit, was holding a beautiful girl in one hand and drinking from a golden cup in the other.

This man was none other than Dapur, the king of the Demon Realm.

Just as Dapur was happily drinking, a demon soldier ran in from outside in a panic.

"Meet King Dapra!"

Seeing this, Dapra said with some displeasure.

"Report to King Dapura, there is a man outside who calls himself King of the Worlds looking for you!"


Dapra immediately put down the golden cup in his hand.

"Are you alone?"

"There are six of them!"

Dapra drank some of the wine in the golden cup and threw the girl aside with his right hand.

"I don't care what kind of Kai King he is. If he dares to enter my territory, he will be looking for death!"

Dapura said, and immediately walked out with the soldiers.

After a while, Dapura walked out of the palace and saw Sun Wukong and others standing outside the palace.

"Lord Kai, is he Dabura?"

Goku asked East Kai.

"Yes, Goku, if you fight him, be careful of his saliva!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

At this time, Vegeta on the side suddenly snorted and said

"Kakarot, before coming to the Demon Realm, you told me to fight him first!"

"I know... but……"

"There's nothing but this guy, I, Vegeta, can take care of him alone!"

"Oh well!"

"You're so arrogant to say that you can defeat me by yourself!"

Dabura, who walked out of the palace, laughed immediately after hearing this.

Since he became the king of the demon world, no one has ever said in front of him that he can be defeated, let alone defeat him by himself.

Vegeta also laughed after hearing this.

"You will know whether it is a big tone or not in a moment!"

Vegeta said, clenching his hands tightly, and exuding an extremely amazing aura from his whole body, rising rapidly upwards.


With a huge roar, Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan 2


Dabura, who didn't care much about Vegeta, changed his expression when he felt Vegeta's Super Saiyan 2 aura.

Although he was confident that he could defeat Vegeta, this battle would not be an easy one.

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