Vegeta looked at Dabura's surprised expression and immediately laughed.

"What's wrong, Dapra? Didn't you just say that I have a bad temper?"


Dapra snorted coldly.

"Yes, I just said that you have a bad mouth, what's wrong?"


Vegeta said, clenched his hands, and rushed towards Dabura at lightning speed.

Dabura shouted and rushed towards Vegeta.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punched and kicked as fast as lightning, and hit each other hard.

The ground around the two was immediately stirred up by huge pieces of sand and dust.


The two fought for a while, and hit each other with their right fists. A powerful momentum emanated from their hands and spread to the surroundings.


After a stalemate, Vegeta swung his right fist forward and pushed Dabura's body backwards.

Dabura stepped on the ground with both feet and soon stopped on the ground.

"King Dapra!

The demon soldiers standing in the distance were startled.

""Damn it!"

Dabura yelled angrily, and a pink gas bomb condensed in his right hand and attacked Vegeta.

Vegeta dodged.


With a huge explosion, the gas bomb exploded behind Vegeta.

After seeing this, Dabura immediately rushed towards Vegeta.

Vegeta jumped up and flew into the sky.

After seeing this, Dabura immediately followed and flew into the sky.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of extremely violent noises, the two bodies were like lines, constantly colliding and fighting in the sky.

Because the two moved too fast, from a distance, it looked like a lot of ripples in the sky.


East Kai and the others were watching the battle in the sky, and they were all very nervous.

Only Roger yawned out of boredom.


At this moment, Dapur hit Vegeta's face with his right fist and knocked him out.

Vegeta clenched his hands and soon stopped in the sky.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Vegeta, and hit Vegeta's back with both hands.


With an extremely loud sound, Vegeta's body fell heavily to the ground like a straight line.

A large piece of dust was immediately raised on the ground.

Dapur faced the ground with both hands, and fired many energy waves from his hands at once, hitting Vegeta's position.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, Vegeta was hit by Dapur's energy wave and screamed loudly.

The ground was hit by a large number of energy waves, and immediately there was a lot of smoke and dust from the explosion.


"Prince Vegeta!"

When the East Kai Kings saw this, they immediately became worried.

After a while, Dabura felt that the explosion was almost over, so he stopped sending energy waves.

Dabura panted and looked at the thick smoke rising from the ground.

"Should they be eliminated?"

As soon as the voice fell, a very embarrassed figure walked out of the thick smoke.

This person was Vegeta


Vegeta gasped for air and looked at Dabura in the sky.

Although Dabura's energy wave had caused him considerable damage, it was not enough to kill him.


Dabura was shocked when he saw that Vegeta was still alive.

At this moment, Vegeta rushed towards Dabura in the sky angrily.

Dabura looked at him, sneered, and hit Vegeta as well.


Suddenly, Vegeta accelerated and came in front of Dabura in a blink of an eye.

Dabura was startled, and before he could react, he was hit hard in the abdomen by Vegeta's right fist.

Dabura screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

At this time, Vegeta shouted, and his fists were like a storm, hitting Dabura's face and body.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Under Vegeta's fierce attack, Dapur screamed loudly and his body kept retreating backwards.

Suddenly, Vegeta circled to Dapur's right side and hit Dapur with his right elbow.


With an extremely violent sound, Dapur's body was hit hard to the ground like a thread.

Vegeta shouted loudly and fired a large amount of energy waves from both hands, hitting the ground.

"call out……"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With huge explosions, a large amount of energy waves hit Dapra and exploded on the ground.

For a moment, the ground was filled with smoke, flames shot up into the sky, and the huge noises of explosions were everywhere.

"Da... King Dapura!"

The demon soldiers standing in the distance watching the battle all looked terrified.


After a while, Vegeta paused his energy wave attack and gasped for breath.

As the smoke and dust on the ground dissipated, many large and small deep pits immediately appeared on the ground.

These deep pits were caused by Vegeta's energy wave just now. Dapur was lying in the center of these deep pits.

"Damn it!

Dapra gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground with great difficulty.

Because of the explosion just now, Dapra's blue clothes were severely damaged in many places.

"Is this Dapura so weak?"

At this moment, Roger whispered.

Then, he suddenly thought that Dapura was not controlled by Babidi, so his strength might be weaker than the original.


After hearing this, East Kaioshin and the others didn't know what to say for a moment.

It's not that Dapra is weak, it's that you are too strong.

"Dabura, is this all you have?"

Vegeta said, smiling at Dabura.

"What did you say?"

After hearing this, Dapra was immediately furious.

He was the king of the demon world, but he was looked down upon by a human he looked down upon.

In the eyes of the demons, the humans on Earth were creatures of a lower class than them.

"Dapra, I originally thought that you just didn’t have strong strength, but I didn’t expect that your ears weren’t very good either!"

""Damn it!"

Dabura yelled angrily, and suddenly a long sword appeared in his hand, rushing towards Vegeta.

Soon, Dabura rushed in front of Vegeta and swung the long sword forward.

Vegeta moved his body to both sides, dodging Dabura's long sword.

""Damn it!"

Dabura yelled angrily, slashing forward with his long sword.

Vegeta raised his hands and caught Dabura's long sword with his bare hands.


Dapra was startled and pressed down with both hands.


Vegeta shouted, and a powerful energy suddenly burst out of his body, and he broke Dabura's long sword with his hands.

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