

Bardos nodded.

"Roger just stopped four weeks of time!"

"Time stops!"

Foix was shocked.

"Could it be that he is a person with super powers?"

"I don't know, it's not clear yet!"

Xiangpa frowned slightly after hearing this.

Roger was already difficult to deal with, and he could actually manipulate time.


At this moment, Roger shouted loudly, and suddenly came in front of Xiangpa, punching and kicking at Xiangpa as fast as flashing light.

Xiangpa raised his hand to block Roger's attack and retreated.


Suddenly, Roger kicked forward with his right foot, kicking Xiangpa hundreds of meters away.


Xiangpa gasped and lowered his raised hands.

"You bastard!"

Xiangpa gritted his teeth, and a large amount of purple destructive aura emanated from his body.

"Lord Xiangpa!"

Bados was shocked and quickly stopped Xiangpa.

"Lord Xiangpa, don't fight anymore. This is the seventh universe. If you continue fighting like this, you may wake up Lord Beerus!"

"I don't care, I must teach this guy a lesson today!"

Xiangpa said, and his body immediately turned into a purple light and rushed towards Roger.

Roger clenched his hands tightly, and a large amount of golden aura emanated from his body, and he rushed forward.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With earth-shaking noises, the two of them moved at the same speed and fought in the universe.

Because they moved so fast, from a distance, it looked like countless golden and purple flashes appeared in the universe.


At this moment, the two of them punched their right fists together, and invisible waves emanated from their hands, spreading into the universe.

After being touched by the waves, the uninhabited planets immediately turned into dust and disappeared into the universe.

""Damn it!"

Xiangpa shouted angrily, and his right fist suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful force, knocking Roger back.

Roger's body quickly stopped in the universe, and his right hand fired a golden energy wave at Xiangpa.

Xiangpa dodged the energy wave by moving sideways.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly come in front of Xiangpa, and his fists were as fast as flashes of light, attacking Xiangpa.

Xiangpa raised his fists and fought with Roger.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

With earth-shaking sounds, the two fought fist to fist and foot to foot.

Invisible waves emanated from their hands and feet, spreading to the entire universe.


At this moment, the two punched each other in the face at the same time, and their faces immediately tilted back.

The two quickly turned their faces back and continued to attack each other.

The seventh universe, destroying the divine world.

Because of the noise of the two fighting, even Beerus, who was sleeping, could feel the breath of the two fighting.

But Beerus was sleeping very deeply, so he was not woken up, and continued to sleep.

"Isn't this Xiangpa's scent? The other scent is so familiar, but I can't remember who it is!"


Universe 7.

After a fierce battle between Xiang Pa and Roger, they grabbed each other's hands and fought hard in the universe.

At this time, the two of them were gritting their teeth and looking at each other.


Suddenly, Xiangpa roared loudly, and the purple aura emanating from his body formed a tiger shape behind him.

After Roger saw it, he also roared loudly, and a golden dragon appeared behind Roger.

After a stalemate, Roger pushed forward with both hands and pushed Xiangpa away.


The two of them gasped and looked at each other.

Although the power of Super Saiyan 5 is very strong, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Is this the power of the God of Destruction?"

Roger looked at Xiangpa and suddenly laughed.

Xiangpa felt a little unhappy when he saw Roger suddenly laughing.

He was also a God of Destruction, but the other party looked down on him.

Thinking of this, Xiangpa immediately condensed a huge destructive energy with his hands and hit Roger.

After Roger saw it, he quickly put his hands back and said

"Kamehameha Qigong 10 times!"

A deep blue wave of energy condensed from Roger's hand and hit the destructive energy from Xiangpa.


With an extremely violent sound, Roger's 10 times Kamehameha Qigong and Xiangpa's destructive energy collided violently.

The surrounding space shook violently under the collision of the two powerful energies.

Because the energy of the 10 times Kamehameha Qigong was stronger, it pushed Xiangpa's destructive energy back a little.

Xiangpa gritted his teeth and pushed with both hands. Under

Xiangpa's full strength, the 10 times Kamehameha Qigong was immediately pushed back.


Roger screamed loudly, and pushed forward with all his strength, pushing the destructive energy back.

""Damn it!"

Xiangpa shouted angrily, trying his best to resist with both hands.

Just like that, after the two of them fought for a while, the ten-fold Kamehameha and destructive energy disappeared at the same time because of the exhaustion of energy.

The two of them gasped for breath and looked at the two of them.

Now neither of them had much physical strength left, so the next battle would be the time to decide the outcome.

Thinking of this, the two of them immediately perked up, and their bodies turned into gold and purple light and rushed towards each other.


Just when the two of them punched at each other at the same time, Bardos suddenly appeared and grabbed the right fists of the two with both hands at the same time.

Xiangpa and Roger were shocked.

They didn't expect that Bardos would suddenly take action to stop their fight.

"Okay, Lord Xiangpa and Roger, shall we end this battle here?"


After hearing this, Xiangpa snorted coldly and retracted his right fist.

"No, he must give me an explanation about the Super Dragon Balls!"

Although Xiang Pa said this on the surface, he actually didn't want to pursue it in his heart.

Although Xiang Pa didn't look very smart on the surface, he had lived for hundreds of millions of years after all. Roger was very powerful and had some relationship with the high priest. He must have something to rely on to dare to fight him.

But he was the God of Destruction after all, and the most important thing he cared about was his face, so he still had to pretend to be very strong on the surface.

If the God of Destruction didn't have some power, how could he intimidate others?

After hearing this, Bardos immediately looked at Roger.

"Roger, the Super Dragon Balls were created by the Dragon God Salama, but the one you got was indeed collected by us!"

"Which one?"

"Yes, it’s the one that’s on the planet near the Destroyer God Realm!"

"Destroy the God Realm!"

Roger said, as if he suddenly thought of something.

""Oh, I'm sorry. I was so anxious to collect the Super Dragon Balls that I didn't notice that it was the Destroyer God Realm!"

Roger really didn't notice that it was the Destroyer God Realm of the Sixth Universe at that time, and he had never been to the Destroyer God Realm of the Sixth Universe.

After hearing this, Xiang Pa snorted coldly and didn't quite accept Roger's apology.

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