"How about this, I'll give you two super dragon balls?"

Roger continued.


After hearing this, Bardos immediately looked towards Xiangpa.

"What's the use? The Super Dragon Balls can only be used after a year. Even if you give me seven, I can't use them!"

Xiangpa said

"Can you collect all seven super dragon balls?"

Roger said with a smile.

"Besides, this is the seventh universe, and Weiss and I are quite familiar with each other!"

Xiang Pa heard this and his face immediately changed.

"Well, since you didn't mean it, you just need to return the two Super Dragon Balls to me!"

Roger nodded.

"Then when will you give me the Super Dragon Balls?"

"One year later!"

Roger didn't want to expose the Super Dragon Ball Radar.

Xiang Pa thought for a moment and said

"Okay, then you must return the Super Dragon Ball to me in one year!"


"Then Bardos, shall we go back?"

""Okay, Lord Xiangpa!"

Bados said, and immediately took Xiangpa to Fuwa's side.

"That Xiangpa Lord……"

At this moment, Roger suddenly shouted to Xiangpa


"To make up for my mistake, can I go to your planet tomorrow?"

"To my planet?"

"Yes, I want to bring something to apologize!"



After hearing this, Xiangpa touched his chin with his right hand and looked at Roger. No matter how he looked at Roger, he didn't look like a soft persimmon.

But he was the God of Destruction, and he couldn't be afraid of Roger no matter what.

"Okay, then you come tomorrow!"

After that, Xiangpa asked Fuwa to take them back to the sixth universe.

Roger watched the three people disappear, and teleported back to Earth.

"The battle... seems to be over!"

Jabitt said when he felt the two men calm down.


East Kai nodded.

Then, the two of them went to Earth together and asked Roger what happened.

"Lord Xiangpa, the God of Destruction of the sixth universe?"

"Yes, the God of Destruction of our seventh universe is Lord Beerus, but he is sleeping now!"


"You can ask Lord Kai about this matter, Lord Kai knows more about it!"

"Are you talking about the North King?"

Roger nodded.

"So that's it!"

Afterwards, East Kai and Roger chatted for a while, and then left the earth with Jebit.

When Roger saw the two leave, he immediately recalled the battle just now.

Just now, Champa and Roger fought with all their strength, using the God of Destruction's God of Destruction Skill.

The God of Destruction Skill is the God of Destruction's divine control skill, and each God of Destruction has his own God of Destruction Skill.

Vegeta's self-Ultimate Power was controlled under the guidance of Beerus.

As Roger continued to recall, he immediately entered a state of enlightenment.

It was unknown how long it had been before Roger woke up from his enlightenment.


Roger screamed loudly and clenched his hands tightly.


With an extremely amazing momentum, Roger's eyebrows disappeared, his brow bones lowered, his hair turned purple, his eyes gained magenta irises, and his black pupils remained visible. Purple flames surrounded his body.

This was the God of Destruction's destructive skill.

Roger raised his left hand, and a purple destructive energy quickly condensed in his palm.

"In this state, I can condense destruction much faster than usual!"

Roger said, exhaling lightly and returning his body to normal.

"The God of Destruction's divine control skills are indeed powerful. The next step is to find a way to master the Ultra Instinct!"


The next morning, at nine o'clock in the morning, Roger teleported to the Destroyer Realm of the Sixth Universe.


Bados, who was standing on a grass field and looking at the universe, greeted Roger.

"Good morning, Sister Bados!"

"It's already nine o'clock, and it's still morning? But you're quite sweet!"

Roger smiled and said

"Nine o'clock is still quite early!"

"Are you here to see Master Xiangpa? Master Xiangpa, he is still sleeping!"

"Still sleeping?"

"Yes, I said I was very tired from fighting with you yesterday!"

"Fight? Wasn't I fighting him yesterday in the morning?"

"Yes, he is just looking for an excuse to stay in bed, and I can't do anything about it!"

Just as the two were chatting, a man walked out of the palace built by a purple tree.

This man was Xiangpa in pajamas.

At this moment, he was about to wash up.

""Master Xiangpa!"

After seeing this, Bardos immediately flew to Xiangpa.

After seeing this, Xiangpa immediately yawned and said,

"Bardos, what are you doing here? I need to go wash up now!"

"No, Lord Xiangpa, I just want to tell you that Roger is here!"


Xiangpa said, turning his head to look around and saw Roger standing on the grass.

"This guy really came, but didn’t he say he would bring something to apologize?"

"I don’t know!"

Bardos shook his head.

"Forget it, let me finish washing up first!"


Bardos nodded.

After a while, Xiangpa finished washing up and came to the grass and looked at Roger.

"Roger, didn't you say you would bring something to apologize? Where is the thing?"


Roger took out a universal capsule from his clothes.

"What? I thought they were going to bring me something, but it turned out to be such a small capsule!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately laughed.

"Lord Xiangpa, this is not an ordinary capsule, but a universal capsule!"

"Universal capsule?"


Roger said, and he pressed the switch of the universal capsule and threw it on the ground in front of him.


With a puff of white smoke, five tables of earth delicacies immediately appeared on the ground.

Xiangpa was immediately surprised after seeing it.

He didn't expect that such a small capsule could actually turn into so many things.

"How is it, Lord Xiangpa?"

Roger looked at Xiangpa with a surprised smile.

"It's OK!"

Xiangpa said calmly.

"What are these foods?"

"These foods are from the Earth of the Seventh Universe, you can try them!"

"The seventh universe...Earth?"


Roger nodded.

"Really? Well, I'll try it then!"

Xiangpa said, picking up a chicken leg from the table and started eating it.

After taking a bite of the chicken leg, Xiangpa immediately felt that the chicken leg tasted good, so he started eating it in big mouthfuls.

Then, he picked up the other food on the table and started eating.

"Is this food so delicious?"

Bados looked at Xiangpa's voracious appearance and immediately picked up a piece of food on the table and started eating.

After taking a bite, Bados's face immediately showed a trace of surprise.

Then, she tasted the food on the table again.

Bados kept showing surprise.

She had lived for so long, but today was the first time she tasted so many delicious foods.

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