While eating, Bados asked Roger the name of the food.

Xiangpa just turned into a foodie and ate silently.

After a long time, Xiangpa was full and burped loudly.

"Roger, the food you brought is really delicious!"


Roger nodded.

"Bardos, the food on this planet called Earth is really delicious. Look where our Earth in the sixth universe is!"

""Okay, Lord Xiangpa!"

Bardos said, and immediately picked up the staff to check the location of the Earth in the sixth universe.

After searching for a while, Bardos found an abandoned planet.

This planet is the Earth in the sixth universe.

"Roger, where is the Earth you are talking about in the universe?"

"It's in the North Galaxy xxxx"

Roger said, and came to Bardos' side, looking at the crystal ball on Bardos's staff.

"The position of this planet is the position of the Earth!"

"What's wrong, Bardos?"

Xiangpa asked Bardos.

"Lord Xiangpa, the Earth that Roger mentioned seems to be an abandoned planet in our universe!"

"Abandoned planet?"

"Yes, I will turn back time and see what happened in the past!"

Bados said, and she immediately turned the earth time in the staff back to the time when humans were still alive.

Through the reversal of time and space, Bardos saw that humans eventually caused the extinction of all living things because of war.

However, although all living things died, the earth still existed in the universe, but it became an uninhabitable planet.

"So that's how it is. Bardos, the humans on Earth in our sixth universe are constantly at war because of fighting for territory, which eventually leads to the destruction of all living things on this planet!"


Xiangpa was shocked.

"So, what about our Earth in the sixth universe?"

Earth in the sixth universe still exists, but without humans, it is the same as nothing to him.

"Yes, Lord Changpa!"

"Damn it!"

Xiangpa clenched his hands tightly after hearing this.

"Then, if I want to taste Earth's delicacies, I must go to the seventh universe!"

Bardos nodded.

"But after a year, if you can collect all the Super Dragon Balls, you might be able to use them to restore the Earth!"

"Super Dragon Ball!"

After hearing this, Xiang Pa's expression suddenly improved a lot.

A year is not a long time for them, the God of Destruction.

And Beerus is still sleeping now, so he can go to the Earth in the seventh universe at any time to taste the Earth's delicacies.

"Um... Lord Xiangpa, I have a favor to ask you, I wonder if you can agree to it?"

"What's up?"

"It’s nothing actually, I just want to have a competition with Sister Bados!"

"And me?"


After hearing this, Xiangpa immediately looked towards Bados.

"Bardos, it shouldn't be a big deal if you spar with him, right?"

Bardos smiled and said

""Nothing, but I'm going to hit you hard. I wonder if you can handle it, Roger?"

After hearing this, Roger's expression changed slightly.

Although he has now become a Super Saiyan 5, if Bardos doesn't hold back, he can still kill him in seconds.

Damn, he originally wanted to fight Bardos to see if he could comprehend Ultra Instinct.

Sure enough, everything is not as simple as he imagined.

"Um... Sister Bados, for the sake of delicious food, could you... be a little gentler?"

"No problem!"

Bardos said with a smile.

Xiangpa, who was sitting next to him, was immediately frightened when he saw Bardos's expression.

When Xiangpa was not yet an official God of Destruction, every time Bardos looked at him with a smile like this, he would"punch" Bardos.

After seeing this, Roger flew to the distant grass with a nervous look on his face.

Bardos also flew over after seeing this.

Seeing this, Roger clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, and he quickly rose up.


With a huge roar, Roger transformed into Super Saiyan 5.

Facing Bardos, who was even stronger than Whis, Roger could only use all his strength to see how long he could hold out in Bardos's hands.

"Transform directly into the strongest state?"

Bardos said with a smile


Roger nodded.

"Then Bardos, I will attack you now?"


Seeing this, Roger flashed in front of Bardos in the blink of an eye, and his fists were as fast as flashes, attacking Bardos.

Bardos moved slightly, dodging Roger's attack while retreating.

""Damn it!"

Roger shouted angrily, punching forward with all his strength.

Bardos dodged to the side, and hit Roger's abdomen with his right fist.

Roger screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like light.

With a loud bang, Roger smashed a huge rock behind him.

Roger supported himself with his right hand, and quickly stood up on the ground, rushing towards Bardos again.

Bardos' figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye he came behind Roger, and slapped Roger's neck with his right hand, knocking him to the ground.

Roger's body returned to normal and he fainted.

After seeing this, Bardos immediately used his staff to heal Roger's injuries.

After Roger recovered from his injuries, he soon woke up.

"Sister Bardos, I lost!"

Bardos nodded.

"You are quite strong, maybe you can compete with me in the future!"


Bados nodded again.

"Then I will work hard and strive to surpass you one day soon!"

"It seems that I was too lenient!"

"No, no, I just said I hope to surpass you!"

After hearing this, Bardos smiled but said nothing.

"Then Lord Xiangpa and Sister Bados, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."


Xiangpa nodded.

After seeing this, Roger moved away from the earth in an instant.

��Bardos, do you think this guy can really compete with you in the future?"

"I don’t know, but he is still very young, only in his twenties!"

"What? He is only in his twenties?

Xiangpa was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes, otherwise he wouldn’t be valued by his father!"


Universe 7, Earth.

After Roger returned to Earth, he immediately recalled the battle with Bardos.

Although he had learned something from the battle with Bardos, the battle ended too quickly. Even if he was a genius, he could not have learned the perfect Ultra Instinct in such a short time.

He also did not expect Bardos to be so"fierce"."


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

After Roger's continuous efforts, he finally realized the prototype of Ultra Instinct.

Although the prototype of Ultra Instinct is not as good as the perfect Ultra Instinct, he has finally learned something.

It's a pity that Beerus has not woken up yet, otherwise he could ask Whis to be his sparring partner.

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