Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the attack of Android 13 and his friends, many people were immediately killed by their energy waves.

The crowd standing around the three people saw this and fled.

Many policemen with guns rushed over and surrounded the three people.

""Put down your weapons and surrender quickly, or we will shoot!" said a middle-aged policeman.

Android 13 and his men ignored him and continued to attack the surroundings.

"Damn it!"

After seeing this, the middle-aged policeman immediately ordered the surrounding policemen to shoot at the three people.

A large number of bullets were fired from the pistols and hit the three people.

The three people turned around and rushed towards the police.

Soon, a large number of policemen were killed. After seeing this, the other policemen were immediately scared and fled.

At this time, a blue figure suddenly appeared.

This person was Android No. 18.

"Android 18!

Android 13 laughed when he saw Android 18.

According to Android 13's profile, Android 18 was created to kill Roger, just like them.

Android 18 snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Who are you and why are you killing innocent people?"

"Innocent people?"

After hearing this, Android 13 immediately laughed.

"No. 18, don’t you know who we are?"

"Who are you?"

Android 18 asked

"I am Android No. 13, and they are No. 14 and No. 15!"

"No. 14, No. 15!"

"Yes, Android 18, aren't you created just like us to kill Roger?"

Android 13 asked

"It used to be, but not now!"

"What do you mean? You betrayed Dr. Gero!"

"There is no escape from betrayal, because I never obeyed his orders!"

"So that's how it is. Are you here to stop us today?"

"That's right!"

Android 18 said, and immediately rushed towards Android 13.

Android 13 chuckled and rushed forward.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Soon, the two men came in front of each other and punched each other with their fists.

The ground around them was immediately stirred up by huge clouds of dust.

At this moment, Android 18 swung his right fist forward with all his strength and hit Android 13 hard in the face.

Android 13's body was like a thread and was hit into the building behind him.

"Android 13!"

Android 14 saw this and immediately rushed towards Android 18.

Android 18 turned around and faced Android 14.

Android 14 swung forward with all his strength and hit Android 18. Android 18 dodged by moving to the side. Android 14 saw this and immediately raised his left fist and attacked Android 18. Android 18 raised his arms forward and stepped back a few steps.

Android 14 shouted and attacked with all his strength. Seeing this , Android 18 dodged and stepped back.

"Damn it!"

After seeing this, Android 13 immediately stood up from the ground, condensed a golden energy wave in his right hand, and hit Android 18.

Seeing that his energy wave was about to hit Android 18, Android 13 immediately showed a sneer on his face.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and slapped the attack on Android 18 away.

This person was Android 17.

""No. 17!"

Android No. 18 looked at Android No. 17 who suddenly appeared, and immediately showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Android No. 17 smiled and said

"No. 18, don’t get me wrong, I just happened to pass by here!"

""No. 17!"

Android 13 smiled.

Although he was created mainly to kill Roger, he also wanted to know how strong Androids 17 and 18 were, which were later than him.

Seeing this, Android 15 immediately stretched his muscles and prepared to attack.

At this moment, a green figure flew down from the sky.

This person was Android 16.

""No. 16!"

Android 17 was shocked.

He didn't expect that Android 16 would come to help them.

Android 16 nodded.

"This... what's going on? Could it be that the androids created by Dr. Gero have rebelled?"

Android 15 said.

Originally, they just wanted to lure out Roger by destroying the West City.

But unexpectedly, they didn't lure out Roger, but instead lured out Android 17 and the others.

"Forget it, let's just knock them down first!"

Android 15 said, and in a flash, he came to Android 16 and attacked with his right fist.

Android 16 raised his left hand and grabbed Android 15's right fist.

Android 15 wanted to retract his right fist immediately, but he didn't expect that his right fist was held tightly by Android 16.

""Damn it!"

Android 15 shouted angrily, gathering a golden energy in his left palm, trying to attack Android 16.

But at this moment, Android 16 suddenly grabbed Android 15's left hand with his right hand.

Before Android 15 could react, Android 16 circled back and grabbed Android 15 with both hands, making Android 15 unable to move. Android 15 kicked back with his right foot, trying to resist.

However, his body was controlled and he couldn't use any strength at all.

"I don't want to kill you, so please don't resist!"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, Android 15 was very unwilling in his heart, but he still did not continue to resist.

On the other side.

Android 17 took action, and Android 18 dealt with Android 14 very easily.

Although Androids 13 and 14 were strong, their combat effectiveness was still lower than that of Android 17 and others.

Just when the four were fighting fiercely, a figure suddenly appeared around Android 13 and others.

This person was Luo Feng.

After Luo Feng appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of Android 13 and others.

However, they were still fighting, so they did not pay too much attention to Luo Feng.

After Luo Feng appeared, he immediately looked at the controlled Android 15.

He had just learned from TV that it was Androids 13, 14, and 15 who destroyed the city.

Androids 13 and 14 were still fighting with others, so he naturally turned his attention to Android 15.

"This kid looks a lot like Roger, could he be Roger's son?"

Android 15 asked Android 16.

Android 16 nodded after hearing this.

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