After hearing this, Luo Feng immediately looked towards Android 16.

"you know?"


""Then can you let him go?"

Luo Feng asked.

After hearing this, Android 16 hesitated for a while and let go of Android 15.

Android 15 was stunned and quickly came to the right side of the two and looked at them.

He was a little confused. Why would Android 16 let him go just because of Luo Feng's words? Thinking of this, Android 15 immediately detected Luo Feng's combat power.

However, Luo Feng had restrained his aura, so Android 15 could not detect his true combat power at all.


Luo Feng smiles

"Want to know my fighting power?"

Luo Feng said, clenching his hands tightly, and his whole body exuded an extremely amazing aura, which quickly rose upwards.


With a huge roar, the hair on Luo Feng's head turned golden and stood up, and his eyes turned light green.

This is the Super Saiyan.

Android 15 was shocked.


Luo Feng���With a shout, he turned around, stomped his right foot on the ground behind him, and rushed towards Android 15.

In less than a blink of an eye, Luo Feng rushed in front of Android 15, and his fists were like lightning, attacking Android 15.

Facing Roger's fierce attack, Android 15 raised his hands to block Luo Feng's attack while retreating.


After Roger pushed Android 15 back a distance, he raised his foot and kicked Android 15 hard in the abdomen.

Android 15 screamed loudly, and his body was like a thread, knocking a big hole in the three buildings behind him.

The three buildings were immediately hit by a lot of rubble and dust.

Luo Feng flew forward and quickly flew in front of Android 15. He grabbed Android 15's right foot with both hands, lifted his body, rotated it 360 degrees outward for several circles, and threw it into the sky.

Luo Feng took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said,


A deep blue wave of qi condensed from Luo Feng's hands and hit Android 15 in the sky.

Android 15, whose body was still flying backwards, saw it and quickly slowed down and raised his hands to block Kamehameha.


Kamehameha hit Android 15 and pushed his body back a distance.

Android 15 gritted his teeth and tried his best to block it with both hands.

At this moment, Luo Feng shouted and hit upwards with both hands.

Under Luo Feng's full strength, Android 15 soon couldn't hold on and his body was hit hard by Kamehameha.


With an extremely loud explosion, Kamehameha exploded in the sky.

An extremely huge blue storm appeared and swept around.

Android 15's body was quickly torn apart, and many of Android 15's body fragments fell from the sky.

""No. 15!"

Android 14 was shocked when he saw this.

Just when Android 14 was distracted, Android 18 punched Android 14 in the face with his right fist, knocking him out.

Android 14 stepped hard on the ground with both feet and quickly stopped on the ground.

When he looked forward again, the figure of Android 18 had disappeared

"No... it's gone!"

Android 14 was startled and turned around quickly.


Just as Android 14 turned around, he immediately saw Android 18 condense a golden energy wave with his hands and hit him.

Android 14 was startled, and before his body could react, the golden energy wave hit him.


With a huge explosion, the golden energy wave exploded on the ground.

Android 14 screamed loudly, and his body was blown to pieces by the golden energy wave.


Android 13, who was still fighting with Android 17, saw this and his face changed. Android

17 chuckled and swung his right fist forward with all his strength, hitting Android 13's face hard.


With an extremely loud sound, Android 13's body was immediately knocked out and crashed into the building behind him.

The building was immediately hit with a lot of rubble and dust.

"Damn it!"

Android 13 yelled angrily, and quickly stood up from the ground.


Android 13 shouted, and the remains of Android 14 and 15 flew towards Android 13 and merged with Android 13.

Android 13's skin changed from yellow to blue, and the white hair on his head turned orange-red. His body became taller and more sturdy, and he looked like a ghost.


Android 17 was startled.

Android 13 laughed evilly, and came to Android 17 in the blink of an eye, punching Android 17 in the abdomen with his right fist.


Android 13 hit Android 17's abdomen hard with his right fist. Android 17 screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

After seeing this, Android 13 immediately retracted his right fist, walked to the left side of Android 17, and hit Android 17's back with both hands.


With an extremely loud sound, Android 17 was knocked to the ground.

Android 17 immediately let out an extremely loud scream. Android

13 stepped on the top of Android 17's head with his right foot.


Android 18 saw this and rushed towards Android 13 in anger.

Android 16 saw this and quickly followed suit.

Soon, Android 18 came in front of Android 13 and attacked with both fists.

Android 13 raised his hands forward and easily blocked Android 18's attack with his hands.

""Damn it!"

Android 18 yelled angrily, punching forward with her right fist.

Android 13 raised her left hand and caught Android 18's right fist.

Android 18 was shocked.

She punched with all her strength, but Android 13 caught it.

"Is this all you have?"

Android 13 laughed.

After hearing this, Android 18 immediately tried to retract her right fist.

But Android 13 was too strong, and she couldn't break free from her hand with her right hand.

Android 18 swung her left fist forward, trying to retract her right fist while Android 13 was dodging.

But Android 13 didn't dodge as she expected, but raised his hand again to grab his left fist.

In this way, Android 18's two hands were grabbed.

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