Android 18's face changed when he saw this.

At this moment, Android 16 rushed over from a distance, and his right fist was as fast as lightning, attacking Android 13.

Android 13 immediately let go of Android 18's hands and stepped back.

Android 16's right fist missed.

"Are you okay, No. 18?"

"'s okay!"


Just as the words fell, Android 13 rushed in front of Android 16, and attacked Android 16 with his right fist as fast as lightning.

Android 16 grabbed Android 13's right fist with his left hand and stepped back a few steps.

Android 13 was shocked.

Although the punch just now was just a casual punch of his, with his current strength, even Android 17 and others would find it difficult to block it.

But Android 16 took it very casually, which shows that Android 16's strength is probably far above Android 17 and others.

Thinking of this, Android 13 immediately raised his left fist and hit Android 16.

Android 16 raised his right hand and grabbed Android 13's left fist


Android 13 was startled again.

At this time, Android 16 pushed forward with both hands, trying to push Android 13 away.

Android 13 gritted his teeth and pushed forward with both hands. Android 16 shouted loudly, and a translucent aura rose from his body.

Android 13 shouted loudly, and a translucent aura rose from his body at the same time.


Under the powerful force of the two, the ground under their feet immediately cracked like a spider web. After a stalemate, Android 16 pushed Android 13 away with both hands.


Due to the exhaustion of their physical strength, the two of them gasped for breath.

Seeing this, Luo Feng immediately walked to the side of Android No. 16 and said,

"You are an android, so you won't destroy him, right?"

Android 16 nodded. The reason why he took action just now was just to protect Androids 17 and 18.

As for protecting humans and destroying androids, it was not within his scope at all.

"In that case, how about you hand him over to me?"

Android 16 thought about it and nodded.


"You want to fight me?"

Android 13 laughed immediately after hearing this.

In his opinion, although Luo Feng is strong, he is just a little devil.

"Yeah, any questions?"

"It’s nothing. Since you want to die, I’ll help you!"

Android 13 said, and immediately came to Luo Feng, and punched him with his right fist as fast as lightning.

Luo Feng dodged by moving sideways.

Android 13 was startled, and quickly raised his left fist to attack Luo Feng.

Luo Feng raised his right hand and grabbed Android 13’s right fist.

""Damn it!"

Android 13 yelled angrily, and kicked forward with his right foot.

Luo Feng immediately released Android 13's left fist, stepped back, and dodged.

Android 13 saw that his attack was dodged again, and immediately condensed a golden energy wave with his hands and attacked Luo Feng.

Luo Feng jumped up and flew into the sky.


With a huge explosion, the energy wave exploded on the ground.

Android 13 sneered and flew into the sky.

Luo Feng looked at it and immediately flew forward.

Seeing this, Android 13 immediately chased after him.

After a while, Luo Luo Feng stopped in the sky above Xidu.

Android 13 shouted and rushed to Luo Feng quickly, punching him with his fists as fast as lightning.

Luo Feng clenched his fists and fought with Android 13.

After the two fought for a while, Android 13 raised his right foot and kicked Roger in the face.

Roger ducked and dodged.

Android 13 saw it and immediately stepped back.

Then, the two figures flashed, and their bodies moved quickly in the sky and started fighting.


After seeing the two flying outside Xidu, Android 18 quickly came to Android 17.

"No. 17, are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

After hearing this, Android 17 shook his head.

Although Android 17 said this, his body was actually seriously injured.


After hearing this, Android 18 was half-believing and half-doubting.

However, their physiques were different from those of ordinary people. Even if they were injured, it would not take too long to recover.

Android 17 nodded.

"By the way, No. 18, how did you end up fighting with Android No. 13 and the others?"

"I just happened to run into them in Xidu, so I took action!"

Android 18 said, looking away with a guilty look on her face.

In fact, the reason why she appeared in Xidu today was because she saw the future and knew that Android 13 and the others would appear today.

So she came here mainly to confirm whether what she saw that day was really her future.

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Android 17 was half-believing and half-doubting.

Outside Xidu,

Luo Feng fought with Android 13 for a while, then knocked him down from the sky.

As soon as Luo Feng landed, he stood in front of Android 13.

""Damn it!"

Android 13 shouted angrily, quickly got up from the ground, and rushed towards Luo Feng with a fist.

Luo Feng dodged to the side and hit Android 13's abdomen with his right fist.

Android 13 screamed loudly and spat out a mouthful of bitter water.

Luo Feng kicked Android 13 with his left foot.

With a loud bang, Android 13's body was like a thread, and it crashed heavily into a mountain behind him.

Luo Feng took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said:


A deep blue qi wave condensed from Luo Feng's hands and hit Android 13.


With a huge explosion, Kamehameha-pai-qi-gong hit Android 13 and exploded on the ground.

Android 13 screamed loudly, and his body and the mountain behind him were blown to pieces.

Then, a huge white mushroom cloud rose from the ground.

"It looks like the battle is over!"

Android 16 looked at the huge white mushroom cloud outside Xidu, turned around and walked back.

Androids 17 and 18 also walked away.

After a while, when the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Android 13 and Dashan disappeared.

Luo Feng exhaled lightly, changed his body back to normal, and flew to Xidu.


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