The old man stood alone in the devastated warehouse at night.

There was only a bed in the warehouse, and a light bulb hung on the roof with wires, without a lampshade; and outside the warehouse, when the wind blew, there would be a sound of iron sheets hitting each other.

The old man thought, is this how you treat an old widow? So he came to Shengze's door angrily, and just when he was about to knock on the door, he found that a plaque had been hung on the door at some point, and it was not there when he came in the morning.

Looking closely, it said: The old man and the dog had to stay inside.

"Okay, okay," the old man laughed in anger, "Good job, Sun Wukong, you are really great! I understand why that person said that only you can change the future. Just with your dog energy, you must disgust the enemy to death.

I am so unlucky to meet you." After saying that, he went back to sleep angrily.

Yes, one more lifetime than Shengze.

The next day, Shengze was frightened by the old man as soon as he opened the door. "Are you sick? Standing at my door in broad daylight, it's really unlucky."

The old man pointed to the plaque on the door behind Shengze, "You are really great, you can do it."

"How? Beat me to death?"

"You, you, you!" The old man said three yous in a row without saying anything else. Fortunately, Bulma's voice came at this time to break this situation, "It's time to eat, husband."

"Come here, come here" Hearing his wife calling him to eat, Shengze immediately left the old man and ran to eat.

"Eat? I'm hungry too, hehe, let me see what delicious food you've made." After saying that, he followed happily.

As soon as Shengze sat down, he saw the old man coming over, "Hey, old man, my wife didn't call you, why are you here?"

"It's all the same, it's all the same." After saying that, he took Shengze's chopsticks and started to eat voraciously.

"What do you mean it's all the same? Explain it to me clearly!"

"Hehe, eat, eat quickly, your wife's cooking skills are really good." Because his mouth was full of food, the old man's speech was a little unclear, and some food residues even sprayed into some of the food.

"You took my chopsticks away, how can I eat! Grab it with your hands?" Shengze said to Bulma who had just finished cleaning the kitchen, "Let's go out to eat! I can't eat looking at this old man!"

Feeling her husband's anger, Bulma didn't say anything, just nodded and took Shengze's arm.

"You still want to go out to eat when it's so delicious? Tsk tsk tsk, in order not to waste food, I have to let the old man finish it all by himself." After saying that, the old man started eating again.

"Eat, eat! It would be best if you die of eating!" Shengze snorted and left with Bulma.

At this time, the old man suddenly thought of something and shouted to Shengze who had not walked far, "Remember to bring me a bottle of water!"

Hearing this, Shengze staggered. Fortunately, Bulma supported him, otherwise he would have fallen down. "I'll bring nm!" After saying that, he turned back and gestured to the old man.

Bulma held him back, "Okay, don't be angry, let's go eat quickly, I'm hungry."

"Water, right? OK! I'll bring it to you!" Shengze, who was still angry, didn't know what he thought of, smiled evilly, and said to the old man.

Although Bulma didn't know what her husband was thinking, her intuition told her that it must be bad. Then she sighed, and after silently mourning for the old man in her heart, she followed Shengze and left here.

After half an hour's drive, the two came to a famous couple's restaurant. Looking at the exquisite scenery and the romantic atmosphere, Shengze was in a good mood and called the waiter to order all the special dishes.

While waiting for the dishes, the two looked at each other. Shengze could see that Bulma was in a good mood. Since entering the restaurant, the corners of her mouth have never dropped.

Bulma was in a good mood. She didn't expect Shengze to bring her to a couple's restaurant. She just thought she would just find a place to eat.

So, romance in daily life is still indispensable.

After dinner, Shengze took Bulma to a hospital.

"Are you sick?" Bulma asked gently.

"Of course not, I found out that the old man was sick through perception. I'll go buy some medicine for him. I'll be back soon. You wait for me here." After that, he trotted into the hospital.

Registering and queuing for medicine in one go.

"Humph, you ate my food and you want me to bring you water. Today I will make you poop out the same way you ate!" Sheng Ze looked at the

A small packet of white powder said fiercely.

That's right, this small packet of powder is a powerful laxative.

Put the powder in your pocket and walk quickly to Bulma, "Let's go, we've bought it, we can go home."



Half an hour later, the two returned home.

Before entering the door, Shengze shouted, "Hey, old man, I brought you the water you asked for."

The old man who was lying on the sofa watching TV heard the voice and quickly stood up and ran to Shengze to get the bottle of water, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured it into his mouth, and finished it in a short while.

"Comfortable, if you don't come back, I will die of thirst."

"Don't you have boiled water?" Bulma asked curiously.

"That thing has no taste at all, it's not good to drink, or the drink is strong." The old man smacked his lips and savored it after saying it.

Sheng Ze was trying to hold back his laughter, and when he could no longer hold back, he said, "I have a stomachache, I'm going to the toilet." He then walked into the toilet and locked the door from the inside.

"Go ahead, old man, I'm going to continue watching TV." Then he lay down on the sofa and watched TV again. Bulma was busy with her own things.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after ten minutes, the old man felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, and he farted twice but didn't take it seriously.

Another minute later, the old man's stomach was already churning, "Why does my stomach hurt so much!" He looked up at the direction of the toilet and found that Sheng Ze hadn't come out yet, "Hurry up, kid, I want to go to the toilet too," and then continued to wait.

"Got it," Sheng Ze's voice came from inside.

After another minute, Shengze still didn't come out. The old man couldn't help it anymore. He walked slowly to the toilet door with his buttocks clamped and began to knock on the door. "Hey, why aren't you done yet? I can't help it anymore."

Shengze didn't reply because he was already laughing so hard that he couldn't speak.

The old man, who couldn't wait for a response, was about to continue knocking on the door when he felt a drop of yellow liquid flowing out. "Wash...wash the horse!" Then he flashed to a small bush next to the warehouse, took off his pants and started to spray.

"Oh, so cool!" The old man couldn't help but moan.

At this time, several stray dogs came over to smell the smell and began to feast around the old man. Some even started to lick the old man's butt because they couldn't get it.

The touch on his butt made the old man shudder. He grabbed the dog behind him that was licking his butt and threw it out, threatening him fiercely, "Go away, dog! You dare to lick my butt? Be careful, I will beat you to pieces!" After that, he waved his hand to drive away the surrounding dogs.

But the hungry stray dogs didn't care about that and rushed forward again. A dog licking butt was thrown out, and soon another dog would make up for it.

After two and a half rounds of back and forth, the old man was also tired. These stray dogs could not be killed or driven away. Moreover, he suddenly remembered that he didn't bring paper, so he could only let a group of dogs lick his butt one after another.

Finally, the old man's butt was licked clean, and the dog was full and left.

The old man thought that he was finally done. He just took two steps with his pants up, and the feeling came again, and it was even stronger. Helplessly, he could only go back to the original place to take off his pants and continue to spray.

At this time, another group of stray dogs came over smelling the smell. Looking at the stray dogs slowly approaching him, the old man wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't expect that his reputation would suffer a great humiliation here.

At this moment, even if he was stupid, he realized that it was Shengze who had done something in the water that caused him to be like this. He said angrily, "You dare to do this to me, you little brat. I must make you look good!"

In this way, the classic scene reappeared. The old man was still pulling and the dogs were still eating. The only difference was that the old man was still the old man, but the dogs were not the same dogs.

What the old man didn't know was that at this moment, he was like a savior in the eyes of these stray dogs, so dazzling.

Until the end, the old man could no longer pull, and all the stray dogs around him had been fed by the old man. This farce really came to an end.

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