After suffering from the loss at Shengze's hands, the old man did not back down, but went to eat more frequently, saying: I am your fan, there is nothing wrong with wanting to eat with my idol, right?

Although Shengze sometimes did not eat at home, the old man still said: I am your fan, there is nothing wrong with me eating with my idol's wife to learn more about my idol, right?

Shengze now understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot, and the old man came every time he came to eat before Bulma started cooking, and he would not leave once he entered the kitchen, asking for help, and resolutely refused anything Shengze handed over, which made Shengze, who wanted to drug him again, unable to start for a while.

At the same time, the old man was also thinking about how to take revenge on Shengze. The two of them started an invisible war without the other knowing.

Just like that, after the two of them spent three days in peace, the war ushered in a turning point.

On the fourth day, Bulma went out to do business, and Shengze went to the gravity room to practice as usual. As soon as he entered, the old man came out from the bushes beside him.

"Fuck! Which wicked person urinated and defecated everywhere, not civilized at all." As he said, he stepped on the lawn and rubbed it hard.

After wiping the rice field on the sole of the shoe, the old man walked quickly towards Shengze's home. He wanted to complete his revenge plan before Shengze finished practicing.

When he arrived at Shengze's house, after a while of rummaging through the boxes, he finally found the bag of laxatives with only a little left in Shengze's pocket.

"You little bastard, I was wondering why I was so bad at pooping. You put half a bag of laxatives in, didn't you?" the old man said angrily, and then he spoke again, "Although these are not enough to make you the same as me, they are enough for me." After that, he took the half bag of laxatives and came to the water dispenser.

He knew that Shengze would sweat a lot during his practice, and would also replenish a lot of water after the practice, so the water dispenser was the first step of the revenge plan.

"Hehehehe" the old man laughed strangely and poured the laxatives in his hand into the bucket of the water dispenser, and even shook it to shake it evenly.

After completing the first step, the old man immediately went to the toilet, and the toilet in front of him was the second step of the revenge plan.

"Today I will let you know how powerful I am! Dare to give me laxatives, I can't blow you up!" Then the old man gathered some energy with one hand, condensed it into a transparent energy ball and put it in the toilet. The power was just right, and it would only blow up this toilet.

The third step is to make a detonator under the flush button, and it will explode immediately as long as the flush button is pressed.

The fourth and final step is to wait and see.

After doing all this, the old man felt a little thirsty, so he went to the water dispenser and drank a glass of water. Then he went to the bedroom and took out some snacks that Shengze had put in the cabinet, and went to the living room and lay on the sofa to watch the TV series "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" that he had not finished watching last time.

The old man was probably old, and forgot that he had just put a strong laxative in the bucket, and he still ate snacks and watched the show with relish.

Ten minutes later, the old man finished a lot of junk food, and Shengze's stomach hurt before he could wait.

"I guess I ate too much junk food." The severe pain from the stomach made the old man dare not neglect it. While saying this, he rushed into the toilet and locked the door casually.

"Hurry up! Why can't I untie it!" Looking at the knotted belt in his hand, the severe pain in his abdomen made him tear his pants aside and threw them out, and then quickly took off his pants and sat for a while.

As soon as the tightly closed valve was opened, the surging rice field burst out.

"Oh~~ shit!" The old man who was extremely happy even uttered an English word.

After spraying for half an hour, as the last drop of yellow water was squeezed out, the old man wiped his butt with a satisfied look, lifted up his pants, and then pressed the flush button.

With a "bang", the old man was directly swallowed by the explosion, and the toilet collapsed, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Sheng Ze, who had just finished practicing, heard the explosion coming from home and hurried out of the practice room to see what happened.

He saw billowing smoke and dust rising from the toilet at home, and then he saw a scene that would make him laugh for a whole year:

"Ah!!" An old man ran out of the smoke and dust screaming, wearing only a pair of pants all over his body, and it was full of tattered holes. No need to think, it must have been caused by the explosion just now.

Looking closely again, isn't this the old man he brought back? He saw that he was full of

His body was golden, and a drop of yellow water dripped from his hair from time to time, flowing down his cheeks, making him look like he was covered in shit.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Sheng Ze burst into laughter, "Hahaha! Old man, you are hahaha... Are you cosplaying as Superman? Hahaha..." After saying this sentence with difficulty, he couldn't help it anymore, holding his stomach and laughing wildly.

At this moment, the old man who escaped was still in a daze. He didn't expect that his carefully prepared revenge plan would "benefit" himself in the end. With Sheng Ze's laughter pulling him back, he grabbed a handful of gold from his face and threw it at Sheng Ze in anger.

Sheng Ze, who was laughing so hard, didn't notice it at all, and then the gold came into close contact with his cheek.

Sheng Ze, who was attacked, reached out and touched his face, and stood there in a daze looking at the gold on his hand.

The laughter stopped, and the air was as silent as death at this moment.

After a moment, screams broke out again, but this time it was Sheng Ze who made such a sound.

"Ah! Old man, you dare to throw shit at me! I'll kill you!" After saying that, he rushed towards the old man.

"Come on! Dare to give me laxatives! Let's see who will kill whom!" The old man was not to be outdone and rushed towards Sheng Ze.

The two of them wrestled with each other in an instant, yellow water splashed, golden yellow flew all over the sky, and the scene was once in chaos.

"Old thing, I took you home, gave you food and shelter, and this is how you repay me?" Sheng Ze grabbed a handful of golden yellow from the old man's head and slapped the old man's face hard.

"You let me sleep in a shabby warehouse and give me laxatives, and you still want to repay me? This is my repayment!" After saying that, the old man also grabbed a handful of golden yellow from his body and slapped Sheng Ze's mouth hard.

"Ugh~" Thinking that he might have eaten the shit from the old man just now, Shengze was furious. He grabbed a big handful from the old man and stuffed it into his throat.

"Yue~" After this blow, the old man broke away from Shengze and ran to the side to vomit. He even stretched out his fingers to pinch his throat, trying to induce vomiting.

However, he overlooked one thing. During the fight just now, his fingers were already covered with shit...

At this moment, Bulma, who had just finished her work, was shocked by the scene in front of her and couldn't speak: the collapsed toilet, the ground was golden, and her husband was also golden. There was also an old man lying on the side in ripped pants and vomiting constantly, and he was still golden...

"What are you doing?" Bulma couldn't understand why she became like this just because she went out for a while.

Hearing his wife Bulma's voice, Shengze turned back instantly, "Wife, you are finally back..."

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