Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 108 The beginning of business

Luo Lan pondered for several days in a row, thinking that her head was a little swollen, but she still didn't have a clue. Of course, he also knows that the optimization of giant ape is not so easy to complete, it will be a persistent process.

So Luo Lan relaxed again, and continued to practice in the gravity room for the next few days. When 35 times the gravity of the earth was exerted on her body, Luo Lan grinned and easily supported herself. It seems that the practice on the planet Sarada during this period is still very effective.

The abundant vitality constantly replenished the consumption of the body. Luo Lan's skin became crystal clear, smooth and delicate like jade, and every cell was full of strength.

hum hum hum...

Covered by a strong gravitational field, the high temperature and heat are very depressing, and the entire gravitational chamber presents strange downward lines.

Luo Lan gritted her teeth and practiced hard in such a difficult environment, punching, kicking, spinning, and constantly doing basic movements. Under the strong gravity, these seemingly simple movements required a lot of energy. physical strength. Soon, crystal sweat permeated from the surface of the skin, drop by drop of sweat fell to the ground, and soon turned into steam.


Out of breath, Luo Lan turned off the gravity engine and rested for a while. After a period of video communication with Syphilia, she turned off the communicator, and quickly gathered up her energy to continue exercising.

In the call just now, Syphilia showed him the trophy she had just hunted. It was a corpse of a creature with a combat power of about 40,000. The bloody creature's skin was covered with hideous scars. , The blood-stained crazy appearance must have experienced a dangerous battle.

"If you can't surpass me, then continue to be the younger brother." Syphilia said proudly with a slightly sneering tone.


Luo Lan turned off the communicator with a gloomy look on her face, knowing that Syphilia was stimulating herself, but she was still a little unhappy, and secretly said: "Wait, when I surpass you in the future, I will let you know what it means. 'It's better to hit my brother as soon as possible', laugh at me now, and make you look good in the future."

Imagining the appearance of Syphilia begging for mercy when she was bullied by him, Luo Lan felt a lot of joy in her heart.

"Cultivation and cultivation, sooner or later, you will have to bully that woman."

He was bullied a lot when he was a child, and Luo Lan decided to repay it more in the future.

Time goes by, the sun and the moon change.

Two months later, the cultivator trading field on Qingteng Star finally opened for business. Because of the contacts of Lanna Star people in the commercial headquarters of the universe, under the vigorous publicity, the information of the opening of Qingteng Star has attracted the attention of many rich people.

"It turns out that another 'Plant of Humans' has been discovered."

"Good luck!"

"The Saifi faction, I haven't heard of it before, there are Saiyans... Hey, there are people from the Sonori Adventure Group, they are actually mixed together."

All the cosmic people who entered the Qingteng Star are inquiring about the forces behind the trading field. Of course, because of Aiboya's special operation, these cosmic people only got the basic information of Saifei's forces, and only know that their leader is a queen. Such an association , most people think of the boss of the Sonori Adventure Group...

This Saifei faction was most likely established on the basis of the Sonori Adventure Group.

When Sonori knew the news, the whole person was stunned.

It turns out that the old lady is so famous that she is regarded as the queen.

Immediately after a shock, he glanced at the big bowl of green vegetables he was holding in his hand, and flattened his mouth... I'm not, so don't think about it! !

Has anyone ever seen the queen of which force eat green vegetables and radishes all day, but work more tiring than an old cow?

does not exist at all.

Sonori picked up the green vegetables and put her head in her mouth: "Um, I don't know where those Saiyans got such delicious food. I heard that this green vegetable is called green vegetables. It tastes really good. After eating it, it seems Great for my skin."

"Eat all the time, and work with the old lady after eating."

Sonori yelled, chewing the greens in her mouth.

With the assistance of the original Sonori Adventure Corps personnel, Ivy Star's transaction will proceed smoothly. And with the vigorous publicity from the Cosmos Business Headquarters, almost the entire force in the west of the Northern Galaxy knew that a force named "Sai Fei" had discovered a planet that cultivated human beings, and then publicly sold the seeds of human cultivation.

"Congratulations, our trading planet has been successfully established."

"Hehe, with the cultivation of people trading as the core, and the products of trading companies from nearby planets, Qingteng Star's business types and scale will become more and more rich, and one day it will become a large-scale business planet like Tanger Planet." Aiboa said with a smile, of course, only the trade revenue of Ivy Star could not attract his attention. What he valued was the cooperation with the Saiyans.

"I'm looking forward to that day." Luo Lan chuckled lightly.

Centering on the trade of cultivating people, holding a trade fair every month, and releasing some blank universal capsules at the auction every three to five, the trade of Qingteng Star will gradually be on the right track. If there is any need, it will be traded on Ivy Star.

"Hertz, Sonori, you are responsible for things here. I usually need your attention because I am busy with my practice."

"no problem."

"Okay, I get it now."

Hertz and Sonori nodded in unison.

With such two masters with a combat power of nearly 20,000, plus the Saiyans and a few other Nolais, Qingteng Xing's safety is not a problem at all, and he can practice with peace of mind.

After all, in the eyes of the great forces in the universe, a force of the scale of Qingteng Star seems to be playing a small game and cannot attract their attention at all.


On the meteorite not far from Qingteng Star, a spaceship organized by the Galaxy Patrol was parked in the shadow.

Sophisticated equipment monitors Ivy Star's situation.

Police officer Fasig of the Galactic Patrol Organization has been observing the planet Sarada and the Ivy League for a long time. "These Saiyans seem to be different from the Saiyans of Vegeta, if only to establish a trading planet, It's all within the acceptable range... It's just that the open establishment of power on the planet Sarada will cause turmoil in the surrounding star field..."

Constable Fasger is a spaceman with a big head, and his swirling ear lobes give him excellent hearing, so he can know a lot of information that outsiders don't know.

At the beginning, he was instructed by the Galaxy King to investigate the situation of the planet Sarada. Through this period of observation, the police officer Fasger recorded what he had learned. After analysis, it was found that the Saiyans of the planet Sarada were equally enthusiastic. For fighting, but seems to be a lot more disciplined.

Of course, this is because the Saiyans of the Sarada planet are not strong enough, and Syphilia and Luo Lan have not yet planned to invade other planets.

"Saifei's forces, coupled with the powerful Sonori Adventure Group, don't know what kind of storms will come up. Forget it, let's leave these to Lord Galaxy King to deal with headaches."

Putting all the information together, Fasger got in touch with the headquarters of the Galactic Patrol.

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