In the universe, there are countless forces, big and small. If they all have to be managed by the Galaxy Patrol Organization, they will not be able to manage them at all. Coupled with extremely powerful organizations like the Cosmos Business Headquarters and the Cosmos Killer Organization, even if the Galaxy Patrol Organization is managed carefully, it does not have that strength.

Over time, the prestige of the Galaxy Patrol Organization has gradually decreased.

On the Galactic King's side, after receiving the message from the police officer Fasig, they found that the Saiyans were only developing a commercial planet, so they didn't take it to heart.

"As long as those Saiyans keep themselves safe and don't interfere with other planets, let's develop with them!"

The Galactic King took a step back and let the Saiyans of the Sarada planet develop freely. This is a helpless move after the decline of the Galaxy Patrol Organization. In fact, the current Galaxy Patrol Organization has almost no real masters except for maintaining a "supervisory" name.

"If you can get in touch with Lord Kaiwangshen, how could the Galactic Patrol Organization decline to the point where it is today?"

This generation of Galaxy Kings has never seen the legendary Kaiwang God, but it is said that the establishment of the Galaxy Patrol Organization is related to Kaiwang God, and in the depths of the universe there is a prison dedicated to detaining felons, that is Kaiwang God He personally participated in the construction, because it covered the divine power of Kaio God, so as long as it is a prisoner who is locked in, it is difficult to have a chance to escape.

It's just that I don't know what happened in the last few million years. It seems that the Kaiwang God has disappeared, and there is no news at all. As the spokesperson of the Kaiwang God in the world, the Galaxy Patrol Organization has also declined.

Today, the Galactic Patrol Organization is facing unprecedented challenges, and various forces have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and have gradually escaped the control of the Galactic King.

From time to time, the Galaxy King felt that it would be great if the Galaxy Patrol Organization could return to its previous peak, but when he thought that there were still rubbish like Jake among his police officers, the Galaxy King suddenly felt a little dejected.

A long way to go!

The Galaxy Patrol Organization still maintains the scale of the large organization in the universe, and it is not easy to be eliminated by the times.

Back to the top, the impossible!


Southern Galaxy.

The sphere of influence of Frieza's army, although Frieza only occupies some planets and does not expand like other forces, but in areas where Frieza's army is active, the people of other forces will automatically bypass. There is no way, the vicious name of Weihe when King Kruder was in charge of the Krud Legion was too scary.

Even after Frieza took over, his attitude towards the outside world was much better, but the other forces were also scruples and avoided automatically so as not to get into trouble.

In fact, such a move is the most sensible. Don’t look at Frieza’s usual approach to people, but he seems to be very humble, but in his heart, Frieza is more ruthless than King Crude, and it’s better not to offend him. Once he angered him, the result was extremely terrifying.

The blood splashed three feet and the head was different, it was all light, if Frieza was angry, he would destroy the planet at every turn.

Frieza kills people more ruthlessly than King Crude.

This can be seen from the fact that he did not hesitate to destroy Star Vegeta. Over the years, Frieza's reputation has almost surpassed that of his father, King Crude.


Dodoria is a capable general under Frieza's command. This fat man with more than 20,000 combat power is a red man in front of Frieza. He is often responsible for helping Frieza deal with some things in the legion. Together with Champo, he is considered Frieza. real power in the army.

One day, Dodoria landed on a planet in a spaceship.

Walking out of the hatch, the unpleasant smell in the air made him choke on his nose.

Dodoria glanced coldly at the surrounding environment, her chubby body floated up, pressed the energy detector beside her ear, and a series of floating numbers floated past. Immediately frowned, Dodoria said disdainfully: "Vegeta hasn't wiped out the natives here for so long, it's really useless."

Saying that, Dodoria searched for Vegeta's signal and flew towards the signal source.

He came to find Vegeta this time, mainly because Frieza's army has just recently obtained a batch of fresh cultivator seeds. As a leader in Frieza's army, Vegeta's Saiyan group is of course also eligible. get some. And long ago, Vegeta and the others had been authorized by Frieza to be responsible for Dodoria, so for such an important thing as sending seeds for human cultivation, he needed to go out in person.

"Tsk, it's really unpleasant to think that such a precious seed for human cultivation has to be given to those Saiyan monkeys."

Dodoria thought, approaching Vegeta and the others along the direction indicated by the detector, and soon came to Vegeta's side.

"Dodoria, why is that guy here?"

Noticing Dodoria's pink figure, Vegeta's eyes narrowed, and she speculated on the other party's intention in her heart.

"Hey, Vegeta, long time no see!"

In front of Vegeta, Dodoria restrained her disdain and tried her best to show a pleasant attitude.

"Dodoria, did King Frieza have any orders?" Vegeta sat on the collapsed tree and did not show much enthusiasm for Dodoria's arrival.

A cold light flashed in Dodoria's eyes, but he quickly recovered and said with a smile, "King Frieza knows that you are fighting hard outside, so he specially asked me to send you excellent combat tools."

After speaking, she took out a small white bottle from her pocket, Vegeta took the bottle from Dodoria's hand, opened it, and saw that it was actually ten pea-sized seeds.

"What is this?"

"It is the seed for cultivating people. As long as it is planted in the soil and dripped with nutrient solution, a powerful fighting tool can grow. These seeds have been treated, so you don't have to worry about attacking your own people."

"Oh, so this is the cultivation of human seeds."

A strange look flashed in Vegeta's eyes. Of course, he had heard of the cultivator. When he was a child, he often used the cultivator for training, and the price was relatively expensive.

It's just that Frisat specifically asked Dodoria to send the cultivators over for what, did he really show concern?

Vegeta didn't believe Frieza would be so kind at all, glanced at Dodoria calmly, and handed the human seed to Napa. This sturdy Saiyan warrior didn't know what he had experienced in the past few years. The small stubble of hair on his head began to fall out, and now he is about to become bald.

After getting the seeds of human cultivation, Napa and Raditz were obviously very interested, and stood aside to study it carefully.

"Dodoria, you made a special trip for your hard work."

Vegeta maintained the harmony on the surface, and Dodoria narrowed her eyes: "It's nothing, you Saiyans are the elites of Frieza's army, and good things naturally have your share..."

"By the way, can you let me test your combat effectiveness?"

Suddenly, Dodoria asked the energy detector.

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