Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 110 Dodoria's Plan

"Well, if you want to test, you can test it. Isn't there already the latest data at the headquarters?" Vegeta was stunned for a while, and said indifferently.

Dodoria smiled, "Although the headquarters has the latest data, you Saiyans are a fighting nation, and your combat power is changing anytime, anywhere. I just want to know your situation more clearly."

"Hmph, whatever you want." Vegeta sneered, not caring about Dodoria's actions.

Seeing this, Dodoria smiled and aimed the energy detector at Vegeta for detection. After a few sounds of "dududu", a string of numbers appeared in the lens.


"Wow, it's amazing, your combat power has risen from 4,000 to 5,000 in just one year, tsk, you're so powerful at the age of ten, wouldn't you have to reach 10,000 combat power when you are an adult?! As expected of the Saiyans Genius, it may not take long to surpass your father King Vegeta."

Dodoria was in admiration on the surface, but she was secretly vigilant in her heart.

Vegeta raised her head, her hard face full of arrogance: "Isn't it natural to surpass him?"

Dodoria was stunned and laughed: "Yes, your talent is definitely above King Vegeta."

"Vegeta is the most talented genius among us Saiyans." Napa looked proud. Although there are not many Saiyans left now, the concept of honor and inferiority developed in the past still makes him subconsciously flatter him. Vegeta was dismissive of this on the surface, but in fact, he was very useful in his heart, and already regarded himself as the most talented person among the Saiyans.

Therefore, after being defeated by Sun Wukong, who was a lower-level warrior, the shameless shame was so unacceptable for him.

"By the way, before Planet Vegeta was hit by a meteorite, did your Saiyan clan have some very powerful people out there?" Dodoria asked off the topic.

"No, why are you asking this?" Vegeta frowned.

Dodoria sneered and said, "I was thinking that if there are other Saiyans out there, gathering them together can form a powerful team."

"Yes, it would be nice if there were other clansmen." Napa said seriously.

Vegeta said disdainfully: "Hmph, even if there is, it's just some exiled rubbish. That kind of useless Saiyan living in this world is a shame for Saiyans, it's better to die."

Napa opened his mouth and hesitated, looking at Vegeta's indifferent face, not knowing what to say.

In fact, Napa also hopes to find some clansmen in his heart. If he can revitalize the Saiyan clan, of course it is the best. In the original book, when Napa came to earth and saw the earthlings, the first thing he saw was the idea of ​​multiplying the descendants of Saiyans, but unfortunately the Saiyan prince in front of him did not seem to have such an idea.

"Hahaha, that's really a pity, now there are only four of you reliable Saiyans left, but you have to protect your own safety. If there is any danger, let the cultivation people go, don't take risks!"

Dodoria behaved very kindly, and then showed concern to Vegeta and the others in a warm manner, and flew towards the place where the aircraft landed.

After Dodoria left, Napa was deeply moved: "Mr Dodoria is such a nice person."

"Idiot, so hypocritical, you actually believe it!"

"Ah, is that deceiving?" Napa touched his head, surprised.

Vegeta snorted coldly, "Who knows, there are a few good things in Frieza's army. Dodoria is Frieza's right-hand man. If it's so easy to talk, the sun will come out from the west."

"Then the cultivating seeds he sent over..."

"This should be true. I heard that as long as the right soil is found, the cultivator can grow a combat power of more than 1,000. Anyway, there are ten seeds here, so why not take one and try it."

"1000 combat power, isn't that more powerful than Raditz?"

"That trash!" Vegeta glared at Raditz with dissatisfaction, and Raditz was stared at by Vegeta, but smiled innocently at him.

Vegeta frowned and became even more dissatisfied. This guy Raditz is obviously qualified, but his strength never increases, and he always holds back when performing tasks together. It seems that it is because he was beaten hard enough. He said coldly: "Napa, you and Kaggis should protect him during the battle, and let him taste the taste of being tempered, otherwise how can his strength improve."

"But in this case, Raditz is likely to lose his life, and besides, there are only a few of us Saiyans left in this world..."

Napa was a little worried. Among the four Saiyans in their team, Vegeta was the strongest. He and Kaggis both had close to 3000 combat power. Only Raditz was young and strong. Not strong, if it wasn't for their protection, they would have lost their lives long ago.

"Trash, if you die, you will die."

Vegeta had a look of disdain and no sympathy for people of the same race.

Napa wanted to say something else, but when he met Vegeta's indifferent gaze, he couldn't help but shudder, and a sentence stuck in his throat, "Okay, I see."

Secret thought: Vegeta has become more and more ruthless in recent years.

"Okay, Raditz, Kargis, come here together, and finish the mission of this planet as soon as possible after planting the cultivators. I don't want to stay here anymore."

Vegeta was a little impatient as she stared at the endless ruins.

How can he become stronger after staying on such a weak planet all day!


On the other hand, after leaving Vegeta and their mission planet, Dodoria retrieved the interstellar chart from the spacecraft's navigation, "It seems that Vegeta doesn't know the clues of other Saiyans at all... but from Qiu Judging from the information before the annihilation, there must be very powerful Saiyans in the universe."

"King Frieza entrusted this matter to me, and I must come up with a result that satisfies the king. But the clues ended here..."

Dodoria shook his head in distress. Although Frieza would not lower his opinion of him because of this incident, for Dodoria, who was at the top, he needed to always perform in front of Frieza, so that he could Let Frieza always think highly of him.

At this moment, he glanced at the bottle of planting seeds in front of the cab... an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

Since I couldn't find the trace of the Saiyan who didn't know where, I might as well start from other aspects and show some merit.

"It is said that this seed for cultivating people came from a new trading planet called 'Ivy Star'. What is the power behind that Ivy Star? By the way, it seems to be a power called 'Sai Fei' ...the predecessor was just an adventure group."

"If I can find the whereabouts of the planet that cultivates people for King Frieza, I will definitely make the king very happy."

The more Dodoria thought about it, the more excited she became, and her fat cross-flesh agitated like a water polo.

In his eyes, a mere adventure group hidden in the western part of the Northern Galaxy would be a match for his Lord Dodoria. As long as he came to the door, could the other party obediently tell the whereabouts of Planet Cultivation?

"Hey, don't tell King Frieza first, then give him a surprise!"

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