Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 111 Vacuum Environment

Sarada planet, in the high-gravity training room.

Luo Lan sat on the solid ground, and the surrounding air under the high pressure gave off circles of transparent aura, like fluctuations and phantoms, and there were some strange distortions in his vision.

After a while, Luo Lan opened his eyes abruptly, a stream of light flashed in his dark pupils, and then a burst of energy was released, and the terrifying energy was like a tsunami, rushing towards the surroundings. Suddenly there was a dull low sound, and a whirlwind brought up the thick white dust on the ground and raised it slightly.

With a bang, Luo Lan teleported and disappeared from the gravity chamber, and the figure immediately appeared more than 100 kilometers above the planet Sarada.

This is the middle layer of the atmosphere, the substances in the air are already in a state of ionization, and even the oxygen has become very thin, and further up is the thermosphere, where oxygen basically does not exist anymore.

Luo Lan continued to move up. When he almost reached the escape layer of the atmosphere, the surroundings were already in a vacuum state. For living beings, the oxygen that sustains life activities has completely disappeared, and ordinary life should not be able to survive here. But Luo Lan stayed in outer space for a long time at this time, but his expression was still calm and composed, and there was no hypoxia at all.

If you look closely, you will find that on the surface of Luo Lan's body, there is a layer of constantly circulating arrogance, emitting a faint reddish light.

The brilliance was so thin and faint that it was almost impossible to see, but it was that thin layer of existence that maintained Luo Lan's normal life activities.

"With the understanding and use of vitality, the cells in the body continue to strengthen, relying on the weak circulation of vitality in the body, and now I can stay in space for a short time."

"...If I continue to practice for a long time, the vacuum environment will definitely no longer trouble me."

The improvement of Saiyan's strength is very significant, especially after reaching the Super Saiyan stage, breaking stars and destroying planets seems to happen from time to time, but in comparison, Saiyans themselves cannot survive in a vacuum environment. defects, but they deeply restrict their development.

In high-intensity enemy battles, it is a very fatal thing to be unable to survive in a vacuum environment. If the enemy is a little smarter and avoids frontal combat from the beginning, and then hides in the corner to destroy the planet, then let the super No matter how powerful the Saiyans are, they can only hate the starry sky.

To be fair, if the bosses in the original book want to kill Sun Wukong and the others, they actually only need to destroy the planet.

Of course, Luo Lan can't hope that the enemy has a sentiment to protect the planet.

Just imagine, if a person has cultivated to the level of a powerful Super Saiyan, when dealing with a mere hundreds of thousands of cosmosmen, but because the other party destroys the planet and hates for no reason, how sad it would be.

This kind of thing is very likely to happen, after all, hundreds of thousands of combat power are enough to destroy the planet on which the Saiyans live.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this hidden danger that Luo Lan will work so hard to temper her body and find ways to overcome the vacuum environment.

After such a long period of improvement, the harvest is also quite rich. Luo Lan obtained the ability to survive in a vacuum environment for a short time by simulating the "vigor circulation" on the planet Sarada. Although the time to survive in a vacuum is still not too long, And it needs to continuously consume the vitality in the body to maintain the operation of physiological functions, but at least it can survive, right?

After improving it, Luo Lan felt that one day he could cross the void with his body.

Just like Frieza.

"The control of power is a little more perfect. The use of vitality can really enhance the physical fitness of Saiyans. It is a pity that the role of natural vitality in enhancing the power of the giant ape is still negligible and has no obvious effect."

Luo Lan felt a little regretful in his heart. After working hard for so long, he still couldn't find a very proper way to deal with the "decline trend" of giant ape.

He felt that in order to solve this problem, he needed to decipher the image of the giant ape he had seen.

Unleash the power of the giant ape.

Shaking his head, Luo Lan teleported back to the gravity chamber from outer space.

Turning off the engine of the gravity room, the dark room immediately became translucent, and all the sagging lines caused by gravity disappeared. Luo Lan picked up the wet towel and wiped her face, then opened the hatch and entered the bathroom to take a good bath. hot shower.

Soaked in the warm pool water, all the fatigue on the body seemed to disappear all at once.

"The next practice should be to induce the power of the giant ape deep in the bloodline, and the transformation of the giant ape is actually just a way to induce the power of the bloodline... Sarada planet is the mother planet that gave birth to the Saiyan family. An environment suitable for Saiyans to live and grow, is there any other place in the universe suitable for Saiyans to grow up?"

"Probably not?"

and many more!

At this time, Luo Lan rearranged her thoughts, and suddenly seemed to have a flash of inspiration and thought of something, but such a flash of inspiration was fleeting.

Luo Lan frowned as she recalled, but that glimmer of light could never appear again.

"Forget it, let's go with the flow, the path of ape-like Saiyans should work."

It's not that Luo Lan insists on finding another way. It's not that he doesn't want to take the normal Super Saiyan path, but the problem is that it's not easy to transform into a Super Saiyan. Just the starting combat power of Super Saiyan transformation, Luo Lan cannot be satisfied. Millions of combat power can be achieved so casually.

Before that, he should find a way to strengthen himself in the transition stage between Super Saiyan and normal Saiyan. Fortunately, he now has enough time and energy to do this.

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Lan, who had no other way to deal with the weakness of the giant ape, could only give up thinking temporarily. After soaking in the warmth for a while, he got up to find some food to eat.

Just as Luo Lan was having a meal, Aiboa, the star of Lanna, sent him a message. It turned out that the matter of asking him to find scientific researchers had already come to fruition. A large-scale auction of the universe will soon have a technical race for auction. Aiboa invited Luo Lan to go to the selection, and Luo Lan of course agreed.

After sending a "definitely going" message to Aiboa, Luo Lan put down the communicator.

"Aiboa and the others are quite concerned about this matter."

Just after putting down the communicator, the communication sound of "Di Di Di" rang again, and when I picked it up, it was actually sent by Taisi. The woman hadn't contacted him for a long time, and I don't know how the new book was published.

Luo Lan turned on the communicator, and the virtual image of Taisi's slender Pingting immediately appeared in the void in front of her, with her golden hair fluttering, just like the real thing.

"Luo Lan Luo Lan, I want to walk with you." Taisi's pleasant voice sounded.

Luo Lan said, "Aren't you writing your novel?"

Taisi's mood dropped a bit: "My book is on the street again, and I can't write it at all. I have obviously adjusted the character of the protagonist, but the readers still don't like it."

Luo Lan showed an appearance that was as expected. When he saw Taisi stumbling when writing, he already knew roughly that there would be such a result. Most of the works that appeared with the Carvin phenomenon soon after the book opened, most of them could not be written. When Taisi is able to write well and write smoothly, she will be able to look forward to her works.

"I've seen it long ago, your writing is not good."

Taisi glared at Luo Lan angrily: "Don't hit me, how could I keep running on the street!"

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