
Without any extra sound, a large fireball as dazzling as a star suddenly rose in the outer space of Qingteng Star.

Dodoria's spaceship disintegrated instantly under the bombardment of qigong waves, and turned into powder. After the strong energy impact destroyed the spaceship, it threw pieces of dazzling light, like budding flowers and bones instantly blooming with brilliant colors.

When the smoke disappeared, Dodoria's chubby body was exposed to the vacuum environment, and the pink soft flesh kept squirming. Because of the previous energy shock, Dodoria's body was covered with scars and looked miserable.

Luo Lan's full-strength strike was very fierce. If Dodoria hadn't heard the spaceship's alarm and immediately took precautions, the attack just now would have taken his life directly.

"Damn, it must be someone from Ivy Star, that force called 'Sai Fei', I must make it look good." Dodoria was furious and roared angrily. As one of the few cronies around Frieza, Dodoria has always been pampered, and has never been treated like this.

This reminded him of the encounter on Oron four years ago, which was also attacked in the spaceship, but this time it was obviously much more serious than the last time.

The attack just now made him feel like his life was threatened.

Dodoria floated in the space in embarrassment, calmed down and glanced around, but there was no trace of anyone in his sight.

"Hmph, do you think I can't find it if I hide?" Dodoria pressed the energy detector beside her ear with a sullen face, the anger in her chest could erupt at any time like a volcano, but the detector scanned it again and found nothing. What a powerful energy signal.

"How is it possible, is the detector malfunctioning?"

Dodoria tapped the energy detector suspiciously, but still found nothing. At this moment, an electric light came close to Dodoria's side. Before he could react, a sharp energy blade slashed directly, and the crystal flashes passed by, and blood splashed immediately. .


Dodoria only felt a hint of coolness, and the severe pain soon came from the arm. When he raised his hand, he saw that the left hand had been cut off from under the arm, and the blood spurted out of the big drum!

"Ahhhh!!! My hand!!"

The tragic scream rang out, and even if the vacuum environment could not transmit the sound, Dodoria's distorted face could still see his pain.

"Dodoria!" An ice-cold mental wave entered Dodoria's brain, and the image of a giant ape suddenly appeared in his heart. Dodoria came back to his senses, when he saw a black-haired boy appearing in front of him , The pupils tightened for a while, as if seeing something incredible.

"My God, how could a Saiyan appear in space?!"


Luo Lan silently looked at Dodoria. To be honest, he didn't expect to meet him on Qingteng Star. In the previous shot, he had already destroyed the energy detector in the opponent's ear, and he was unable to communicate with the outside world, but he didn't have to worry about the opponent leaking the Saiyan's information.

Now it's time to deal with the cosmos.

A cold light flickered in his eyes, Luo Lan looked at Dodoria, then teleported close to the opponent's side, and threw an iron fist violently.

The tip of the fist was accompanied by a dark red light, and the attack was in front of Dodoria in an instant.


Dodoria hurriedly blocked Luo Lan's attack with her other hand.

Seeing this, Luo Lan twisted his body and kicked Dodoria's abdomen, followed by another set of attacks in the flash of lightning. A group of blue qigong waves condensed in the palm of his hand, and the attack like a storm struck again.

There was no way for Dodoria to intercept it this time. The terrifying energy bombarded Dodoria directly. The explosion at close range produced an unstoppable shock wave. Dodoria screamed, and the protective battle suit on her body appeared. There was a crack, and it was quickly broken into pieces.

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood was spit out, and Dodoria's expression became particularly hideous, with faint blue veins appearing on her forehead.

"Something's wrong, there are still such masters among the Saiyans. He doesn't look like an adult at all. How can such a Saiyan appear..."

Dodoria looked unbelievable, thinking that Vegeta was already a rare genius among Saiyans, but unexpectedly, a Saiyan who was far stronger than Vegeta appeared. If you only look at his skills, the strength of this Saiyan is no longer under him.

Even when Star Vegeta existed, no Saiyan could match him.

Wait, Dodoria's pupils suddenly dilated, and suddenly he knew: "Could this Saiyan be the murderer who killed Qiu Yi?!"

Thinking of this, Dodoria suddenly realized that everything before was linked together.

We must tell this news to King Frieza.

Dodoria's mind turned quickly.

However, Luo Lan would not give him such a chance. A huge spiritual force spread out obscurely. Luo Lan used the spiritual technique of Arad to interfere with Dodoria's behavior, and at the same time, he stepped forward. A stream of light flashed, and the violent attacks continued to hit like a storm.


After all, Dodoria was a master with more than 20,000 combat power. After experiencing the initial confusion, he quickly straightened his stance and started punching each other with Luo Lan.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"...

Attack after attack echoed in the upper atmosphere.

Each of their collisions caused the sky and the earth to change color, the emerald green Qingteng star's atmosphere was turned upside down, and one super storm swept across the planet.


"I don't know what the above situation is like. This time the enemy is extremely powerful."

Sonori looked up at the sky with her head held high, because they couldn't survive in the universe, Sonori and the others didn't dare to go up to help.

"The battle is very fierce, Luo Lan's combat power is not as good as the opponent's, but fortunately he has a very delicate secret technique, there should be no problem in dealing with it. Judging from the breath, his opponent is also very strong, at least 20,000 combat power." Erz sensed the battle in outer space with a very serious expression.

"You Saiyans can see so far without eyes!" Sonori was surprised.

"I can't see it either, I can only sense it by breath."

"Will Luo Lan be in danger?" Taisi was more concerned about Luo Lan's safety.

"Not for the time being." Herz shook his head, but he was wondering whether to call Syphilia back.

outer space.

Luo Lan had a fierce fight with Dodoria. Because Dodoria cut off one of his hands without paying attention before, it made the next battle a lot easier, but wanted to defeat Dodoria, Still not easy.

Don't look like a fat man, but his movements are very flexible.

The fists collided continuously, and suddenly they collided, and the energy waves surged around like turbulent ocean waves. Internal organs were severely damaged.

"Cough!" A smear of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, Luo Lan groaned, his expression a little uncomfortable.

Luo Lan has only 18,000 combat power so far, and Dodoria had 22,000 combat power at its peak, which was much stronger than the demon Puyi he encountered on Planet Cultivation.

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